178 ratings
Ultimate beginner guide
By Dziewiąty
Guide for new players which contains basics of the game, community slang, a list of enemies and more.
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I'll try to tell you what exacly is Payday 2 and how to become a criminal master (or at least good robber). Iexplain in advance that in this guide you will not find finished builds, only tips about the game itself. But if you have problems with creating your own build, you can feel free to contact me.
What is Payday 2?
Payday 2 in short is a co-op based game in witch four players cooperating to get rich. That's all. Only goal - wealth. If you are looking for good plot, there were several canonical events
since the introduction of the Dentist, but Payday 2 isn't about solid story. The whole game is focused on the playing in the team, so all you need to know to start with, is how to work with people. Prepare to work in a group, I can tell you using my own experience - if the team do not cooperate at all, most likely will lose.
Even if you don't want to read entire guide, in this section you can find explanations
the most common new players mistakes and misunderstandings


Payday 2 community is (in)famous for its politeness and warm relations between players. Don't try to destroy this reputation. Do not criticize or insult people for things you do not understand.

Common misunderstandings:

  • Do not criticize people who choose suits for loud heists. It's called dodge build and of often is better than armor builds.
  • Do not be offended when somebody asks you for equipment change. When teams asks you for doctor bag, team need doctor bag. Even if you invested in upgraded ammobags, take what your team is asking for.
  • When more experienced player asks you for something, just do it. They are not exhausting, it's natural you do not know some things
  • Before calling people cheaters, know the most of the skills in the game. Some powerful skills can look like cheats in new player's eyes. Inspire can help downed people from a distance. Pistol Messiah allows you to get up by yourself, Nine Lives can trigger automatic self-revive, Swan Song gives you a few second of invincibilidy after being shot, Joker can convert police members.
  • Don't overrate your capabilities, don't join difficult heist if you are not prepared for it. You'll only be a burden and propably kicked.

Helping downed team mates

You might have noticed that if you will lose all yout health, your character begins to bleed on the ground. When this happens, friends have to help you in 30 seconds, otherwise you will end up in the custody.
helping wounded friend is important, but don't take it as a matter of life and death. If someone has been downed in the middle of horde of orcs, this i obviously impossible to save him. And remember - In Payday, people don't die, they get into custody, so you can trade your friends after assault.
As in the first-aid, first, take care of your safety. Good lifesaver is a living lifesaver. Dying will not help anyone.
And if you are the host, do not kick the players, because they didn't help you.(and do not leave the game) Apparently they did not feel strong enough to help you out. Don't ruin fun others just because you can't play some time. They propably will trade you after assault.

Lone Wanderer

Do not leave the team alone. It's the perfect recipe to get yourself killed.

Plan A
If someone wants to try solo stealth, don't disturb. If someone wants to9 try stealth, it means that he something knows it, and there's a chance he will succeeds. If he is not asking you for help, do not do anything. You will only bother him.

Multifunctionality ECM

I'm sure you already know that ECM can block electronic equipment like cameras and phones. But did you know that ECM can also open ATM, or stun SWAT turret? It's a great toy. And upgraded version can also block pagers and and open keycard doors (?). ECM is a great toy with multiple uses.

Multiday heists

You may find that some heists last for several days, 2 or even 3.
This means that instead of one fast robbery, you'll have to complete in a row few several maps. If heist takes 2 days, you have to complete 2 maps, if takes 3 days, 3 maps e.t.c. Only after passing all days entire heist will be completed, and you'll get the money collected by all days.
Currently, the experience is gained by completing each day separately, but you earn the money only when you successful complete all days. If you are doing regular heist, even if you fail to finish one day, you can safely try again without resetting already completed days.

The difficulty begins with heists marked as Pro Job. Pro Job, causes that you only have one approach. If you fail, the mission disappears. This means that if for example you successfully finished the first 2 days of Framing Frame Pro Job, but did not manage to finish third (#death), all progress is lost and are not gonna get any payment. You have to play again starting with Day 1.

Bags on the back

If you enter escape zone having loot bag on your back, It will be automatically secured. It's not like your character gonna throw a bag out the window if you don't secure it first. So don't wait for last boat on Watchdogs Job, because bag can enter vehicle with you.

