Ostrich Island

Ostrich Island

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"Paparazzi" Locations Guide
By Dinopunk
This guide will help you find every item on the photo checklist for the "Paparazzi" achievement.
Welcome to my Paparazzi achievement guide. This is a rare achievement as of the publication of this guide, just 0.63% of people who own this game have it! This acheivement can be very difficult and has a lot of absolutely ridiculous requirements that you must first complete before you unlock it... including obtaining the camera item itself first.

Do that if you haven't already, it's in the first stage.

Here are some tips to get you started:
  • You need to BE CLOSE to what you're taking a photo of. If it's just in the background it probably won't get counted.
  • If you pick up a rare collectible before taking a photo, the collectible will be available in The Nest where you may take a picture later.
  • You have a limited number of photos before you will need to trade in 1 gold egg for more. Don't be wasteful unless you have a crazy number of gold eggs!
Item Locations
The list looks daunting, but there's a TON of things on it that are extremely common that you will run into during the regular course of the game. These items appear on either every level or almost every level, so they should not be that hard to check off:
  • Tropical Fish: These are the fish that flop around on the sand in each stage.
  • Old Sign: These are the signs stuck around in the ground everywhere that give you hints.
  • Funny Palm Tree: Kick over any palm tree and then take a photo of it.
  • Ancient Rock: This should be any rock formation.
  • Ostrich Egg: These are the eggs scattered around all the levels for you to collect.
  • Beautiful Butterly: These are the butterflies perched on grass and other objects.
  • Sand Mushroom: These are the mushrooms that appear on the ground in most stages.
  • Wrecked Boat: These are the small wooden boats that line the shore in most stages.
  • Time-Worn Chest: These are the standard brown chests that appear in most stages.
  • Tiny Seashell: These are the spiral shells that you collect in each stage.
  • Antique Amphorae: These are the vases/pots that you can break in most stages.
  • Cute Ladybug: These are the bugs that scurry out from smashed pots and chests.

These are items that appear in some stages, but not all of them, or are based upon random chance encounters:
  • Aboriginal Idol: Appears in early stages, looks like a big head.
  • Glowing Egg: This is a yellow egg that you can find in chests. They are used to repair portals.
  • Uncommon Egg: This is a green egg that you can sometimes find in smashed pots.
  • Rare Egg: This is a purple egg that appears less often than the Uncommon Egg.
  • Destroyed Idol: Kick one of the Aboriginal Idols until it breaks. The "Heavy Hitter" perk makes this much easier.
  • Broken Portal: This is a gray portal that requires a Glowing Egg before you can use it.
  • Huge Chest: This is a large gray coffin-like chest that appears in many stages and usually contains a statue or character skin/hat.

The rest of this guide consists of one-of-a-kind items and where they can be found.
  • Dirty Mud Fish: Appears in stage 6. It's a regular flapping fish except it's in a mud pit. I found this fish near one of the two sets of fences with the portal levers.
  • Awful Skeleton: Set your PC date to October 31. Now, bats and most lobsters will be changed to skeletons.
  • Pumpkin Head: This also requires the date to be October 31. All coconuts will be pumpkins. There is one on the first stage near the rock arch.
  • Giant Statue: This is the massive ostrich statue in stage 5. It is near your starting location and has a nest in front of it as well as a white fedora at its feet.
  • Swarm of Butterflies: They appear in The Nest once you have unlocked the "Entomologist" achievement.
  • Cloud Trail: On stage 11, sometimes you will get multiple cloud platforms that appear in a row together, this is what you need to photograph.
  • Fairy Ring: Behind your starting point in stage 5 is a ring of mushrooms, this is the Fairy Ring.
  • Blue Flaming Torch: There is only one blue torch in stage 7. It's hard to miss, but it's near the waterfall that you turn off by kicking a lever.
  • Amazing Flowers: Inside the circular rock formation in stage 2 is a lever, part of the treasure map, and some white flowers.
  • Giant Egg: This appears in The Nest after you place the golden egg in the nest in front of the Giant Statue in stage 5.
  • Deadly Shark: These enemies only appear in stage 10. They are swimming around everywhere, but usually come pretty close to the shore near the broken portal.
  • Forgotten Doll: This doll can be found in stage 12. It is in a chest just on the shore of the island after you jump across a series of three boats. Her name is Vanessa.
  • Pleasure Boat: After completing stage 11 by landing in the boat, this boat will start cruising around The Nest. Stand out where the statues go and wait for it to come around.
Ostrich Island is one hell of a game to get 100% on. As of this guide's original publication I don't even have 100% myself, but since I managed to get such a rare acheivement I figured I could at least chip in on this hard unlock. I may post some more individual achievement guides if there is interest, :)

Thank you for checking out my guide, and if you enjoyed it please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/gatorbox
Easy Target Nov 2, 2016 @ 2:52pm 
Thanks, i found it.
Dinopunk  [author] Nov 2, 2016 @ 2:27pm 
If you've picked up a rare collectible, it will appear in The Nest. Taking a photo of it there will also satisfy the requirement for the achievement. :)
Easy Target Nov 2, 2016 @ 1:14am 
How can i make a photo of Forgotten Doll if i have found it elready? There is an egg now :steamfacepalm:
Henk van Hoorn Sep 29, 2016 @ 2:06am 
Great, thx! I have not unlockecked the archivement now, but this guide will help me much!