

131 ratings
Subnuatica Creatures, Crafting Features and More (Outdated)
By ARuarkGuy and 1 collaborators
This describes all the types of creatures features and a bit more about the game.

Acid Mushroom: common Spore, craftable.

Creepvine: Often found in large forest, shallow water and sand, craftable, home to many species.


Airsack: consumable, craftable.

Boomerang: Two fins, mostly active during the day, serrated teeth to eat coral, not craftable not consumable.

Peepers: consumables, Overleyadapted eyes quickly escape a predator / you vulnerable dim light / dark.

Ray rabbit: non-consumable flesh, very toxic, non-edible but friendly.

Spadefish: edible substancial.


Bitter: Small but aggressive, muscular 94%, 4% and 2% connective tissue brain (not mean very clever), eat small creatures, but can consume up to 100 times their body wieght in the group / packs.

SandShark: Sectoral Endoskeloton makes slow but powerful, can power up to twice its size, can dig underground to ambush its prey.

Stalker: Croc-like predator with a developed intelligence and strength, found in the kelp forest, attracted by the metal.

Crafting Features and Materials

Basic Materials:
Titanium: Metal Salvage(x1)
Titanium Ingot: Titanium(x10)
Silicon Rubber: Silicon Rubber(x2)
Glass: Silicon Rubber(x2)
Bleach: Salt Deposit, Coral Sample(x1)
Lubricant: Creepvine seed cluster(x2)
Magnesium: Salt Deposit(x3)
Lead: Copper ore(x3) and Silver ore(x1)
Enameled Glass: Stalker Tooth(x1) and Glass(x1)
Plasteel Ingot: Titanium Ingot, Lithium

Advanced Materials:
Hydrochloric Acid: Deep Shroom(x3), Salt Deposit(x1)
Benzene: Blood oil(x4)
Synthetic Fibers: Benzene(x2)

Copper Wire: Copper ore(x2)
Battery: Acid Mushroom(x2), Copper ore(x1)
Powercell: Battery(x2), Silicon Rubber(x1)
Computer Chip: Table Coral Sample(x2), Quartz and Silver ore(x1)
Wiring Kit: Silver ore(x2)
Advanced Wiring Kit: Gold(x2) and Computer Chip


O2 Tank: Titanmium, Glass
Fins: Silicon Rubber(x2)
Radiation Suit: Silicon Rubber(x2), Lead(x2)
Reinforced Dive Suit: Synthetic Fibers(x2), Silicon Rubber
Still Suit: Silicon rubber(x2), Silver ore(x2)
First Aid Kit: Creepvine Sample(x2), Bleach
Rebreather: Wiring Kit, Silicon Rubber
Pipe(x5): Titanium(x3)
Compass: Magnetite, Computer Chip
Thermometer: Computer Chip

Scanner: Titanium(x2), Battery
Flashlight: Battery, Silicon Rubber
Survival Knife: Titanium, Silicon Rubber
Dive Reel: Creepvine Sample(x5), Titanium
Air Bladder: Silicon Rubber(x2), Rubber
Flare(x3): Crash Powder
Habitat Builder: Computer Chip, Battery
Welder: Magniesium, Crash Powder, Titanium
Laser Cutter: Battery, Diamond, Titanium
Stasis Rifle: Stasis Rifle Blueprint, Advanced Wiring Kit, Battery, Silicon Rubber
Terraformer: Terraformer BluePrint, Advanced Wiring Kit, Battery
Propulsion Cannon: Propulsion Cannon Blueprint, Advanced Wiring Kit, Battery, Silicon Rubber
LEDLight: LEDLight Blueprint, battery, Titanium, Glass


Sea Glide: Battery, Lubricant, Copper Wire, Titanium
Mobile Vehicle Bay: Mobile Vehicle Bay Blueprint, Titanium Ingot, Lubricant, Power Cell
Beacon: Cooper Wire, Titanium
Current Generator: Battery, Lubricant, Titanium
Water Proof Locker: Titanium(x3)
Gravsphere: Battery(x2), Battery, Copper Wire

Crafting Construction Materials
Introduction, Making a Base:
Making a base is like another home you can go to instead of that escape pod. There are numerous types of rooms, hallways and accessories to choose from. This section will include you on how to make them so you are prepared and know what you are doing.

Habitat Compartments:
Hatch: Tittanium(x2), Glass
I Corridor: Titanium(x2)
L Corridor: Titanium(x2)
T Corridor: Titanium(x2)
X Corridor: Titanium(x2)
Window: Glass(x2)
Reinforcment: Lithium, Titanium(x2)
Foundation: Titanium(x4)
Bulkhead: Titanium(x2), Silicon Rubber(x2)
Ladder: Titanium(x2)
Seamoth Modification Station: Titanium(x2), Glass, Computer Chip(x2)
I Glass Corridor: Glass(x2)
L Glass Corridor: Glass(x2)
Multi Purpose Room: Titanium(x6)
Observetory: Enemeled Glass(x3)
Vetical Connecter: Titanium(x2)
Moon Pool: Moon Pool Blueprint, Titanium Ingot(x4), Lubricant(x4), Advanced Wiring Kit
Water Filtration Machine: Filtration Machine Blueprint, Titanium(x2)


Solar Pannel: Titanium(x2), Glass(x2)
Power Transmmiter: Gold, Titanium
Bioreactor: Bioreactor Blueprint, Titanium(x4), Lubricant
Nuclear Reactor: Nuclear Reactor Blueprint, Titanium Ingot(x2), Lead(x3), Lubricant
Thermal Plant: Thermal Plant Blueprint, Magnetite(x2), Lubricant, Titanium Ingot


Fabricator: Titanium(x2)
Locker: Titanium(x2), Glass
Wall Locker: Titanium(x2), Quartz
Sign: Copper Wire
Picture Frame: Copper Wire
Bench: Titanium(x2)
Aquarium: Titanium, Glass(x2)
Fragment Analyzer: Fragment Analyzer Blueprint, Titanium(x2), Wiring Kit, Computer Chip
Flood Light: Flood Light Blueprint, Titanium, Glass, Battery
Specimen Analyzer: Specimen Analyzer Blueprint, Titanium(x2), Wiring Kit, Computer Chip
Modification Station: Modification Station Blueprint, Titanium(x2), Wiring Kit, Computer Chip

Hi there, now I will be talking about the biomes and the resources and creatures of the most common habbitats/biomes. First you will start off with the map and then the biomes. Enjoy .

Subnautica Map:

Blood Kelp Zone (150m - 675m)
Crash Zone (0m - 300m)
Dunes (65m - 400m)
Floater Island (Surface)
Grand Reef (180m - 450m)
Grassy Plateaus (70m - 170m)
Kelp Forest (1m - 160m)
Koosh Zone (140m - 480m)

Grand Reef:


  • Aluminum Oxide
  • Diamond
  • Gold
  • Membrain Tree Seed
  • Mercury Ore
  • Moon Pool Fragment
  • Nuclear Reactor Fragment
  • Quartz
  • Thermal Plant Fragment
  • Uranium


  • Airsack
  • Boomerang
  • Eyeye
  • Hoopfish
  • Reginald
  • Spadefish

  • Floating Stones
  • Membrain Tree

    Kelp Forest:

    • Bioreactor Fragment
    • Copper Ore
    • Coral Sample
    • Creepvine Sample
    • Creepvine Seed Cluster
    • Cyclops Bridge Fragment
    • Cyclops Engine Fragment
    • Cyclops Hull Fragment
    • Gold
    • Metal Salvage
    • Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragment
    • Purple Brain Coral Sample
    • Salt Deposit
    • Seaglide Fragment
    • Seamoth Fragment
    • Silver Ore
    • Solar Panel Fragment
    • Stalker Egg
    • Stalker Tooth
    • Table Coral Sample
    • Titanium
    • Modification Station Fragment

    • Airsack
    • Bleeder
    • Eyeye
    • Hoopfish
    • Hoverfish
    • Rabbit Ray
    • Stalker

    • Creepvine
    • Pygmy Fan

    • Coral Tube
    • Purple Brain Coral
    • Table Coral

COMMANDS : Displays all commands.

MADLOOT : Gives the player a: a knife,a Builder ,3 Batteries ,4 chips ,10-still 10 glass.

GOTO GENROOM/AURORA : Moves the player in the reactor room at Aurora

nodamage : Gives you god mode

Oxygen : Gives infinite air

NITROGEN : Includes more time under water (i dont know if this works)

WARP : Will move the player according to the coordinates of the selected player

RESTORESHIP : Will restore the ship

FREECAM : Activates free cam

ALLBLUEPRINTS : Gives all of the Blueprints

BLUEPRINT NAME : Gives the player the specified blueprint



ITEM Titanium 5 *NAME - the name of the object such as Titanium. # - number you would like to spawn.

Note : If the item name contains two words you'll need to write as a single word, such as:
item enameledglass 4
Farming Update: Food, Water, and plants Part 1
Some things got harder and Easier

One of the first things you'll notice in the Farming Update is that it's harder to build things. Many blueprints must be obtained by scanning fragments now, and sometimes the hunt for the right fragment can take a while. You'll not to be able to build a base until you can find a power source blueprint, like a Solar Panel.

Happily, farming makes another part of the game much easier: food and water. Of course you can't grow water directly, but a couple of the new fruits--Hanging Fruit and Melon--have such high water content it's almost like drinking. Even better, you don't throw up from eating too much fruit. This makes it easy to satisfy your food and water needs with fruit alone--just keeping eating until your food and water are both full.

And that's the point of this guide: to help you set up a food farm ASAP so you can get down to the business of searching for fragments.

This walk through focuses on Hanging Fruit, since it pretty much grows itself. Just pick a few fruits as you pass and slurp them down. The tree will grow a new fruit to replace one you picked every three minutes.

Spoilers Ahead

Since this is a quickest-time-to-farming guide, I'll describe the minimum steps to start growing Hanging Fruit in a new survival game. This guide is Intended for folks who are already familiar with the game, but not the Farming Update.

If you are new to Subnautica DO NOT USE THIS GUIDE. The new player experience in Subnautica is unique and special, and following this guide can spoil that experience.

This guide applies to the Farming Update stable release, 29160 Feb-2016, only!

Gearing Up

You'll need to spend a few minutes gearing up for the trip to Floater Island. Nothing fancy, just the basics:

  • Tanks- basic swim gear
  • Fin- basic swim gear
  • Survival Knife- fend off Cave Crawlers, take plant samples and seeds
  • Scanner- scan for blueprints
  • Flashlight- navigate the island in the pitch black night
  • Builder- build mini base and planters to start farming

    If you prefer, you can postpone making the builder until after you return from the island.

    Swimming to Floater Island

    Yep. swim . A sub is nice for a trip this long, but it's really not necessary.

    Before you leave, top off your food and water from the local fish. Then raid the locker aboard the life pod for emergency water bottles and food in case you get hungry or thirsty before you locate Hanging Fruit Heaven.

    The island is directly behind the Aurora, but at quite a distance. You can swim there without being attacked, day or night, provided you follow three simple rules:

    1.Swim on top of the water
    2.Don't go close to the Aurora -- that's Reaper territory
    3.Don't pause in kelp areas at night

    Aim yourself toward a spot several hundred meters behind the Aurora and swim on the surface. Time your swim. After 2 or 3 minutes you should start to see the island.

    If you still haven't seen the island after 3 minutes, adjust your position relative to the Aurora. Maintain your distance but move so you are directly behind it. This should bring the island into view.
Farming Update: Food, Water, and plants Part 2
Scan for Planter Blue Prints

There are three sites you need to visit on Floater Island: the main abandoned base and two mountaintop observatories. Each of these contains fragments you'll want to scan for planter blueprints.

The main abandoned base is on the side of the island facing away from the Aurora, just above sea level. You'll probably encounter some annoying cave crawlers on the way there, and some more at the base itself. I usually just run past the ones on the path and kill the ones at the base with my knife.

There is a small grove of Hanging Fruit trees here. Go ahead and eat some fruit to refill your food and water meters. Grab two extra Hanging Fruits to plant when you get back to Safe Shallows.

There are lots of plants to scan and collect samples from at the main base, as well as three blueprints to acquire, The must-have blueprint to unlock at this base is Exterior Growbed . Living Wall, Desk and Spotlight are also here.

Next, go up hill and turn right to visit the mountaintop observatory in that direction. The important blueprint here is Plant Pot 2 . Observatory, Chair, Desk and Spotlight are here too.

Cross to the observatory on the other peak. The important blueprint here is Interior Growbed . Observatory and Spotlight are here also. Be sure to grab two Hanging Fruit here if you still need them.

Your first crop in the Safe Shallows

Jump down the mountain toward the life pod (no falling damage!) and swim back. Next you'll want to build a mini base to grow a couple Hanging Fruit trees.

This is a temporary, unpowered base -- just somewhere to grow food and store materials while you search for the all-important Solar Panel blueprint you'll need to power a real base. I usually build an X corridor with a hatch in the top for maximum floor and wall space, but follow your own preference here. Be sure to build a few meters away from the life pod to avoid the bugs in this update that can occur when building beneath a life pod.

Inside your base, build two small pots and plant your Hanging Fruits. After 20 minutes the trees will be fully grown and start to pump out fruit to keep you alive.

Fragment Hunting

Another new wrinkle in the Farming Update: many fragments you need are deeper than your sub can dive ...until after you've scanned those fragments.

But it's not quite a Catch 22. Currently the player -- swimming outside his sub -- doesn't take damage because of depth. With two air tanks and a Rebreather, you have enough air to swim down another 150m from your sub's maximum depth.

I've been using this dive-deeper-than-the-seamoth trick to build a deep, unpowered 'micro' base -- just a corridor and a hatch. Often at 375m, occasionally with another at 525m right below the first one. And, of course, each micro base is home to a Hanging Fruit tree.

Micro bases are super cheap to build, won't leak, conserve Seamoth power… and feel like PURE LUXURY! All the food, water and air I need, exactly where I need it. I'm not wasting my time and air to swim 150m down, search a tiny area, and then race back to the sub to breathe. Instead I can search methodically around my micro base and every breath I take is at the right depth for the fragments I need. It's amazing how much faster (and more enjoyable) the search is.
Traducción Española
Seta ácida : Común Spore , podrán crear .
Alga enredadera : Se encuentra a menudo en el bosque grande , aguas poco profundas y arenosas , podrán crear , hogar de muchas especies .


Airsack : consumible , no podrán crear .

Boomerang : Dos aletas , en su mayoría activos durante el día , con dientes de sierra para comer de coral , no podrán crear , no consumible .

Atisbadores : ojos , Overleyadapted consumibles , escapan rápidamente de un depredador / tú, vulnerables con poca luz / oscuridad.

Rayanejo : no consumible carne , muy venenoso , no comestible , pero agradable.

Spadefish : comestible, sustancial .

Los carnívoros

Bitter: Pequeño pero agresivo , el 94 % de músculo , tejido conectivo 4% y 2 % del cerebro (no significa muy inteligente ) , come pequeñas criaturas , pero pueden consumir hasta 100 veces su wieght cuerpo, en grupo / packs .

SandShark : segmentado Endoskeloton hace que sea lenta pero poderosa , puede alimentar hasta dos veces su tamaño, pueden esconderse bajo tierra para emboscar a su presa . Acechador: depredador Croc -como con la inteligencia y la fuerza desarrollada , que se encuentra en el bosque de algas , atrajo a metal.

Características y materiales de artesanía (editar)

Materiales basicos:
Chatarra (x1): Titanio
Lingote de titanio: Titanio (x10)
Caucho de silicona: Cuarzo (x2)
Cristal: Goma de silicona (x2)
Bleach: salar, Coral de la muestra (x1)
Lubricante: racimo de semillas Creepvine (x2)
Magnesio: salar (x3)
Pedido: Mineral de cobre (x3) y el mineral de plata (x1)
Esmaltado de vidrio: Diente de Stalker (x1) y vidrio (x1)
Plastiacero Lingote: Titanio Lingote, litio

Materiales avanzados:
Ácido clorhídrico: Deep Shroom (x3), salar (x1)
aceite de Sangre (x4): Benceno
Fibras sintéticas: Benceno (x2)

Alambre de cobre: ​​Mineral de cobre (x2)
Batería: Ácido seta (x2), mineral de cobre (x1)
Powercell: Batería (x2), caucho de silicona (x1)
Chip: Tabla Coral Muestra (x2), cuarzo y mineral de plata (x1)
Kit de cableado: mineral de plata (x2)
Avanzada cableado Kit: Oro (x2) y Chip


Tanque del O2: Titanmium, Vidrio
Aletas: caucho de silicona (x2)
Traje de radiación: caucho de silicona (x2), plomo (x2)
Reforzada Traje de buceo: Fibras Sintéticas (x2), de caucho de silicona
Aún Traje: Silicio ubber (x2), mineral de plata (x2)
Botiquín de primeros auxilios: Creepvine muestra (x2), Bleach
Reciclador: Kit de cableado, de caucho de silicona
Pipe (x5): Titanio (x3)
Brújula: magnetita, Chip
Termómetro: Chip

Escáner: Titanio (x2), batería
Linterna: batería, de caucho de silicona
Cuchillo de la supervivencia: titanio, caucho de silicona
Buceo Reel: Creepvine muestra (x5), titanio
Vejiga de aire: caucho de silicona (x2), Caucho
Antorcha (x3): Crash Polvo
Hábitat Constructor: Chip, la batería
Soldador: Magniesium, Choque en polvo, titanio
Cortador láser: Batería, Diamante, titanio
Estasis Rifle: estasis Rifle Blueprint, Advanced Kit de cableado, batería, de caucho de silicona
Terraformer: Terraformer BluePrint, Advanced Kit de cableado, batería
Propulsión Cannon: Propulsión cañón Blueprint, Advanced Kit de cableado, batería, de caucho de silicona
LEDLight: Modelo LEDLight, batería, titanio, vidrio


Mar Glide: Batería, lubricante, alambre de cobre, titanio
Mobile Bay vehículo: Vehículo móvil Bay Blueprint, titanio Lingote, lubricante, Power Cell
Beacon: Cooper Wire, titanio
Generador de corriente: Batería, lubricante, titanio
Agua Locker Prueba: Titanio (x3)
Gravsphere: Batería (x2), batería, cable de cobre

El hacer a mano Materiales de Construcción (edit)
Introducción, Fabricación de una base:
Hacer una base es igual a otra casa se puede ir a su lugar de esa cápsula de escape. Existen numerosos tipos de habitaciones, pasillos y accesorios para elegir. En esta sección se le incluirá en la forma de hacerlos para que esté preparado y sabe lo que está haciendo.