Don't hate silly things

If you are one of "Goat simulator turned PD2 into joke" people, I have to told you something. Payday 2 never was serious game. Payday 2 is basically a hollywood parody in which Deagle akimbo is completely safe for your hands, main hero is practically invincible and you can kill cops using pile of cash.
Basis - equipment
Equipment which is a funny, highlighted in green stuff that people leave on the floor.
If you do not like to be kicked form the game, learn to respect that stuff. Do not be greedy and remember that each bag has tactical importance.

Medbag / Doctorbag
The most precious object in the game. Dying in Payday 2 is based on "bleed" system. You might have noticed that if you will lose all yout health, your character falls to the floor and begins to bleed. When this happens, friends have to help you in 30 seconds, otherwise you will end up in the custody. But it happends only 3 times in a row (4 using Nine Lives skill), your 4th fall means instant custody, without even a second lying down. #dead
That's why there is medbag in this game. It allows to restore lost blood and that reset this tricky counter. This means that when you get knocked down 3 times and you use medbag, you can get knocked down another 3 times.
Being Tazed or Cloaked does not count, because you did NOT lost any blood.

DO NOT use medbag to restore your HP. If you want to have full health, use First Aid Kit instead, or create build with regeneration and wait a while. Medbags should be used ONLY to restore blood, so you can be knocked down more times.

Regular medbag can be used 2 times. Upgraded can be used 4 times. If you want to see how many times you can still use it, check number of components inside. Count the blood bags for example. If you can see 3 blood bags, you can use medbag 3 times before it disappear.


Stationary source of precious ammunition. In this case also there are certain rules. Remember that this is only small bag, not presonal factory + the armory, so don't overuse it. The priority in obtaining ammunition still should be ammo dropped by dead enemies, ammo bag is for situations when you really need to fill up your mags. Use that only if one of your weapons is completely empty and around there are no ammo packages on the ground. And even in this case, you should first check if someone does not need to use it more than you. (Even if you deployed that ammo bag)

The order of use ammo bag

  • 1. Players using weapons without ammo pickup (RPG, explosive arrows)
  • 2. Food for turrets
  • 3. Powerful, quickly consuming ammunition weapons like flamethrower or sniper rifles.
  • 4. Rest of the team.

Who should NOT even touch deployed ammobag.

  • Players using weapons with reusable ammunition (arrows)
  • Players using weapons with good ammo pickup (shotguns, most of rifles, pistols)
  • Gambler
  • Fugitive like build

First Aid Kit (♥♥♥)

  • Do not ask constantly for first aid kit, there should be enough for everyone. Ask for one when you really need it (When you are on low health and you should do go for the mission objective)
  • Don't use it if you have regeneration in your build. Just wait a moment under cover.
  • If you are carrying FAKs, don't be selfish. Share it with team, if your team mate need some health.
  • Never take less than 14 FAKs. In the less amount it is useless, but 14 can do something
  • Remember that First Aid Kit =/= Medbag. ♥♥♥ restores only you health bar, it does not restore your blood.
Roles in team and perks
Roles in team

Payday 2 does not force you to select one of the predefined classes or specialization. You can add in each tree so many skill points as you want (Using maximum 120 points of course)
But community created division of builds because of their destiny.

  • Support - Builds focused on helping you team in the most efficient way. This does not mean automatically medic. Thus, we can identify accurately.

    - Main Inspire - The spine and head of the team. Protector who makes sure that everyone survive and and all mission objectives are properly executed. Person who should not die. so try to avoid the battlefield and dangers. When he lives, team lives. Usually it is armor based build.

    - Secondary Inspire - Combat medic who exposes themselves to danger all the time. Its main task is to help comrades in distress. Due to its mobility, it can save comrades at the other end of the map. Highly exposed to danger, often uses the skills like Pistol Messiah or Swan Song, so he can't get killed in middle of dozer team. Secondary Inspire does not focus on the objectives, he's job is to run around the map helping downed teammates. Need high mobility, so It should be dodges based build.

    - Gambler - Good guy Gambler, giving all members of your team both ammo and health at the same time, using ammo pick ups. As can be inferred from the name, build based on the Gambler perk deck.

  • Tank - Wall of the team. Main Protector. With heavy armor and a lot of health, and big gun he is like a friendly Dozer.

  • Technician - Focuses map objectives and defends them with advanced gadgets like sentry turrets or C4.

  • Killer/Fugitive - This role doesn't have specific name that community uses. But everybody knows what it is about. Guy who kills, who kills fast a lot of enemies. To efficiently clean environment you need high mobility, so these guys are using suits suits or lightweight balistic vest. You can meet some variants:

    - Regular / Fugitive - Dodges and high damage per second. You can achieve that by focusing on on Fugitive skill tree.

    - Glass Canon - The highest possible damage at the expense of procetion. Glass Canon is very powerful, but you have to be gentle. The most common variant is a combination of shotguns and Berserker skill.

    Of course there's more than that, but these three areas I considered it as a base for further combinations. This method allows to avoid the mess and confusion, if you know other system, good for you. Many players use a hybrid of these three areas creating builds that fulfill more than one role, or or are something between. A perfect example is the Armored Berserker - Heavy armored build not focused on taking shots, but killing. It is something between Tank and Killer.

    • Perk Decks

    Besides skills, Payday 2 offers different perk deck, which will help you in the game simultaneously with skills. Every Perk Deck is a set of 9 perks, which give you different bonuses. Complete build is a synergy of skills with features, so remember that your skills should not not interfere with your perks!

    Crew Chief - Icreases team stats like armor, health or stamina. Although one card increases the range you scream, skill Inspire still has a range of 7 meters.
    Muscle - This set increases your maximum health and grants you passive regeneration of 4% of your maximum health every 5 seconds. Additionally triggers panic if you use the proper weapons. Good choice for Tank.
    Armorer - Upgrades your armor (Armor level + armor restoration) Good choice for Berserker.
    Rouge - 25% more dodge chance. Last card of this perk decks reduces time between swapping weapons by 80%. Set for Dodge builds.
    Hitman - Unlockes for you a poor version of Akimbo. Legends say that someone uses it.
    Crook - Some dodges while using light armors. Good for some hybrid builds.
    Burglar - Only one set for Stealth. Reduces time of some interactions (Answering pagers, lockpick and using bodybags) and gives you a little bit of dodges
    in the case of Plan B.
    (Requires a DLC Clover character pack)

    Infiltrator - Hurting people using melee weapons can heal you. Great fo melee lovers.
    (Requires a DLC Dragan character pack)

    Sociopath - Killing enemies in close or medium range restores your armor and killing people using melee can heal you. Very hard to use, practically disused (Still better than Hitman tho)
    (Requires game Hotline Miami 2 Deluxe Edition on Steam)
    Gambler - When you pick up ammo packs from the ground, the whole team gets some ammounition and health points.
    Grinder - Hurting people heals you. Works only with suit or lightweight balistic vest.
    (Requires a DLC Sokol character pack)
    Yakuza - Bonuses on low HP. Best synergy with Berserker skill.

    Ex-president - First team based perk deck. When any member of your crew kills the enemy, you stock some health. Stocked health automatically activates when you lose your armor. Perk deck that adjusts to the type of armor you wear - The worse, the more health you can collect. (the best effect when using the suit)

    Maniac - It's like Ex-president for additional armor. It can save your life, you can't be one-shoted with maniac's additional armor.

    Anarchist - Like Grinder for armor. Also reduces your life bar to increase armor bar. (by "increase" I mean "turns you into Dozer in suit")

    Biker - You are rewarded for both killing and being hurt, good option if you are very aggressive player.

    Kingpin - This perk deck allows you to use Injector, which increases your resistance to pain, so you can draw fire from your team.

    Sicario - New dodge based perk deck which allows you to use your very own smoke grenade. Good alternative for rouge if you like to defend objectives.
Skilltrees and subtrees
The biggest change the new skill system is to divide each of the old skill trees into three smaller. That changed a bit system of unlocking various skills, now each higher tier is more expensive in points than lower skills. (In the old system, the price is suddenly increased for Tier 4 and higher)
Now, there is only 4 tiers instead of 6.
Every specialization has to offer just 6 skills, so this quite justly compensates for higher costs.

