Redout: Enhanced Edition
47 ψήφοι
How to set custom resolution and/or windowed mode
Από The Real HELLCAT
A quick guide on how to set a custom resolution and/or enable windowed mode via the game's configuration files as the in-game menus lack the options for this.
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Setting resolution settings
This is a quick how-to of how to set a custom resolution and/or enable windowed mode.

At the time of writing this, you need to do this by editing the configuration file as the in-game menus lack the options of setting these values.
Sounds harder than it is ;-)

  • First, find the following file:

  • Open the file in your favourite text editor.

There is two sections/blocks of values that are of interest now:
ResolutionSizeX=1600 ResolutionSizeY=900 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=1600 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=900
FullscreenMode=2 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=2 PreferredFullscreenMode=2

The names of the values are pretty self explanatory, with the first block of values you set the resolution you want to have and with the second one you set the fullscreen/windowed mode.

With the resolution, set it for both value pairs, the "ResolutionSize...." ones as well as the "LastUserConfirmedResolutionSize...." ones.

It gets a bit more interesting with the screenmode settings.
First off, set all three values to the same setting, possible values are:
  • 0 - Fullscreen
  • 1 - Borderless Window "Fullscreen"
  • 2 - Windowed

Save the file, launch the game and enjoy, that's it :-)
23 σχόλια
The Real HELLCAT  [Δημιουργός] 27 Νοε 2017, 9:40 
If setting the resolution via in-game UI, or directely via the INI files as described above, doesn't work, the devs need to update the game to support higher resolutions. Though, I think it *should* work, but I haven't tried yet, maybe I'll give this a shot later.
Seňor Dee 26 Νοε 2017, 9:52 
Anyone can help me. Just bought this game and hignhest resolution when the game works is 1920*1080. I want it in 2560*1440.I got Nvidia gtx 1080.
Limygeorge 12 Σεπ 2017, 7:22 
Chase Giobery said " but what does this mean:

I have the same question. ResolutionSizeX= and ResolutionSizeY= were both already at the correct values (2560x1440).

The game looks OK to me (GTX 1080ti. CPU i5 3570@4.7Ghz OC) But that's normal mode.
I now have the Occulus bundle so will try, but want to figure this out first.

Anyone happen to know?
fla56 3 Σεπ 2017, 3:38 
Arrgh no multimonitor support?

Come on guys, we are your high-end users / early adopters...
Quad849 1 Ιαν 2017, 18:06 
I want to update my previous comment, using "borderless window" I was able to run triple monitor, the FOV needs some adjustment tho, yet, none of the conventional FOV edits for the unreal engine seems to work for redout, and I found constantly set to "lock" to the .ini file because redout likes to redo the changes I make, my windows is clean, i just instaled origin and steam 2 days ago and I have nothing else other than 7zip installed and the nvidia drivers.
The Real HELLCAT  [Δημιουργός] 1 Ιαν 2017, 8:38 
The multi monitor resolution thing seems to be a limitiation of the game or it's engine. We'd need an update of the game to explicitaly support this, it seems....
Quad849 1 Ιαν 2017, 7:15 
Yup, this doesn't for for triple displays, doesnt matter what value, anything higher to 1920x1080 stays as 1920x1080, strange enough, the game expands to the 3 displays when in "windowed" mode, but as soon I set it back to fullscreen, it stays in 1 single screen.
NghtFox17 26 Νοε 2016, 12:46 
The file folder [] is not showing up. The game gets to the splash screen, and quits responding (according to Task manager), this happens even after waiting 20 minutes before hitting Ctrl+alt+del to get to Task Manager.

Any thoughts?
Marz Redd 18 Σεπ 2016, 1:23 
@tkonicz - the redout folder is located in the Local folder. After opening AppData you should look for Local, then look for redout.
Heie 17 Σεπ 2016, 12:06 
my is:

but what does this mean:
