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Complete Keyboard & Gameplay Guide
Af Rahm Kota
CK&GG is a guide dedicated to new, or old players of TORO that do not have a controlor, or want to play with a keyboard.
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Basic keyboard controls

Q - Face Target/Perform pass

R - Beckon Bull

P - Pause

A, S, D, F - Pass sequency

Up, Down, Left, Right - Character movement
In-game interface
In TORO, the interface looks as if it was ported from Xbox, the following key correspond with those in game by default.

The Xbox controls will be shown on the left, followed by their keyboard counterparts on the right.

Y = A

B = S

A = D

X = F

Enter may also work in a limited capacity.

To navigate in menus, use the arrow keys. On the main menu, you can also use the cursor to click on the Xbox key to the same affect. This does not work once you are in a real fight, out of the tutorial.
The first thing you need to know is sequency, how do you do it? It's simple, hold Q then perform a combo using A, S, D, or F.

Some combos include to the same key twice, for example the Veronice, of "FF" on the keyboard. Other combos performed like the Navarras, or "FS" on the keyboard, can and are much harder than the single key combos like the Veronice.

It can get confusing at times, remembering the correct keys to push, it's understandable seeing you have a raging bull trying to gore you. What I like to do, and what I think you should do is this, keep your calm, don't get mushy fingers, remember your combos and execute. P.S. Always keep the "Q" key down when performing, one slip could turn your best performance, into your last. Here are some images on when and how to perform.

Do not start performing from this distance, you will find yourself distorted and not facing the bull. This is what happens -

You should start to perform at this distance -

Stages - the first stage
You may not have known it but Corrida De Toros, or Bullfighting is separated into stages, or parts, the first being called simply the first stage followed by the Banderilla, or flag stage closely followed by the deathstage, the last and final stage in the fight.

First stage - The bull is fast here, fresh out of the cage, it is your duty and hopefully your desire to tire it out a bit. You will have a pink cloth in this stage, used to perform the following combos. [they are in order of when you unlock them]

performed by the key[s] "FF"

performed by the key[s] "FS"

performed by the key[s] "FD"

performed by the key[s] "FA"

performed by the key[s] "DD"

performed by the key[s] "DS"

performed by the key[s] "DA"

performed by the key[s] "DF"
The Banderilla stage
In the Banderilla stage, you will drive flags into the back of the bull, feeding its rage. When prompted you must perform the correct combos shown before the bar under them runs out. It's not pretty if you miss.

Unlike when you usually perform combos, you do not need to hold down the "Q" key when performing the Banderilla.
The Estoque stage
This is the final stage, you've tired out the bull and its put up a good fight, it's time to end it. After giving the bull its final repect, performing for it, and the crowd once more. You will have a red cape in this stage, used to perform the following combos. [they are in order of when you unlock them]

performed by the key[s] "FF"

performed by the key[s] "FD"

performed by the key[s] "FS"

performed by the key[s] "FA"

performed by the key[s] "FD"

performed by the key[s] "DS"

performed by the key[s] "DA"

performed by the key[s] "DF"

De Peeho
performed by the key[s] "SS"

Por Alto
performedby the key[s] "SA"

It is your obligation as a bullfigher to end the creatures life. This is done by, like the Banderilla, when prompted you must perform the correct combos shown before the bar under them runs out.

Unlike when you usually perform combos, you do not need to hold down the "Q" key when performing the Estoque however, after you perform those combos, there is a final, in which you must have your cursor in the center of the screen, hitting the final key as you do so. If you miss, you will have disgraced bullfighting as a whole, disgracing yourself, and you family for all time.
Get in touch
This is my first guide and I want to know if you liked it. Also, please point out in the comments if there is anything I missed. Have a good day, and stay safe.
5 kommentarer
MAN 24. mar. 2020 kl. 16:52 
Great guide, thank you :squareking:
mbpopolano24 30. aug. 2016 kl. 12:19 
Yes, you missed... a life.
Strid17 16. mar. 2016 kl. 12:06 
Very nice guide, without it I think it's nearly impossible to play this game.
Endivia Klotxina 8. mar. 2016 kl. 15:54 
This is cringe...
Handsome Jack 25. feb. 2016 kl. 20:46 
Thanks man! this helped a bunch!