The formula for paying for skills

  • Basic -The number of issued skill points equivalent to the number of height of a current tier.
    This means that the skill from Tier 1 cost only 1 skill point, skill from Tier 2 cost 2 skill points, from Tier 3 cost 3 points, and 4 points for Tier 4
  • ACE - Calculating the cost version ACE looks exactly the same as for basic, we only have to add +2 to every purchase.
    This means that upgrade of Tier 1 cost 3 skill points (1 + 2), for Tier 2 we pay 4 points (2 + 2) and so on.

It is best illustrated by the scheme shown below

On the occasion of the graphics that you can read the point requirements to unlock higher skills.

Tier 2 requires 1 skill point
Tier 3 requires 3 skill points
Tier 4 requires 16 skill points

  • Because in Tier 1 there is always only one skill, if you want to get higher skills, you must purchase an basic version for first skill in subtree.
  • Tier 3 requires ACED skill in Tier 1 or any two basic skills.
Subtrees - Mastermind

Mastermind has not changed much, only got a new toy - First Aid Kits witch had previously belonged to the tree Fugitive. Mastermind traded his pistol skills for that.

"New" Mastermind is divided into:

Medic - Doctor on battlefield. Make sure that everyone will survive as long as possible
Controller - Manipulator, puppet master, a true mastermind. Controller is using people to achieve his goals.
Sharpshooter - Sniper. If the situation allows it, the brain of the team should stay away from the danger, calmly taking aim from a distance

Completely new or heavily modified skills have been marked with underline


  • TIER 1

    • Combat Medic - Same as before. Basic increases the damage dealing by you after you revive a companion. ACE gives 30% more health to teammates reived by you. Because ACE effect IS NOT working on DW

  • TIER 2

    • Quick Fix - You deploy First Aid Kits and Doctor Bags faster. ACE provides for your allies 15% damage resistance for 2 minutes after use of medications deployed by you.
    • Painkillers - It works as before. Players revived by you will receive less damage for the next 5 seconds.

  • TIER 3

    • Uppers - Increases the amount of deployable First Aid Kits. ACE - Your deployed FAKs will be automatically used if a player in a radius within a 5 meters (of the ♥♥♥) is downed
    • Combat Doctor - Fully upgraded offers 2 Med Bags with 4 uses each. Best friend of every Medic.

  • TIER 4

    • Inspire - The most powerful skill in the game. Shout to revive your teammates at a distance of 7 meters (ACED). It is now both boosted and nerfed. You have 100% chance to revive teammate, but this effect cannot occur more than once every 20 seconds. Basic can only accelerate the movement of your companions / you revive them 50% faster


  • TIER 1

    • Forced Friendship - Ipgrade for your cable ties. ACE gives you little damage (0.5) aborption for each hostage you have up to 8.

  • TIER 2

    • Confident - Improves your intimidation, ACE allows you to have two convertet cops at the same time
    • Joker - It works the same way as before, you convert on your side cop or security guard.

  • TIER 3

    • Stockholm Syndrome - Changing this skill is proof that the old version was never used by anyone. New Stockholm Syndrome makes the civilians to automatically get down when they hear the noise caused by you and remain on the ground longer (Just Crowd Control).
      The real phenomenon is, however, ACED version. Hostages will not run away from you, even when officers free them. There is even more - if you end in custody, your hostages will automatically exchange themself for you. This effect can be triggered only once, but works during assault
    • Partners in Crime - The same as before. Increases the strength of your Jokers, and having them will increase your health and speed.

  • TIER 4

    • Hostage Taker - Passive regeneration, if you have any of the components. Perfect for Main Inspire. It works the same as before, but now converted cops are also counted as hostages.


  • TIER 1

    • Stable Shot - Increases stabilization of your weapons.

  • TIER 2

    • Rifleman - Technician old skill. Your weapon zoom is better (increased and faster snap)
    • Marksman - Better accuracy when using sniper rifles or submachine guns and assault rifles in the single-fire mode.

  • TIER 3

    • High Value Target - Basic remains the same - offers 15% more damage against designated enemies. Now, unfortunately, it costs 3 skill points instead of one :( ACE version increases damage by 50%, if the marked enemy is at a distance not less than 25 meters.
    • Aggressive Reload - Basic offers 15% faster reload for assault rifles. ACE
      accelerates reloading by 40% after killing an opponent by headshot, using the weapons listed in skills Marksman.