Hábitat: Los compartimientos
Hatch: Tittanium (x2), Cristal
Me Corredor: Titanio (x2)
L Corredor: Titanio (x2)
T Corredor: Titanio (x2)
X Corredor: Titanio (x2)
Ventana: Vidrio (x2)
Reforzamiento: litio, titanio (x2)
Fundación: Titanio (x4)
Mamparo: Titanio (x2), caucho de silicona (x2)
Escalera: Titanio (x2)
Seamoth estación Modificación: Titanio (x2), Cristal, Chip (x2)
Me corredor de vidrio: Vidrio (x2)
L Corredor de vidrio: Vidrio (x2)
Multi Purpose Room: Titanio (x6)
Observetory: Enemeled vidrio (x3)
Vetical Connecter: Titanio (x2)
Luna piscina: piscina Luna Blueprint, titanio Lingote (4 veces), lubricante (x4), Advanced Kit de cableado
Filtración de la máquina: Máquina de filtración Blueprint, titanio (x2)

Panel Solar: Titanio (x2), vidrio (x2)
Poder Transmmiter: oro, titanio
Biorreactor: biorreactor Blueprint, titanio (4 veces), Lubricante
Reactor nuclear: Modelo del Reactor Nuclear, titanio Lingote (x2), plomo (x3), Lubricante
Central Térmica: Modelo de la planta térmica, la magnetita (x2), lubricante, titanio Lingote

Instalador: Titanio (x2)
Locker: Titanio (x2), Cristal
La pared del armario: Titanio (x2), Cuarzo
Firma: alambre de cobre
Marco de imagen: Alambre de cobre
Banco: Titanio (x2)
Acuario: Titanio, Vidrio (x2)
Fragmento del analizador: Fragmento Analizador de Blueprint, titanio (x2), kit de cableado, Chip
Luz de inundación: Modelo de luz de inundación, titanio, vidrio, baterías
Analizador de muestras: muestras Analizador de Blueprint, titanio (x2), kit de cableado, Chip
Estación modificación: la estación de modificación Blueprint, titanio (x2), kit de cableado, Chip

Traduction française

Acid Mushroom: Spore commune, craftable.

Creepvine: On retrouve souvent dans grande forêt, les eaux peu profondes et de sable, craftable, abrite de nombreuses espèces.


Airsack: consommable, pas craftable.

Boomerang: Deux nageoires, pour la plupart actifs pendant la journée, dents crénelées pour manger corail, non craftable, non consommable.

Mirettes: consommables, les yeux Overleyadapted, échappent rapidement à un prédateur / vous, vulnérables dim lumière / obscurité.

Lapin Ray: non consommable chair, très toxique, non comestibles mais sympathique.

Spadefish: comestibles, substancielle.


Bitter: Petit mais agressif, 94% musculaire, 4% du tissu conjonctif et 2% cerveau (signifie pas très malin), mange de petites créatures, mais peuvent consommer jusqu'à 100 fois leur wieght du corps, dans le groupe / packs.

SandShark: sectorielle Endoskeloton rend lente mais puissante, peut alimenter jusqu'à deux fois sa taille, peuvent creuser sous terre pour embuscade sa proie.

Stalker: prédateur Croc-like avec une intelligence développée et la force, a trouvé dans la forêt de varech, attiré par le métal.


Matériaux de base:
Récupération de métaux (x1): Titanium
Titanium Lingot: Titanium (x10)
Silicon Rubber: caoutchouc silicone (x2)
Verre: Quartz (x2)
Bleach: Sel-fort, Coral échantillon (x1)
Lubrifiant: pôle de semences Creepvine (x2)
Magnésium: Sel-fort (x3)
Délais: minerai de cuivre (x3) et le minerai d'argent (x1)
Verre émaillé: Stalker Tooth (x1) et verre (x1)
Plasteel Lingot: Titanium Lingot, Lithium

Advanced Materials:
Acide chlorhydrique: Deep Shroom (x3), Salt-fort (x1)
huile de sang (x4): de benzène
Les fibres synthétiques: Benzène (x2)

Fil de cuivre: minerai de cuivre (x2)
Batterie: Acide Mushroom (x2), le minerai de cuivre (x1)
Powercell: Batterie (x2), caoutchouc de silicone (x1)
Puce informatique: Tableau Coral échantillon (x2), Quartz et du minerai d'argent (x1)
Kit de câblage: minerai d'argent (x2)
Kit avancée de câblage: Gold (x2) et Puce informatique


O2 Réservoir: Titanmium, verre
Fins: Silicon Rubber (x2)
Radiation Suit: Silicon Rubber (x2), le plomb (x2)
Suit renforcé de plongée: fibres synthétiques (2x), de caoutchouc de silicone
Suit encore: Silicon ubber (x2), le minerai d'argent (x2)
First Aid Kit: Creepvine échantillon (x2), Bleach
Kit de câblage, de caoutchouc de silicone: recycleur
Tuyau (x5): Titanium (x3)
Compass: magnétite, Puce informatique
Thermomètre: Puce informatique

Scanner: Titanium (x2), Batterie
Lampe de poche: Batterie, caoutchouc de silicone
Couteau de survie: titane, caoutchouc de silicone
Dive Reel: Creepvine échantillon (x5), Titanium
Vessie Air: Silicon Rubber (x2), caoutchouc
Flare (x3): Accident de poudre
Habitat Builder: Puce informatique, Batterie
Soudeur: Magniesium, Accident de poudre, Titanium
Cutter laser: Batterie, Diamant, Titanium
Rifle Stasis: Fusil Stasis Blueprint, Kit de câblage avancée, Batterie, caoutchouc de silicone
Terraformer: BluePrint Terraformer, Kit de câblage avancée, Batterie
Propulsion Cannon: Propulsion Cannon Blueprint, Kit de câblage avancée, Batterie, caoutchouc de silicone
Ledlight: Ledlight Blueprint, batterie, titane, de verre


Mer Glide: Batterie, lubrifiant, fil de cuivre, titane
Mobile Bay Véhicule: Bay véhicule mobile Blueprint, Titanium Lingot, lubrifiant, alimentation portable
Beacon: Cooper fil, Titanium
Générateur de courant: Batterie, lubrifiant, Titanium
L'eau Locker Preuve: Titanium (x3)
Gravsphere: Batterie (x2), Batterie, fil de cuivre

Présentation, Faire une base:
Faire une base est comme une autre maison, vous pouvez aller à la place de cette capsule de sauvetage. Il existe de nombreux types de chambres, les couloirs et les accessoires à choisir. Cette section vous inclure sur la façon de les faire afin de vous préparer et de savoir ce que vous faites.

