Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm

173 lượt đánh giá
How to deal with/use Infiltrators and Detectors
Bởi Akfiz
The enemy attacks you with infiltrated troops and you do not know how to counter them ? Since you cannot shoot them back you find it frustrating that you don't have the solution of how to deal with them ? This guide has the solution. Or you already know all about infiltration and detection but you just want to improve your knowledge about them ? This guide has the solution. A list with all the infiltratiors as well as all the detectors in the game, as well as some comments and explainations about them.
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Ever since the 2nd expansion Dark Crusade came out the infiltration mechanics changed. If in Dawn of War Vanilla and Winter Assault infiltrated units were unable to attack while infiltrated, it's not the case anymore for Dark Crusade and Soulstorm. This made the infiltration and detection element of the game much more important, and sometimes game-changing.

Basically you have 2 types of units: Infiltrators - that can infiltrate, and Detecors (or Spotters) that can detect infiltrated units. Once an infiltrated unit is spotted all other units can see it and shoot it, but if it gets out of the detectors' line of sight (or if the detector dies) the unit is invisible again. If the enemy has an infiltrator and is attacking you with it having a detector is imperative as an undetected infiltrator can sometimes break a battle.

In the following sections I'm going to present you all infiltrators and detectors for all races, knowledge is power battle-brother, with some notes about the whole race or the specific infiltrator/detector units as well, beware them and use them.
Space Marine - Great inflitrator, beware snipers! especially in high numbers.
Worry about infiltration vs them ? HIGH. Skull Probes won't do much, scouts can be infiltrated and equiped with snipers which can be devastating in high numbers, especially if the enemy doesn't have a detector.
  • Scouts get infiltration with Scout Infiltration Research from HQ. Tier 1.5.
  • Skull Probe gets infiltration with Skull Probe Infiltration Research from HQ. Tier 2.
Ork - Poor infiltrator, anti-vehicle infantry and builders ?!
Worry about infiltration vs them ? LOW. Gretchin are builder units that can't deal damage. Tankbustaz are anti-tanks, but by the time they come out/are needed chances are you'll already have a powerful detector in your army.
  • Gretchins get infiltration with Gretchin Infiltration Research from HQ. Tier 1.
  • Tankbustaz gets infiltration with Tankbustaz Infiltration Research from HQ. Tier 2.
Eldar - Great infiltrator, second only to Tau, beware rangers! And the webway gate can be a pain.
Worry about infiltration vs them ? HIGH. Eldar is insane! Mostly due to the rangers. They have the "Fleet of Foot" ability to back them up making them powerful foes when used correctly. And the webway gate is extremly tactical.
  • Rangers get infiltration with Ranger Infiltration from Barracks. Tier 1.
  • Webway Gate and nearby buildings get infiltration with Shroud Research from the Webway Gates, and activates the infiltration "Shroud", it's not auto but has a turn off/on button. Tier 1.
Chaos - Good infiltrator but only late game.
Worry about infiltration vs them ? MEDIUM. Sure their scouts and their main infantry can infiltrate, but that only happens in tier 2 and tier 3. So by the time it happens, you'll already have the detectors.
  • Cultists get infiltration with Cultist Infiltration Skill from Armoury. Tier 2.
  • Chaos Marines get infiltration with Chaos Marine Infiltration Skill from Armoury. Tier 3.
  • Chaos Lord's Tainted Auspex Ability already has infiltration. Tier 1.
Imperial Guards - Poor infiltrator, only 1 unit, cannot make a significant difference.
Worry about infiltration vs them ? LOW. The Imperial Guards have only 1 unit that can infiltrate. And while that assassin can do a lot of damage in your army by assassinating the hero, the assassin unit is available in tier 3 when you already have lots of detectors.
  • Vindicare Assassin gets infiltration with Infiltration Research from Armoury. Tier 3.
Tau - Amazing infiltrator, 4 units that already have infiltration.
Worry about infiltration vs them ? HIGH. 4 infiltrators and none needs infiltration research. One of them is the only infiltrated vehicle in the game. Do I need to say more ?
  • XV15 Stealth Team already has infiltration. Tier 1.
  • Tau Commander's Snare Trap Ability already has infiltration. Tier 1.
  • Devilfish Troop Carrier already has infiltration. Tier 2.
  • Drone Squad's Burrow Ability already has infiltration. Tier 2.
Average infiltrator - only the Necron's ability, whether is good or insignificant is highly situational.
Worry about infiltration vs them ? LOW. The "Veil of Darkness" artifact can make the Necron Lord and the Necron units nearby invisible, if you fight against an army with few detectors infiltrated necrons can be a pain, otherwise better take something else.
  • Necron Lord and nearby friendly units and buildings get infiltration as long as the Necron Lord has at least 50% health with Veil of Darkness Research from Armory. Tier 3.
Average infiltrator - the infiltrared melee scouts are a pain early-game, but that's about it.
Worry about infiltration vs them ? LOW-MEDIUM. With only 1 infiltrator they're pretty low, it's low-medium and not simply low is because these infiltrators are available early in the game, making for a powerful rush or scout decap, simply put they are effective scouts.
  • Mandrake get infiltration with Mandrake Infiltration Research from Barrack. Tier 1.
Poor infiltrator - Much like Imperial Guards, only 1 unit that's Tier 3.
Worry about infiltration vs them ? LOW. They only have 1 infiltrated unit that is tier 3. The Death-Cult Assassin is great against Tier 3 infantry and unattached commanders. They work great with melee units that can keep them unnoticed and provide them meat shields.
  • Death-Cult Assassin already has infiltration. Tier 3.
All turrets and listening posts are detectors for all races as well as:
Getting early detectors: MODERATELY DIFFICULT. The earliest detectors they have, besides turrets and listening posts, are Skull Probes. Without them your army is doomed to be unable to fire back at the enemy infiltrated units.