  • TIER 4

    • Ammo Efficiency - Headshots restores ammunition. It works only for sniper rifles or submachine guns and assault rifles in the single-fire mode. For disciplined sniper this skill may be very useful, but in my opinion it does not deserve to be in Tier 4. Even if you use Thanatos, you still can life without that. Just remember good old days, when we had not even a Gambler perk deck
Subtrees - Enforcer
Enforcer subtrees are focused on heavy weapons. We can say that his skills remained almost identical, the biggest change is a new skill tiers system.

Enforcer is divided into:
  • Shotgunner - Proficiency in the use of shotguns.
  • Tank - Increases the chance of survival, become real Tanker. This subtree contains all the old armor skills, including those from the old Technician.
  • Ammo Specialist - Allows you to carry more ammunition. Also improves your portable saw, turning it into weapons.

Completely new or heavily modified skills have been marked with underline


  • TIER 1

    • Underdog - The same as before. When surrounded by enemies, you recive less damage, and deal more damage.

  • TIER 2

    • Shotgun CQB - It works the same way as before. Faster reload and quicker zoom for your shotguns.
    • Shotgun Impack - Greater stability and damage for shotguns.

  • TIER 3

    • Far Away - Improved accuracy and range of shotguns while using iron sights.
    • Close by - Allows shooting with shotguns during the sprint. ACE version improves the accuracy of shotgun shots from the hip, and increases magazines for shotguns with magazines by 15 shells.

  • TIER 4

    • OVERKILL - Almost the same as before. Killing the enemy by using saw or shotgun increases by 75% your damage for 30 seconds. Bonus damage from basic version works only for shotguns and saw, in the ACE version bonus damage works on all weapons (the ability still have to be activated by killing someone with shotgun or saw) OVERKILL ACE now also reduces weapon swap by 80%, making it much more useful. Just imagine using light machine gun after killing with a shotgun.


  • TIER 1

    • Resilience - 15% faster armor recovery (basic) and reduces flashbangs effect duration by 75% (ACE) Two of my favorite skills combined into one :3 (Old Die Hard ACE + Stun Resistance)

  • TIER 2

    • Die Hard - Basic makes you get less damage during interactions.
      This effect works on all interactions, even reviving your team mates, which can save many heists.
      ACE increases all Ballistic vests armor by 20. (Old Nerves of Steel + Thick Skin)
    • Transporter - You throw bags further. On ACE your armor slows you down a little less, when you are carrying a bags.

  • TIER 3

    • Shock and Awe - Basic reduces armor recovery time for your entire team by 25%. ACE makes you have a chance of knocking down the shields by attacking the then with any bullets or melee. Chance to knock down the shield depends on the damage of your weapon.A new way to deal with shields, it replaces the old Iron Man ACE
    • Bullseye - It works as before. Headshots restore your armor.

  • TIER 4

    • Iron Man - Improves your armor. Combined Tactical Vest in available only for ACE version. This skill now does not allows you to knock down the Shields (See Bulletproof ACE)

    Ammo Specialist

  • TIER 1

    • Scavenging - Allows you to pick up a ammo packages (dropped by defeated enemies) from a greater distance, ACE version makes enemies you kill to drop more packages. Perfect for Gambler builds.

  • TIER 2

    • Bullet Storm - Same as before, deploying bags with ammunition allows you to shoot without any ammunition cost for short period of time.
    • Portable Saw - Allows you to select saw as secondary weapon. Now you don't need any skill to equip saw as primary weapon. ACE improves its efficiency.

  • TIER 3

    • Extra Lead - Fully upgraded offers 2 bags of ammunition with a capacity of 300% each. Practically it turns you into a walking armory.
    • Saw Massacre - Improves saw, if you intend to use it as a weapon. Basic improves the durability of blades when used on people. ACE adds chance to spread panic among enemies after killing someone with a saw.