Habitat Compartiments:
Hatch: Tittanium (x2), verre
Je Corridor: Titanium (x2)
L Corridor: Titanium (x2)
T Corridor: Titanium (x2)
X Corridor: Titanium (x2)
Fenêtre: Verre (x2)
Renforcement: Lithium, Titanium (x2)
Fondation: Titanium (x4)
Cloison: Titanium (x2), caoutchouc de silicone (x2)
Ladder: Titanium (x2)
Seamoth Modification Station: Titanium (x2), verre, Puce informatique (x2)
Je Verre Corridor: Verre (x2)
L verre Corridor: Verre (x2)
Multi Purpose Chambre: Titanium (x6)
Observetory: Enemeled verre (x3)
Vetical Connecter: Titanium (x2)
Kit Moon Pool Blueprint, Titanium Lingot (x4), lubrifiant (x4), Câblage avancée: Moon Pool
De filtration d'eau de la machine: la machine Filtration Blueprint, Titanium (x2)


Panneau solaire: Titanium (x2), verre (x2)
Puissance Transmmiter: Gold, Titanium
Bioréacteur: bioréacteur Blueprint, Titanium (x4), Lubrifiant
Réacteur nucléaire: Plan de réacteur nucléaire, Titanium Lingot (x2), le plomb (x3), Lubrifiant
Tradução em português

Ácido Cogumelo: Spore comum , craftable .

Creepvine : Muitas vezes encontrada em grande floresta , águas rasas e areia, craftable , lar de muitas espécies .


Airsack : consumível , craftable .

Boomerang : Duas aletas , sobretudo activas durante o dia, dentes serrilhados para comer coral, não craftable não consumível.

Peepers : consumíveis , olhos Overleyadapted rapidamente escapar de um predador / -lo vulnerável dim claro / escuro .

Ray coelho : carne não consumível , muito tóxico , não comestível , mas amigável .

Spadefish : comestível substancial .


Bitter : pequeno, mas agressivo, muscular de 94%, 4% e 2 % do cérebro do tecido conjuntivo ( não significa muito inteligente ) , comer pequenas criaturas , mas pode consumir até 100 vezes o seu wieght corporal no grupo / packs .

SandShark : Setorial Endoskeloton torna lento, mas poderoso, pode alimentar até duas vezes o seu tamanho , pode escavar no subsolo para emboscar sua presa.

Stalker : predador Croc -like com uma inteligência desenvolvida e força, encontrada na floresta de algas , atraídos pelo metal.


Materiais básicos:
Salvage metal (x1): Titanium
Titanium lingote: Titanium (x10)
Silicon Rubber: Quartzo (x2)
Vidro: quartzo (x2)
Bleach: Sal Depósito, Coral da amostra (x1)
Lubrificante: Conjunto de sementes Creepvine (x2)
Magnésio: Sal de Depósitos (x3)
Lead: Minério de cobre (x3) e minério de prata (x1)
Esmaltado Vidro: Stalker Tooth (x1) e vidro (x1)
Plasteel lingote: Titanium Lingote, Lithium

Materiais Avançados:
Ácido clorídrico: profundo Shroom (x3), Sal Depósito (x1)
óleo de Sangue (x4): benzeno
Fibras sintéticas: Benzeno (x2)

Fio de cobre: ​​Minério de cobre (x2)
Bateria: Acid Mushroom (x2), minério de cobre (x1)
Powercell: Bateria (x2), borracha de silicone (x1)
Chip de computador: Amostra Tabela Coral (x2), Quartz e minério de prata (x1)
Kit de fiação: minério de prata (x2)
Avançada Wiring Kit: Gold (x2) e do chip de computador


O2 Tank: Titanmium, Vidro
Fins: borracha de silicone (x2)
Terno radiação: borracha de silicone (x2), chumbo (x2)
Reforçado Suit Dive: fibras sintéticas (x2), borracha de silicone
Ainda Suit: borracha de silicone (x2), minério de prata (x2)
First Aid Kit: Creepvine Sample (x2), Bleach
Rebreather: Kit de ligação da borracha de silicone
Pipe (x5): Titanium (x3)
Compass: magnetita, chip de computador
Termômetro: Chip de computador

Scanner: Titanium (x2), Bateria
Lanterna: Bateria, borracha de silicone
Survival Knife: Titanium, borracha de silicone
Dive Reel: Creepvine Amostra (x5), Titanium
Air Bexiga: borracha de silicone (x2), Borracha
Alargamento (x3): Bater em pó
Builder Habitat: Chip de computador, bateria
Soldador: Magniesium, Bater em pó, Titanium
Cortador de Laser: Bateria, Diamante, Titanium
Estase Rifle: estase Rifle Blueprint, Advanced Wiring Kit, bateria, borracha de silicone
Terraformer: Modelo Terraformer, Advanced Wiring Kit, Bateria
Propulsion canhão: Propulsão canhão Blueprint, Advanced Wiring Kit, bateria, borracha de silicone
Ledlight: Blueprint Ledlight, bateria, titânio, vidro


Sea Glide: Bateria, lubrificante, fio de cobre, titânio
Móvel Veículo Bay: Móvel Veículo Bay Blueprint, titânio lingote, lubrificante, Power Cell
Beacon: Cooper Wire, Titanium
Gerador de corrente: Bateria, lubrificante, Titanium
Água Locker Prova: Titanium (x3)
Gravsphere: Bateria (x2), bateria, fios de cobre

Introdução, Fazendo uma Base:
Fazendo uma base é como uma outra casa você pode ir para, em vez disso cápsula de escape. Existem inúmeros tipos de quartos, corredores e acessórios para escolher. Esta seção irá incluí-lo sobre a forma de torná-los assim que você está preparado e saber o que está fazendo.

