Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

2,491 ratings
Ground Control 1.10c
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Gamemode
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
File Size
38.931 MB
Nov 16, 2016 @ 11:26am
Jan 16, 2023 @ 5:05am
32 Change Notes ( view )

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Ground Control 1.10c

Check out the game I've released on Steam!

This gamemode requires Customizable Weaponry 2.0, Extra Customizable Weaponry 2.0 and CW 2.0 melee! It will NOT function otherwise!
Make sure those three weapon packs are installed.

This is a MULTIPLAYER ONLY gamemode. It will NOT work in singleplayer.

Gitlab repository[], pull from 'release' branch.

For a list of server console commands, please click here[]

What is this?
Ground Control is a gamemode that focuses heavily on teamwork and lethality of combat.
In this gamemode communication between you and your team mates is crucial in order to succeed.

What does it play like?
Imagine the weapon lethality of ARMA 3 or Insurgency, gunplay similar to Battlefield 3 and tension of Counter-Strike in one package - in other words - it's a blast.

How many people should I play this with?
The gamemode plays best with 8 players on each team (any more and it's a meatgrind), however you're free to bump the player limit all the way up to 32 players (or even higher, if you're feeling lucky), since it should be more fun with more people.
The gamemode is well-optimized, and during playtests I had no trouble running the server at a tickrate of 128 with 20 people on the server, on the same computer that I also played it on. (i5 4670, 8gb of ram)

What maps can I play this on?
By default CS:S maps are supported, however you can easily add support for various other maps.

What are the features?
- Uses my Customizable Weaponry 2.0 base, which went through a lot of bug-fixes and improvements specifically due to development of this gamemode
- Section-based armor system - an armor vest only protects your torso
- 4 game types
- Stamina & movement affectors
- Weight system
- Suppression
- Configurable loadouts - no classes, the gear you pick determines what your 'class' is
- Custom footstep sound system
- Bleeding
- Radio system with multiple voice-overs
- Cash and Experience progression
- Disarming via dealing damage to arms
- Traits (aka Perks), these have been designed to not have a direct effect on gameplay (ie. no perks of 'increase damage dealt', 'decrease damage taken', 'increase health', etc. types)
- Minimal health regeneration
- On-screen hint system for new players, so that they can get into the gamemode quick
- Supports Prone Mod

Game types
- Attackers VS Defenders style
- No respawns
- Win conditions: capture one of all available objective points or kill the enemy team

Urban Warfare:
- Both teams try to capture one point.
- Teams respawn in waves when the point is captured in the wave, the timer runs out or one of the teams is killed; players that stayed alive during the wave do not respawn.
- Win conditions: drain enemy tickets down to 0

- Attackers VS Defenders style
- No respawns
- Defenders need to protect both points from the attackers, and they cannot stray too far from their starting area.
- Win conditions: capture one of all available objective points or kill the enemy team

Stamina & movement affectors
Actions like running and jumping use up your stamina, which in turn will make you run slower.
Your maximum stamina is also determined by your health - if you're low on health, you'll also be low on stamina.
Sprinting sideways or backwards will be slower than sprinting forward.

Weight system
Equipping a lot of gear will make you run out of stamina very quickly and movement will make more noise.
This makes players prioritize whether they want to go for heavy armor and heavy weapons to be safe, or pick a lighter loadout which would let them run quickly for a longer period of time.

Configurable loadouts
Players are able to pick what their primary and secondary weapons are, how many bandages, spare magazines they wish to carry, and what armor vest they want to wear.
The weight from all those objects adds up and affects the player as mentioned before.

Custom footstep sound system
The sound of your footsteps is affected by both your movement speed and the amount of gear you are wearing.
The higher the weight of your loadout, the noisier you will be.

Radio system
A total of 18 radio commands means that players will be able to respond to most situations without having to use voice chat or type into chat.
A total of 3 voiceovers means that there is enough variety to avoid repetitiveness.
Why use voice chat when you can just mark the position of an enemy with a radio command?

Whenever a bullet lands close, you get shot or begin bleeding - your adrenaline levels will begin increasing.
The higher your adrenaline level is, the more difficult it will be to fire precisely when aiming down the sights.
On the flip side of the coin, a high adrenaline level will allow you to run faster than usual and make hip fire more accurate.

Whenever a player has their primary weapon equipped and takes a lot of damage to their arms, they will drop their primary weapon and be unable to pick them back up.

Cash and Experience
You receive cash and experience for multiple actions. Cash is used to unlock new weapon attachments and perks, while experience passively unlocks additional attachment slots.
Actions that are more teamwork oriented get you more experience, while actions that involve less input from your team mates award you more cash.
Be careful not to shoot your team mates though, as you lose a lot of money and experience for doing so.

Traits (aka Perks)
Traits were made specifically to not affect the gameplay directly.
Instead you have traits that modify your suppression tolerance and other factors. Their boost is also minimal, they won't provide 50% boosts to a specific aspect.

Minimal health regeneration
Health does not regenerate, unless you were hit in a protected part of your body, in which case you only regenerate the amount of damage that the armor negated, which is minimal in most cases, due to blunt trauma.

For developers/server owners
It is very easy to add more CW 2.0 weapons to the gamemode, all you'll need to do is make sure your server is running a specific weapon and then call several functions in sh_loadout.lua
Please follow this link to view example weapon code[]

Kenboy - footstep sounds
Cry of Fear - breathing sounds
Xtrullor - round start track
PAYDAY 2 - last man standing stinger
tayley - australian voice over
Shinden - american voice over
Adrian - ghetto voice over
My brother - russian voice over
a cheeky yena - radio on/off sounds
FA:S 2.0 - bandaging sounds
mav, Memelin - FA:S 2.0 IFAK model on GMod's c_hands rig

If I left someone out in the credits, rest assured I take no credits for your work.

If you would like to contribute in some way (in particular round start/finish music tracks, UI icons, maps specific for this gamemode, etc.), please leave a comment on here.
Popular Discussions View All (64)
Dec 29, 2023 @ 3:08am
IP addresses of servers running the gamemode
ласковый ушлёпок
Jan 31, 2023 @ 1:56pm
Could I use Ground Control as a base for a Metal Gear Online Gamemode?
Dec 12, 2022 @ 2:04am
Custom maps
ThePiroman Mar 17 @ 5:11am 
gc_voicemenu or something like that in the console
kirik1222 Mar 16 @ 7:05pm 
[f3] - voice selection menu | Not work
ThePiroman Feb 13 @ 3:17am 
DDDDDDDD Feb 11 @ 9:25am 
I dont know which kind of people will play this mod.Can't you buy a COD or just download a CS2 on your PC?This mod is really boring. Game will be extremely boring once changed into this gamemod.
ThePiroman Jan 22 @ 9:24pm 
increase number of rounds and change the varriable of gc_rounds console command
RoBuxKiller2016 Jan 22 @ 7:56pm 
How to off vote? I mean i dont need to change map or gamemode
女儿 Jan 5 @ 6:19am 
If you have lua ERROR using this on any server, there is no need to update something, you have two way to prevent this:

1.Right click Garry's Mod in library, change the beta to x86-64, then restart gmod
2.Tell the server owner that he need to update the server, it will fix the problem

The reason why it cause the error is because the hotfix today.
FudgeBomb Nov 29, 2023 @ 1:56am 
elladoros Nov 26, 2023 @ 11:14am 
whats with the fart sound effects when a player die
ThePiroman Sep 29, 2023 @ 1:30pm 
sad but true