[SFM] A Shattered Dream - Saxxy Awards 2016 Extended/Drama
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"Unfortunately due to time restrains and SFM's relentless crashing and corrupting of files, this movie is still in a work-in-progress state and is missing the finale. However if you like this movie, please vote for my entry, and like/comment stating you'd like to see it completed.

This is the sequel to A Fragile Dream from Saxxy Awards 2013, a nominee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPwicwFW3kY

Please help support this channel by becoming a patron https://www.patreon.com/kungfubellydancer


Music is "Everything from Above" by Temple Invisible, used with written permission.

Kungfubellydancer - Story/Animations
Patrick Hunt - Models, assistance, music "Tremor" https://www.youtube.com/user/xpatrickhunt
Maxxy - Enhanced Soldier http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=293617102
Noodlebox - Tentacle
Apples - Butterfly http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=781275300&searchtext=butterfly
Sam Spielberg - Voice
My Sister (and me) - Live action reference shots
Zombiller - scenebuild models http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=529777792&searchtext=wall

All other content Valve and SFM DLC"
Коментарів: 33
SqueeBat 16 листоп. 2016 о 12:16 
Your videos are always art. The lighting is always so on point, the animation is smooth, and there's always strong emotion in such limited time frames. Great work!
rest in peace mom.... 16 листоп. 2016 о 5:19 
this is so beautiful
ProfessorComs 15 листоп. 2016 о 16:54 
Titties :dealwithit:
sigmar_male07 15 листоп. 2016 о 16:51 
Nope, we'll deny you another saxxy.
Phil Roy the Noodle Boy 15 листоп. 2016 о 12:19 
Holy shit
Pender 14 листоп. 2016 о 9:09 
Y'got my vote, cant wait to see the finished version, GL in the saxxies!
Nothus 13 листоп. 2016 о 17:03 
This is really good. I hope you're able to complete it.
TrickyGuy 13 листоп. 2016 о 13:14 
This video might actually win :D
Keepon older (5/19) 13 листоп. 2016 о 9:54 
and i thought you was 'dead' (internet-wise), haven't seen your animations in a while. Good luck with Saxxies :2016butterfly:
Tlplntr 13 листоп. 2016 о 8:12 
That was good