Habitat Compartimentos:
Escotilha: Tittanium (x2), Vidro
I Corredor: Titanium (x2)
L Corredor: Titanium (x2)
T Corredor: Titanium (x2)
X Corredor: Titanium (x2)
Janela: Vidro (x2)
Reforço: Lithium, Titanium (x2)
Fundação: Titanium (x4)
Antepara: Titanium (x2), borracha de silicone (x2)
Ladder: Titanium (x2)
Seamoth Modificação Station: Titanium (x2), Vidro, chip de computador (x2)
I Corredor de vidro: Vidro (x2)
L Corredor de vidro: Vidro (x2)
Multi-Sala Finalidade: Titanium (x6)
Observetory: Enemeled Glass (x3)
Vetical Connecter: Titanium (x2)
Moon Pool: Moon Pool Blueprint, titânio lingote (x4), lubrificante (x4), Advanced Wiring Kit
Filtragem de água da máquina: Filtration Máquina Blueprint, Titanium (x2)


Painel solar: Titanium (x2), vidro (x2)
Poder Transmmiter: ouro, titânio
Biorreator: biorreator Blueprint, Titanium (x4), Lubrificante
Reactor Nuclear: Blueprint Reactor Nuclear, Titanium lingote (x2), chumbo (x3), Lubrificante
Usina Térmica: Modelo da planta térmica, magnetita (x2), lubrificante, Titanium lingote

Aparelhos domésticos:

Fabricante: titânio (x2)
Locker: Titanium (x2), Vidro
Parede Locker: Titanium (x2), Quartz
Registe-: Fio de cobre
Picture Frame: Fio de cobre
Bench: Titanium (x2)
Aquário: titânio, vidro (x2)
Fragmento Analyzer: Fragmento Analyzer Blueprint, Titanium (x2), Kit de fiação, chip de computador
Flood Light: Blueprint luz de inundação, titânio, vidro, Bateria
Espécime Analyzer: Specimen Analyzer Blueprint, Titanium (x2), Kit de fiação, chip de computador
Estação de modificação: Estação modificação Blueprint, Titanium (x2), Kit de fiação, chip de computador

Русский перевод Часть 1

Кислота Гриб : общая Спора , Ковка .

Creepvine : Часто встречается в большом лесу , мелководье и песок, Ковка , домом для многих видов .


Airsack : расходный , Ковка .

Бумеранг : Два ребра , в основном активны в течение дня , зазубренные зубы есть кораллы, не Ковка не расходным материалом .

Peepers : расходные материалы , Overleyadapted глаза быстро бежать хищника / вас уязвимым тусклый свет / темнота .

Ray кролик: неплавящийся плоть , очень токсичен, не съедобные , но дружелюбно.

Spadefish : съедобные субстанциональной .


Bitter : Небольшой, но агрессивный , мускулистый 94 % , 4 % и 2% мозга соединительной ткани ( не значит, что очень умный ) , есть маленькие существа , но могут потреблять до 100 раз их тела Wieght в группе / пакеты .

SandShark : Отраслевая Endoskeloton делает медленный, но мощный, может привести в два раза его размера, может рыть под землей , чтобы заманить в засаду свою добычу .

Stalker : Крок -как хищник с развитым интеллектом и силой, найденной в лесу ламинария , привлеченные металла .

Kislota Grib : obshchaya Spora , Kovka .

Creepvine : Chasto vstrechayetsya v bol'shom lesu , melkovod'ye i pesok, Kovka , domom dlya mnogikh vidov .


Airsack : raskhodnyy , Kovka .

Bumerang : Dva rebra , v osnovnom aktivny v techeniye dnya , zazubrennyye zuby yest' korally, ne Kovka ne raskhodnym materialom .

Peepers : raskhodnyye materialy , Overleyadapted glaza bystro bezhat' khishchnika / vas uyazvimym tusklyy svet / temnota .

Ray krolik: neplavyashchiysya plot' , ochen' toksichen, ne s"yedobnyye , no druzhelyubno.

Spadefish : s"yedobnyye substantsional'noy .


Bitter : Nebol'shoy, no agressivnyy , muskulistyy 94 % , 4 % i 2% mozga soyedinitel'noy tkani ( ne znachit, chto ochen' umnyy ) , yest' malen'kiye sushchestva , no mogut potreblyat' do 100 raz ikh tela Wieght v gruppe / pakety .

SandShark : Otraslevaya Endoskeloton delayet medlennyy, no moshchnyy, mozhet privesti v dva raza yego razmera, mozhet ryt' pod zemley , chtoby zamanit' v zasadu svoyu dobychu .

Stalker : Krok -kak khishchnik s razvitym intellektom i siloy, naydennoy v lesu laminariya , privlechennyye metalla


Основные материалы:
Титан: металл Поврежденный (x1)
Титановый слиток: титан (x10)
Силиконовая: Силиконовая резина
Silikonovaya rezina (x2)
Стекло: Кварц (x2)
Bleach: Месторождение соли, Коралл Образец (x1)
Смазка: Creepvine семян кластера (x2)
Магний: Соль Депозит (x3)
Ведущий: Медь руда (x3) и серебряная руда (x1)
Эмалированные Стекло: Stalker Зуб (x1) и стекло (x1)
Пластали Слиток: титановый слиток, литиевые

Дополнительные материалы:
Соляная кислота: Deep Shroom (x3), соль депозит (x1)
Бензол: Кровь масло (x4)
Синтетические волокна: Бензол (x2)

Медный провод: Медь руда (x2)
Батарея: Кислота Гриб (x2), медной руды (x1)
Powercell: Аккумулятор (x2), Силиконовая резина (x1)
Компьютер Чип: Таблица Коралл Образец (x2), кварц и серебро руда (x1)
Электропроводка Комплект: Серебро руда (x2)
Расширенный комплект подключения: Gold (x2) и компьютерный чип

Личные данные:

O2 Tank: Titanmium, Стекло
Ребра: Силиконовая резина (x2)
Радиационный костюм: Силиконовая резина (x2), свинец (x2)
Усиленный Погружение костюм: синтетические волокна (x2), Силиконовая резина
Тем не менее костюм: силиконовая резина (x2), серебряная руда (x2)
Аптечка: Creepvine Образец (x2), Bleach
Ребризер: монтажный комплект, Силиконовая резина
Труба (x5): Титан (x3)
Компас: магнетит, Компьютер Чип
Термометр: Компьютерный чип

Сканер: Титан (x2), батарея
Фонарик: Батарея, Силиконовая резина
Нож выживания: титан, из силиконовой резины
Погружение Reel: Creepvine Образец (x5), титан
Мочевой пузырь воздуха: Силиконовая резина (x2), Резина
Flare (x3): Крушение порошок
Хабитат Builder: Компьютер Чип, батареи
Сварщик: Magniesium, Краш порошок, титан
Лазерный резак: Батарея, Diamond, Титановый
Застой Винтовка: Застой Винтовка Blueprint, Advanced Электропроводка комплект, батарея, Силиконовая резина
Терраформер: Терраформер BluePrint, Advanced Электропроводка комплект, батарея
Силовое Cannon: Propulsion Cannon Blueprint, Advanced Электропроводка комплект, батарея, Силиконовая резина
LEDLIGHT: LEDLIGHT Blueprint, батарея, титана, стекло


Море Glide: Батарея, смазка, медная проволока, титан
Mobile Bay Автомобиль: Mobile Bay Vehicle Blueprint, титановый слиток, Lubricant, Power Cell
Beacon: Купер провода, титан
Генератор тока: Батарея, Смазочное масло, титан
Доказательство воды Locker: Титан (x3)
Gravsphere: Аккумулятор (x2), батарея, медная проволока

Osnovnyye materialy:
Titan: metall Povrezhdennyy (x1)
Titanovyy slitok: titan (x10)
Silikonovaya rezina: Kvarts (x2)
Steklo: Kvarts (x2)
Bleach: Mestorozhdeniye soli, Korall Obrazets (x1)
Smazka: Creepvine semyan klastera (x2)
Magniy: Sol' Depozit (x3)
Vedushchiy: Med' ruda (x3) i serebryanaya ruda (x1)
Emalirovannyye Steklo: Stalker Zub (x1) i steklo (x1)
Plastali Slitok: titanovyy slitok, litiyevyye

Dopolnitel'nyye materialy:
Solyanaya kislota: Deep Shroom (x3), sol' depozit (x1)
Benzol: Krov' maslo (x4)
Sinteticheskiye volokna: Benzol (x2)

Mednyy provod: Med' ruda (x2)
Batareya: Kislota Grib (x2), mednoy rudy (x1)
Powercell: Akkumulyator (x2), Silikonovaya rezina (x1)
Komp'yuter Chip: Tablitsa Korall Obrazets (x2), kvarts i serebro ruda (x1)
Elektroprovodka Komplekt: Serebro ruda (x2)
Rasshirennyy komplekt podklyucheniya: Gold (x2) i komp'yuternyy chip

Lichnyye dannyye:

O2 Tank: Titanmium, Steklo
Rebra: Silikonovaya rezina (x2)
Radiatsionnyy kostyum: Silikonovaya rezina (x2), svinets (x2)
Usilennyy Pogruzheniye kostyum: sinteticheskiye volokna (x2), Silikonovaya rezina
Tem ne meneye kostyum: silikonovaya rezina (x2), serebryanaya ruda (x2)
Aptechka: Creepvine Obrazets (x2), Bleach
Rebrizer: montazhnyy komplekt, Silikonovaya rezina
Truba (x5): Titan (x3)
Kompas: magnetit, Komp'yuter Chip
Termometr: Komp'yuternyy chip

Skaner: Titan (x2), batareya
Fonarik: Batareya, Silikonovaya rezina
Nozh vyzhivaniya: titan, iz silikonovoy reziny
Pogruzheniye Reel: Creepvine Obrazets (x5), titan
Mochevoy puzyr' vozdukha: Silikonovaya rezina (x2), Rezina
Flare (x3): Krusheniye poroshok
Khabitat Builder: Komp'yuter Chip, batarei
Svarshchik: Magniesium, Krash poroshok, titan
Lazernyy rezak: Batareya, Diamond, Titanovyy
Zastoy Vintovka: Zastoy Vintovka Blueprint, Advanced Elektroprovodka komplekt, batareya, Silikonovaya rezina
Terraformer: Terraformer BluePrint, Advanced Elektroprovodka komplekt, batareya
Silovoye Cannon: Propulsion Cannon Blueprint, Advanced Elektroprovodka komplekt, batareya, Silikonovaya rezina
LEDLIGHT: LEDLIGHT Blueprint, batareya, titana, steklo


More Glide: Batareya, smazka, mednaya provoloka, titan
Mobile Bay Avtomobil': Mobile Bay Vehicle Blueprint, titanovyy slitok, Lubricant, Power Cell
Beacon: Kuper provoda, titan
Generator toka: Batareya, Smazochnoye maslo, titan
Dokazatel'stvo vody Locker: Titan (x3)
Gravsphere: Akkumulyator (x2), batareya, mednaya provoloka

Русский перевод Часть 2
Введение, Создание базы:
Создание базы походит на другой дом, вы можете пойти, чтобы вместо этого спасательную капсулу. Есть множество типов номеров, холлов и аксессуаров на выбор. Этот раздел будет включать вас о том, как сделать их, так что вы подготовлены и знаете, что вы делаете.

