Heliborne Collection

Heliborne Collection

46 évaluations
Overview of Helicopters
De Duox
In Heliborne, there are three main types of helicopter so far.

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First, you have the attack helicopter. Some examples are the Apache and the Cobra. These helicopters are fast, maneuverable, and heavily armed. These helicopters have slimmer profiles as well, so they are harder to hit. These helicopters are excellent for dueling, taking out ground installations, and hit and run tactics. However, these helicopters have no or little personnel on board, so capturing bases is impossible or only a one time occurrence.
Assault helicopters are another variety featured. A classic example is the flying banana, the Chinook. These helicopters still retain solid combat ability, and can still move at acceptable speeds, but are not ideal for dueling and usually too slow for much hit and run attacks on bases. These craft are great for the second wave and working with attack helicopters. They move in when base defenses are down. These helicopters can land and capture those bases. These helicopters can have even 30 man aboard to capture points! With enough on board, these helicopters can capture multiple bases in one go.
Lastly you have the recon helicopters. These helicopters are in a difficult position, as they are lightly armored, slower than most, and poorly armed in some cases. Few rockets and lack of variety of arms limits combat flexibility. However, fret not! These helicopters still can pack a punch. They are very small, so smaller profile to hit, and can carry arms like ATGMs, which are great for longer range engagements of bases, or 4 7mil machine guns which can go toe-to-toe with some attack aircraft. However, they do not have a particular competitive advantage over other crafts at this time. I'm sure as the game develops these crafts will have a greater role.
The Cold War Split
One thing to note is that the helicopters on either side are unique. The helicopters are not clones of each other. American and Russian helicopters have different . American helicopters seem to be more specialized into their role. For example, the American Cobra has no troop capabilities and solely focuses on attack, whereas the Russian equivalent, the Hind, has a few troops available for capturing landing zones despite being a primarily attack helicopter. The Russians tend to be more versatile in their roles. However, the Americans tend to be a bit more capable in their role. The American Apache has a smaller profile, so the helicopter can have an advantage while dueling the larger Russian Hind. The American Chinook has a greater troop capability than the Russian troop carrier.
5 commentaires
Doubel 30 oct. 2019 à 0h38 
the guide was made and updated in 2016, dont worry about the missing info
Yeetster 4 juin 2019 à 7h29 
you forgot in heliborne recon choppers can tag enemies
Monarchco 6 nov. 2017 à 15h55 
"and can still move at acceptable speeds, but are not ideal for dueling and usually too slow for much hit and run attacks on bases."


IRL transport helis move faster than CAS. i.e. an IRL Chinook is quite a bit faster than an Apache.
PreserveTheUnion 16 juil. 2017 à 23h20 
Booby Hillz 29 févr. 2016 à 20h25 
Very basic, but good.