  • TIER 4

    • Fully Loaded - Almost the same as before. Basic allows you to carry 25% more ammunition for you weapons, ACE inreases by 75% amount of ammo you gain from packages dropped by defeated enemies. The only change in this skills concerns ACE version. ACE now also gives you a little chance for finding throwable weapons (explosives, shurikens, etc.) while picking up ammo packages.
Subtrees - Technician
Technician Skilltree has been heavly rebuilt. Technician lost armor skills, his role now focuses on his toys only. Instead of single-fire weapons he uses now automatic firearms. His sentries has been heavily reinforced, and instead C4 like charges for everything, Technican now uses both trip mines and shapen charges, as two separate gadgets - shapen charges to blow up objects and more trip mines to blow up some heedless people

"New" Technician includes:
  • Engineer - The great master of sentries
  • Breacher - Enter everywhere, if not by door, enter with the door. Or make new door. Improve your drills or use explosives to blow up objects and unwary passers-by.
  • Opressor - A true connoisseur of automatic weapons and machine guns - everything that shoots bursts or auto-fire is exceptionally nice gentle to him.

Completely new or heavily modified skills have been marked with underline


  • TIER 1

    • Third Law - Your sentries cost less ammunition (Now setting up sentries takes some ammunition) and gives protective shield to your lovely toys.

  • TIER 2

    • Sentry Targeting Package - Your sentries are more accurate, are rotating faster, and contain more ammunition.
    • Eco Sentry - Your toys cost even less ammunition (Along with Defense up you get 50% discount). ACE increases your sentries health by 150%

  • TIER 3

    • Engineering - Basic silences your sentries, making them harder to spot by enemies. ACE lets you switch your sentries ammunition type on AP ammunition. AP ammunition penetrates enemies and shields, but has a lower fire-rate. Finally you do not have to stand behind your sweet little mechanical tools of mass destruction making sure that no big bad Shield gonna bully them.
    • Jack of All Trades - Basic reduces your time to deploy your inventory. ACE allows you to bring two deployables, the second deployable will, however, contain only half uses.

  • TIER 4

    • Tower Defense - It allows you to carry a total of 3 or even 5 sentries. Well... Overkill apparently decided that the best way to make sentries useful is to increase their numbers. Thrice.


  • TIER 1

    • Hardware Expert - A little better than before. You fix drills faster. In ACE version your drills have a 10% chance of self-restarting after jamming. Now, this skill also silences your drills in basic version!

  • TIER 2

    • Combat Enggeneering - You may remember this skills under the old name "Tactical Mines". Greater damage and range of explosion of your trip mines.
    • Drill Sawgeant - Same as before, improves the efficiency of your drills.

  • TIER 3

    • More Firepower - You can carry more trip mines and shaped charges. Unfortunately, the game yet does not offer a division for trap mines and shaped charges.
    • Kick Starter - Basic increases the chance of your drills self-restart after jamming.
      Regarding about ACE version, do you remember how many times you were angrily hitting these useless spoons (drills) with your bat, bare fists, or any other melee weapon? Good news for you! More Firepower ACE allows you to fix your drills this way! :3

  • TIER 4

    • Fire Trap - Your trap mines now are igniting environment during explosion. Brutal.


  • TIER 1

    • Steady Grip - Increases your weapons stability

  • TIER 2

    • Heavy Impact - Your shots now have a chance to knock down enemies.
    • Fre Control - Better accuracy while firing from the hip or/and moving.

  • TIER 3

    • Lock N' Load - Basic allows you to shoot during the sprint. Similar to one of Enforcer's skills, but this version works for all weapons. Killing 2 enemies with automatic firearm reduces time of your next reload.
    • Surefire - Basic extends magazines of your submachine guns, rifles and light machine guns by 15 rounds. ACE makes your weapons piercing armor (Armor, not Shields.)

  • TIER 4

    • Body Expertise - Automatic firearms inflict increased headshot damage. Even without this skill emptying one Cobra mag into Dozer's face immediately f***** destroys him. Now you don't need to waste entire magazine!
Subtrees - Ghost
New Ghost reminds a lot its original from the first versions of the game, when there were no Fugitive skilltree, or Perk Deck system.

Ghost is once again fast and quiet, indispensable in silent actions, and still effective during loud heists.

Please welcome the new-old Ghost, the silent killer in suit with dodge chance.