Getting early detectors: EASY. Unlike Skull Probe, you'll get your first detector very early in the game. Usually after you built the barracks Big Mek is amonst the first queue ups, a fine harasser too.

Getting early detectors: AVERAGE. Not as easy as Orks but not as Hard as SM. For SM, the main purpose of the Skull Probe is usually spotting, while the Eldar Guardians' Warlock is a warrior too.

Getting early detectors: MODERATELY EASY. Not simply easy due to 1 factor: cultists are not that good. Orks' first spotter Big Mek is a seconary hero unit, cultists beside scouting are mostly useless.

Getting early detectors: DIFFICULT. The Imperial Guards, basically the worst faction when it comes to infiltration in the game have only 1 spotter (if we don't take into account HQ's spotting ability) that requires Tactica Control (tier 1.5).

Getting early detectors: EASY. Vespids can be queued up as soon as the game starts and you have the Tau Barracks constructed. They are also very powerful units for tier 1 and great harassers.

Getting early detectors: EASY. Necrons have detectors when the game starts. Necron's builders (Scarabs) are also detectors. You need Scarabs for everything and Wraiths come in handy very often.

Getting early detectors: EASY. Dark Eldar's first spotter is actually a soul power ability not a unit. A soul power ability that can be applied to any unit you have and will grant them detection for 30 seconds.

Getting early detectors: EASY. The Missionary can be queued up as soon as a game starts. He is also a good scout and support unit and can be attached to a squad.
29 bình luận
engineer gaming 18 Thg10, 2023 @ 5:16am 
how does the wraith detect? im trying to find these bloody eldar webway gates and i wanna get necron detectors to actually progress through the campaign
zlloyd1 3 Thg06, 2023 @ 8:27pm 
Just to be clear, I was talking about 'Dark Crusade'....
Also not sure why EVERY TIME I login, I have to get a code from my Email to prove who I am!!
zlloyd1 3 Thg06, 2023 @ 8:21pm 
Yes, it's an older game, but I just got it and I was trying to take an area controlled by Tau on the campaign map, which turned out to be next to impossible because almost ALL of their units were invisible somehow. Even their vehicles were coming into my base stealthed so I couldn't fight them. On top of the fact that they seemed to have an endless supply of units, coming from all sides. I finally ended up giving up on taking that tile until the Orcs took it from them and it was more realistic. At least the Orcs were not all invisible!!
QWEEDDY2 27 Thg05, 2023 @ 5:40pm 
You can kill infiltrators same as supposed to be invincible neutral NPCs (scripted neutral enemies). Attack on area by artillery or abilities like orbital strike. While orbital is tok much, there area effect more suitable (strike from IG general)

You can kill neutral chaos cjltists in original DoW campaign in few missions they are present. No need to sturm temple gates against Defilier and fight heretic IG squads. Scripts stilo work by the way.
jadedkratosttv 14 Thg09, 2022 @ 1:00am 
@Your Wife's Son tell me why I so need a cute girl my age? I never wanna hear you say "I have a boyfriend"
Templar 9 Thg05, 2022 @ 1:50pm 
it appears the orks are too fucking scared to fight you head on, so they use stupidly op shit to attack you from long range
The Ultramarine 20 Thg12, 2021 @ 6:10pm 
Being IG isn't that hard when it comes to Infiltrated enemies, usually a Turret works or a pskyer. I mainly use the Long Range Scanner and sometimes I don't even need detectors. I just need to look where the infiltrated enemies are, which usually follows with an Earthshaker round to the face! Or a grenade from a grenade launcher or a shell from a Baneblade!!!!
Burn in heaven 24 Thg08, 2021 @ 10:41am 
because of turrets i stopped useing crack and got my life turned around. i have a great job in the sims now.
Coffe 18 Thg07, 2021 @ 8:30pm 
อินเซล It's because you're not playing the tabletop yet.
Hung Chinese exchange student 3 Thg07, 2021 @ 6:43am 
Tell me why I'm stuck as a virgin with rage