Среда обитания Отсеки:
Hatch: Tittanium (x2), Стекло
Я Коридор: Титан (x2)
L Коридор: Титан (x2)
T Коридор: Титан (x2)
X Коридор: Титан (x2)
Окно: Стекло (x2)
Reinforcment: Литий, титан (x2)
Фундамент: Титан (x4)
Переборка: титан (x2), Силиконовая резина (x2)
Лестница: Титан (x2)
Seamoth Модификация станции: Титан (x2), стекло, компьютер Chip (x2)
Я Стекло Коридор: Стекло (x2)
L Стекло Коридор: Стекло (x2)
Многоцелевой номер: Titanium (x6)
Observetory: Enemeled Стекло (x3)
Vetical Коннектер: Титан (x2)
Moon Pool: Moon Pool Blueprint, титановый слиток (x4), смазочный материал (x4), Advanced Электропроводка Kit
Фильтрация воды Машина: Фильтрование машина Blueprint, титана (x2)


Солнечные батареи: Титан (x2), стекло (x2)
Мощность Transmmiter: золото, титан
Биореактора: Биореактор Blueprint, титана (x4), Смазочное
Ядерный реактор: Blueprint Ядерный реактор, титановый слиток (x2), свинец (x3), Смазочное
ТЭС: ТЭС Blueprint, магнетит (x2), Lubricant, титановый слиток

Бытовая техника:

Fabricator: Титан (x2)
Locker: Титан (x2), стекло
Стена Locker: Титан (x2), кварцевый
Знак Зодиака: медный провод
Рамка фото: медная проволока
Стенд: Титан (x2)
Аквариум: титан, стекло (x2)
Фрагмент Analyzer: Фрагмент анализатор Blueprint, титана (x2), монтажный комплект, Компьютер Чип
Прожектор: Прожектор Blueprint, титан, стекло, батарея
Анализатор образцов: Образец Анализатор Blueprint, титана (x2), монтажный комплект, Компьютер Чип
Модификация станции: Модификация станции Blueprint, титана (x2), монтажный комплект, Компьютер Чип

Vvedeniye, Sozdaniye bazy:
Sozdaniye bazy pokhodit na drugoy dom, vy mozhete poyti, chtoby vmesto etogo spasatel'nuyu kapsulu. Yest' mnozhestvo tipov nomerov, khollov i aksessuarov na vybor. Etot razdel budet vklyuchat' vas o tom, kak sdelat' ikh, tak chto vy podgotovleny i znayete, chto vy delayete.

Sreda obitaniya Otseki:
Hatch: Tittanium (x2), Steklo
YA Koridor: Titan (x2)
L Koridor: Titan (x2)
T Koridor: Titan (x2)
X Koridor: Titan (x2)
Okno: Steklo (x2)
Reinforcment: Litiy, titan (x2)
Fundament: Titan (x4)
Pereborka: titan (x2), Silikonovaya rezina (x2)
Lestnitsa: Titan (x2)
Seamoth Modifikatsiya stantsii: Titan (x2), steklo, komp'yuter Chip (x2)
YA Steklo Koridor: Steklo (x2)
L Steklo Koridor: Steklo (x2)
Mnogotselevoy nomer: Titanium (x6)
Observetory: Enemeled Steklo (x3)
Vetical Konnekter: Titan (x2)
Moon Pool: Moon Pool Blueprint, titanovyy slitok (x4), smazochnyy material (x4), Advanced Elektroprovodka Kit
Fil'tratsiya vody Mashina: Fil'trovaniye mashina Blueprint, titana (x2)


Solnechnyye batarei: Titan (x2), steklo (x2)
Moshchnost' Transmmiter: zoloto, titan
Bioreaktora: Bioreaktor Blueprint, titana (x4), Smazochnoye
Yadernyy reaktor: Blueprint Yadernyy reaktor, titanovyy slitok (x2), svinets (x3), Smazochnoye
TES: TES Blueprint, magnetit (x2), Lubricant, titanovyy slitok

Bytovaya tekhnika:

Fabricator: Titan (x2)
Locker: Titan (x2), steklo
Stena Locker: Titan (x2), kvartsevyy
Znak Zodiaka: mednyy provod
Ramka foto: mednaya provoloka
Stend: Titan (x2)
Akvarium: titan, steklo (x2)
Fragment Analyzer: Fragment analizator Blueprint, titana (x2), montazhnyy komplekt, Komp'yuter Chip
Prozhektor: Prozhektor Blueprint, titan, steklo, batareya
Analizator obraztsov: Obrazets Analizator Blueprint, titana (x2), montazhnyy komplekt, Komp'yuter Chip
Modifikatsiya stantsii: Modifikatsiya stantsii Blueprint, titana (x2), montazhnyy komplekt, Komp'yuter Chip

Author's Notes and Updates
: Thank you for reading this guide. I hope it will help you guys. Have a nice day. This is my seventh offical guide and I have been working hard on and the only word I have to say to you guys is enjoy.

: Gracias por leer esta guía . Espero que le ayudará a chicos . Que tengas un buen día. Este es mi séptimo Huide oficial y he estado trabajando duro en y las únicas palabra que tengo que decir a ustedes es disfrutar.

: Je vous remercie pour la lecture de ce guide . Je l'espère vous aider les gars . Bonne journée. Ceci est mon septième guia officielle et je travaille dur sur et les seuls mots que je dois dire à vous les gars est de profiter .

: Obrigado por ler este guia . Espero que ele vai ajudar vocês. Tenha um bom dia. Este é o meu sétimo guia oficial e tenho vindo a trabalhar arduamente na ea única palavra que eu tenho que dizer a vocês é desfrutar.

Update 1.05 : New languages: Portueges. Basic Fixes

Update 1.1 : New Languages: Russian, Basic Fixes

Update: 1.15 : New Section, Basic Fixes

Update 1.2: New Section added.

Update 1.25: Fixes, New Section: Commands.

Update 1.3: New Section Added: Farming. Part 1 and 2.

Update 1.35: Fixes to Silicon Rubber.
Jamesinator Nov 29, 2017 @ 11:15am 
can you please add how to make hatching enzymes?
ARuarkGuy  [author] Jun 7, 2017 @ 3:40pm 
@nicososa1985: Sorry. I haven't updated this guide in a while.
nicososa1985 Jun 7, 2017 @ 3:23pm 
Hi. where is the terraformer?
AXELGEAR Nov 8, 2016 @ 9:23am 
Nice. +1
Wizord Aug 7, 2016 @ 2:24pm 
how do u open the commands console?
TWOHAMMERS Aug 1, 2016 @ 6:20am 
ARuarkGuy  [author] Jun 6, 2016 @ 5:49pm 
Adde you. But I have to go. Bye.
Mat the goof  [author] Jun 6, 2016 @ 5:37pm 
you could add me to the guide if you want help :)
Mat the goof  [author] Jun 6, 2016 @ 4:19pm 
ARuarkGuy  [author] Jun 6, 2016 @ 4:16pm 
Sure I will.