Lords of Xulima

Lords of Xulima

Lampros Feb 17, 2016 @ 4:51am 
Yeah, I've been reading through those and progressing largely on the basis of that - as well as Kordanor's video playthrough and the Russian maps on http://www.svetmightandmagic.cz/lox/lox_mapy.php . But yours has been the most influential, as Kordanor's video is a bit too long, and I don't read Russian (though the maps are transparent enough, I suppose).

Overall though, the game has been very rewarding and yet immensely frustrating. I am an older guy who's played gazillion RPGs (this is not my only Steam account, and I've got tons of non-Steam games as well), and I've never seen a game with this many annoying hidden doors and paths. At first they were interesting, but now they are just flat-out infuriating. And some of them make no sense, as they are not intellectual challenges at all but serve solely to frustrate you (e.g. the treasure garden in the Nabros castle - which I gave up). Anyways, thanks for the offer, and I will surely take upon it when the occasion arises! ;)
Mogri  [author] Feb 16, 2016 @ 9:54pm 
The LP contains puzzle solutions that are not obvious in these screenshots. If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them (ideally in the LP thread, but Steam is fine too).
Mogri  [author] Feb 16, 2016 @ 9:53pm 
I'm running a Let's Play of the game. See http://talking-time.net/showthread.php?t=17028 (add/message me if that link gets filtered).
Lampros Feb 16, 2016 @ 7:03pm 
Please hurry up the playthrough. As puzzle-solving and directions are not my forte, I am heavily relying on your online picture replay! ;)