Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Men of War: Assault Squad 2

64 ratings
prokrovkha \ kursk COOP campaign. with voice acting! BSM Required
File Size
2.099 GB
May 26, 2016 @ 7:07am
Mar 1, 2021 @ 9:55am
14 Change Notes ( view )

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prokrovkha \ kursk COOP campaign. with voice acting! BSM Required


Have fun. The mod is called Prokorovka in the mod browser in game.

Campaign is based on Kursk. Here is the wiki of the first mission. the 3rd mission called. Norther Railyard is not complete. yet. SO dont bother playing it. I will complete it soon. For now enjoy :junction, prokrovoka, Citadele. Play With Fog of War Heroic for a true iron cross award.

Awesome thanks to Raul and Microsoft man for the voice acting. as well as anyone else involved.

In total, about 500 tanks and self-propelled guns of the 5th Guards Tank Army attacked the positions of the II SS-Panzer Corps on 12 July, doing so in two massive waves, with 430 tanks in the first echelon and 70 more in the second.

Down from the slopes in front of Prokhorovka, the massed Soviet armour charged with five tank brigades of the 18th and 29th Tank Corps, firing as they came at Leibstandarte's positions. As the Soviet tanks rolled down the slopes, they carried the men of the 9th Guards Airborne Division on their hulls. The troops of Leibstandarte were not slated to go into action until later in the day. Exhausted from the previous week's fighting, many were just starting their day at the outset of the attack and were largely taken by surprise. As the Soviet armour appeared, German outposts all across the corp's frontage began firing purple warning flares signaling a tank attack. Obersturmbannführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop, commander of a panzer company under the 1st SS-Panzer Regiment, stated that he knew at once a major attack was underway. He ordered his company of seven Panzer IVs to follow him over a bridge across an anti-tank ditch. Crossing the bridge they fanned out on the lower slope of Hill 252.2. On the crest of the hill, Sturmbannführer Joachim Peiper's 3rd Panzergrenadier Battalion of the 2nd SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment were being overrun. As Ribbentrop's tanks spread out, he and the 1st SS-Panzer Regiment were suddenly confronted by Soviet tanks of the 29th Tank Corp's 31st and 32nd Tank Brigades: "About 150–200 meters in front of me appeared fifteen, then thirty, then forty tanks. Finally there were too many of them to count." The Soviet armour, firing on the move, charged down the western slopes of Hill 252.2 into the panzer company, and a hotly contested tank battle ensued.[130] Four of the Panzer IVs under Ribbentrop were destroyed by the time their position was overrun.[134] The three surviving tanks rode along with the advancing Soviet armour unnoticed, and they reported that they destroyed 14 Soviet tanks from close range. Rotmistrov's tactic to close at high speed disrupted the control and co-ordination of the Soviet tank formations and also greatly reduced their accuracy. In a three-hour battle, the 1st SS-Panzer Regiment engaged the attacking Soviet tanks and repulsed them, reporting that they destroyed about 62 Soviet tanks. Later that afternoon, tanks from the 31st Tank Brigade and the 53rd Motorized Brigade overran elements of the 1st SS-Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion and reached Komsomolets State Farm, threatening Leibstandarte's lines of communication and the division command post, located at Hill 241.6. The Soviet tanks attacked the division's 1st SS-Panzer Artillery Regiment, killing a number of the crews before they themselves were destroyed by direct fire and anti-tank teams.

Wittman's group of four Tigers supported the reconnaissance group in its effort to protect Leibstandarte's left flank, and faced the 18th Tank Corps' advancing 181st Tank Brigade. In a three-hour battle the Tigers engaged the Soviet tanks at ranges from 1000 meters down to point-blank, inflicting heavy losses on the Soviet tankers and successfully repelling their attack. Later, elements of the 170th Tank Brigade engaged the 1st SS-Panzer Regiment, which was already fighting the 31st and 32nd Tank Brigades. Despite losing its commander and about 30 tanks in the fight, by early afternoon the 170th Tank Brigade had forced the 1st SS-Panzer Regiment back to the October State Farm and reached the position of the 1st SS-Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion.[140] At around 18:00, the 170th and 181st Tank Brigades penetrated the German line connecting Totenkopf and Leibstandarte. Assault guns and panzers supporting Totenkopf's Eicke regiment repelled the Soviet attack and re-established the line, forcing the Soviet tanks to withdraw to the village of Andreevka.

The advance of Soviet armour down Hill 252.2 was disrupted abruptly when they reached the anti-tank ditch at the base of the hill. A number of tanks crashed into the 15-foot deep ditch while others moved along the edge looking for a way to cross. Heavy fire was exchanged between the Soviet tanks and two companies of a panzergrenadier battalion on the opposite side of the ditch. Peiper's surviving panzergrenadiers engaged the Soviet infantry and attacked the Soviet tanks with magnetic anti-tank grenades. Twenty of his battalion's half-tracks were lost in the fighting, some destroyed in ramming the much heavier Soviet tanks in an effort to stop them.Eventually, due to heavy Soviet pressure and dangerously exposed flanks, Leibstandarte tactically withdrew from the October State Farm and established firmer defensive lines 1 kilometre to the south.


Credits to ASSAULT contact 2 for there entitites. which are used in citadelle. and to gen stoichev for updating GSM to work on recent version. AS well as Blubor2k who is the original creator of GSM.

They are amazing and i thank you for your time and effort in creating them.
Gen_Stoichev Feb 27, 2021 @ 4:08pm 
Im very hapy to seen this mod in action again ! Now we will be able to correct our mistake and Heroic Club to play coop this great mod !:morphine::steamhappy::steamthumbsup:
Mosesjns  [author] Feb 27, 2021 @ 1:10am 
Updated the mod and it works. Requires the BSM mod. Have fun all. Also i removed a bunch of mines from the last mission to increase stabilitiy. The start of map contains the most mines now.
ɃÏ₳ŁĐÏ₡ May 3, 2019 @ 5:07am 
love this mission
Aye Captain! Apr 20, 2019 @ 9:26pm 
i love your missions
[AT] Eranshahr pushtigban Jul 12, 2018 @ 9:19am 
could you make a link to GSM mod?
[AT] Eranshahr pushtigban Jun 26, 2018 @ 2:05pm 
Could someone tell me, what is GSM?
CH_P Mar 31, 2017 @ 9:59am 
кривые стволы у танков и самоходов
Mosesjns  [author] Mar 21, 2017 @ 3:25pm 
@ stephan, its just for looks man, if he had a flare gun you could use it. And mission would be to easy so for now its just for looks. and same with MG mount sadly.
Limpy Mar 14, 2017 @ 7:57am 
This mod is one of the best ones ever made for MOW:AS2. Its gold, Jerry! GOLD! Although I do have some questions. How do you use the radio for the artillery spotter? Is that motherfunker (haha) even intended to be used or is it just there for the sake of realism/for show? Same goes for the MG-mount, but I cant figure out. Otherwise, this is pure awesomeness. Please continue doing missions because they rock!