132 évaluations
Haydee Workshop Tutorial
De RomanKL
The tutorial explains how to download, upload and update Workshop stuff.
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The Workshop allows modders to upload and update various content for the game and make it available for others. Users may get these mods directly to the game just by subscribing to them.
Getting Started
To upload or update the content user needs to run the editor (edith.exe). In the Tool section two new entries could be found (see the picture below).

Upload Content
Please select Workshop Uploader. The window as on a picture below will pop up.

The modder is required to fill in the Title field and select file(s) to upload.
Note: files should be relevant to the game’s folder. These files should be placed in appropriate directories accordingly.
Other fields are optional.

The example shows the uploading of item with private visibility.
Before the uploading process you should make sure that all files are located correctly allowing him to use it in the game.
Now open Tools-Workshop Uploader.
The next step is to select files necessary for the mod to work and fill in fields.
Note: recent update added functionality for recursive folder addition. Simply select the folder and all its content will be added to the list.

Once all files are added and fields are filled, click Upload button is required to start the process.
If everything goes fine, you should see the window with “Status: Success” message.

Update Content
The user is allowed to update the content he created and subscribed to. To start the process please select “Workshop Updater” under the Tool tab.
Pick the item from the list to update (just double click on it or press Select button).
The Workshop uploader window should show up with fields filled out. Now you can change information and content if needed.
Note: if you are willing to update files of your item, you are required to select ALL files required for the mod even if you just want only one file to be changed (so like you are selecting files for your mod from scratch).

The example explains how to update item created in previous section.
Open Tools-Workshop Updater.
The window with items will pop up. You should be subscribed to the item you created to see it in the list.

After the selecting the item and clicking the corresponding button Uploader form will be shown. It should have information fields filled out. You are free to change any field. If you are not going to change the mod content (i.e. included files) leave the listbox above the Browse button intact. Otherwise, you are required to add all files that belong to the mod.
Press Update button to initiate the process. Like in Uploading example “Status: Success” message is a sign that everything went smoothly.
Note: it may take a while for subscribers to get the updated stuff. If there is no update received by the subscriber, one can force downloading by unsubscribing and subscribing to the item again.
Subscribe To The Workshop Item
In order to subscribe to the item you need to visit game’s workshop page (available at community/workshop). Then check available items by clicking Browse – Items.

By clicking the item, you will be redirected to the item’s page with detailed description. Click Subscribe button.

Once you clicked it, the downloading process should be automatically initiated by Steam client. Depending on the network connection and mod size the downloading time may vary.
8 commentaires
lux 18 nov. 2020 à 18h11 
张洪林 29 sept. 2019 à 23h45 
Scalie Trash 30 juin 2019 à 8h31 
I keep getting an error message when trying to upload an outfit. What can i try to fix this?
I followed the example closely
SEPPUKU 3 nov. 2018 à 7h59 
Slimurgical 14 avr. 2018 à 10h42 
Honey Select is also unoptimized in the sense that it takes too long to load any category on low-tech computers.

Also you can tell they're saying it as a meme, MasterJ360, because it's spelt with with one-two mistakes every word, only they forgot the word hentai.

It is better than most though, because it has actual gameplay. Honey Select is just customizing a female character REALLY well, or customizing a male character REALLY poorly, and then making 'em bone for twenty hours with still not enough options.

Here, you can atleast platform, shoot enemies ,collect items for metroidvania-like design, explore the levels, and outsmart area puzzles.

Hell. it's better than Honey Select because it's just an actual game over Honey Select, which is a simulator with the gameplay of a visual novel and the realistic content depth of a AAA walking simulator.
xXMasterJ360Xx 12 aout 2017 à 11h18 
I don't know about this being the best Hentai game out there. I'd still pick Honey Select over this considering its fully customizable and you can actually do sexual scenes. Its only a pain in the a$$ installing and downloading every single updated mod
Sponchbob 27 juil. 2017 à 3h17 
Beste hentai gaem evrr.
Evolga 10 avr. 2017 à 22h53 
I'm a new blender student and wish to get into modding to test my skills as I develop. Where should I begin to learn how to mod games, like this one?