366 ratings
Cataph's Lance Formation
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Jun 30, 2016 @ 12:24am
Feb 27, 2017 @ 1:27pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Cataph's Lance Formation

In 1 collection by Cataph
Cataph's stable mod collection
33 items
-- works with Norscan patch --

Now that Lance formation is in official service, this pack is now converted to apply the official Lance to the units that for some reason didn’t have it, such as melee cav (questing, grail guardians) and flying cav (pegasi and hippos).

Old pictures in the gallery are left there for the old times' sake.

Ever dreamt of taking your trusted LANCE Knights, putting them in a sharp LANCE formation and drive them with their strong LANCES into the enemy formation where they could LANCE people to death with their own LANCES while in a LANCE formation, singing merry hymns about how LANCEY their LANCES are?
Me neither*. But now you can anyhow, in case you were suddenly considering it.

The wedge formation is reinstated and all Bretonnian Knights (well, not characters, it would be silly for a lone guy to form a wedge, wouldn’t it.) can now properly form up in a lore-friendly Lance formation with which they can tactically stab** enemy armies into submission.

*I lie, I wanted this since day 1.
**we’ll just pretend it’s a sophisticated tactic to charge people head-on while in a pointy formation. Bretonnians are quite touchy about it and will get unbearingly loud when explaining it’s not that straight-forward, so for the love of Myrmidia: shhhhh and applaud them.

What it does:
- Wedge formation to all existing Bretonnian Knight units (short list, actually).
- +20% charge speed and +10% charge bonus, +2 Ld (simulates rank bonus).
- custom skill icon.

Stats shouldn’t be overly strong or too weak, considering older games also applied acceleration/speed debuffs as well and that by TT it only added on the number of hitting models.

It WILL be used by the AI as well. So pepper your angus for bretonnian charges.
And yes, I have a fetish for testing stuff against dwarfs. They’re just too fun to watch when they’re knocked all over the place.

Compatible and save-safe with practically anything I reckon, and can be easily be retrofitted by modders on their own added bret units.

Expected FAQs:
- I will not apply this to imperial knights or other stuff as Bretonnians are the only ones that do this stuff by lore, as silly as that may sound. You can easily do it on your own.

To Wakelessrex for showing the way as I was too blind to see the proper table in the assembly kit.
(I would appreciate that you credited him as well if you were to include this for your own units.)
To Prater (check out his version) for contributing in fixing the campaign issue.

This said, check out this collection too see what's surely compatible.
stofffe92 Feb 22, 2019 @ 1:16am 
There doesn't really seem to be any similar mod for flying units like Pegasus Knights nor Hippogryph Knights for TW2 so it is a shame that one cannot use lance formation for one's flying units in the second game. :(
stofffe92 Feb 22, 2019 @ 1:15am 
This mod should be available for Total Warhammer 2 as well. But it isn't. That is a crime that the Lady cannot abide by. Could you please add it to TW2? <3
terminal_ Dec 9, 2017 @ 1:34pm 
I rated this up just because of the description.
Theobald Mar 13, 2017 @ 12:13am 
Quick suggestion, what about giving it to some non-bretonnian units ? (Blood Dragons...)
Thank you for the mod anyway !
pleeb2 Mar 7, 2017 @ 11:01pm 
Thank you Cataph. For your months of service to the Crown.

Adding it to the melee cav is a nice touch, so it's nice to know this is still serving a purpose. I'm not sure how this formation would work for fliers or a unit of just 4 creatures, but I can roll.

Even if you ever stop updating it, this deserves to be left up. For the nostalgia, and as a reminder of our ability to notice and efforts to correct problems with games. Even games we love. And as a reminder how a few people will go out of the way to things slightly more enjoyable for a bunch of complete strangers.

These screenshots are also just so precious.
Cataph  [author] Feb 19, 2017 @ 4:42am 
So, it seems that CA finally stopped being a coven of imperial lackeys and are going to give Lance to most bret knights. So this mod would become redundant on the 28th, after eight months of loyal service.

However, I'm probably going to keep it here for lolz and other means, be it to nerf the official effect if necessary or simply to apply the Lance to modded units.
Herrick Feb 16, 2017 @ 9:56pm 
Can the AI do this too?
Quesadilla Dec 18, 2016 @ 2:57pm 
@Cataph Oh my gosh.. That second image caught me off guard. I laughed so hard I almost choked on my coffee. Great mod and loved that 2nd image!
Cataph  [author] Dec 16, 2016 @ 1:05am 
@Ryu Doubt I can't tell you much that isn't already showing in the tables, especially not knowing what you wanna do.

@=[NK]= Col. Jack O'Neil Try them. Stats are not everything, without some micro you might disengage more slowly.
=[NK]= Col. Jack O'Neil Dec 15, 2016 @ 7:38pm 
Is there a negative to putting them in lance formations?? Seems like it's all bonus'