New-old Ghost is divided into:
  • Shinobi - A real spectrum, at a time when people realize that they were robbed, this invisible thief will be sitting safehouse counting money.
  • Artful Dodger - Agile and dangerous. He can avoid the bullets and hazardous situation.
  • Silent Killer - One true ninja, your opponent will never know what hit him.

Completely new or heavily modified skills have been marked with underline


  • TIER 1

    • Chameleon - It's harder to detect you, you can mark guards and cameras in casting mode. ACE allows you to pick up items in casting mode.

  • TIER 2

    • Cleaner - More bodybags
    • Sixth Sense - You can detect nearby people by standing motionless. ACE reduces cleaners cost (you can kill more civilians for lower price! YAY!). Am I the only one who thinks that Sixth Sense and Chameleon have swapped names? <--- See that old note? I predicted that :3

  • TIER 3

    • Nimble - Good old camera loop (basic) + 50% faster lockpick. (ACE) Sounds familiar, right?
    • ECM Overdrive - Same as before. Your ECMs effect last longer. ACE allows you to hack security doors by using your ECM.

  • TIER 4

    • ECM Specialist - Almost the same as before. For basic You get additional ECM (You can have a total of 2 ECMs) ACE upgrade your ECMs improving effect's time duration. Your ECMs can also block pagers now. I am little surprised that now ECM Specialist is placed highier than Overdrive. Apparently, two ECMs in the middle of the skilltree were making game too easy


  • TIER 1

    • Duck and Cover - Basic improves your sprint. Every build needs that ACE improves your dodge chance during sprint.

  • TIER 2

    • Parcour - Faster movement, quicker climbing the ladder,
      the ability to sprint in each direction, and reloading during a sprint. This skill is a combination of all the most useless skill in one.
    • Inner Pockets - Your melee weapons and balistic vests have higher concealment

  • TIER 3

    • Dire Need - When your armor is deplented, your shots stagger enemies
    • Shockproof - The same as before, but a little weaker. Basic, provides only 30% chance to knock down Tazer, if he attacked you from the back. In ACE version, you can escape from Tazer's stun, you have to only interact with him, but you have to do it two seconds.

  • TIER 4

    • Sneaky B.astard - The same as before, the lower is your detection, the greater is your dodge chance.

Silent Killer

  • TIER 1

    • Second Wind - You or your entire crew (ACE) are faster, when your armor is broken.

  • TIER 2

    • Optic Illusions - Silent weapons slighty increase your concealment.
    • The Professional - Same as before, better stability and accuracy while using silenced weapons.

  • TIER 3

    • Low Blow - The same as before - The lower is your detection, the greater is your chance for a critical hit. Great match with Sneaky B4stard
    • Specialized Killing - Your silenced weapons do more damage.

  • TIER 4

    • Unseen Strike - Increases your critical strike chance, if you have not been hit by the last 4 seconds. The bonus is 35% chance of a critical hit. In combination with the maximum possible effect of skill Low Blow (30%) both these skills in total provide 65% chance for a critical hit, what means critical for more often than every second bullet!
Subtrees - Fugitive
Fugitive skilltree was built from the ground up, it is finally what it should be from the beginning - Fearless killer, who mocks both police forces and Grim Reaper.

"New" Fugitive divides into:
  • Gunslinger - Master of pistols. Now anyone can use akimbo, but Gunslinger is the one who mastered handguns to perfection.
  • Revenant - Do not be afraid of death, it just cannot get you.
  • Brawel - Let the enemy a taste your fury and relase youur thirst for their blood.

Completely new or heavily modified skills have been marked with underline


  • TIER 1

    • Equililbrium - You pull out pistols faster. ACE your handguns are more accurate.

  • TIER 2

    • Gun Nut - Basic increases capacity magazines your pistol by 5 rounds ACE increases the rate of by 50%.
    • Akimbo - Improves Akimbo stability, ACE increases Akimbo mags by 50% Akimbo is now available to everyone, so this skill only improves this type of weapon

  • TIER 3

    • One Handed Talent - Your handguns do more damage.
    • Desperado - With basic Every successful pistol shot increases your accuracy by 10% (maximum 40%) for 10 seconds. ACE reduces pistols reload time.

  • TIER 4

    • Trigger Happy - Every successful pistol shot increases your accuracy by 20% (maximum 80%) for 2 seconds/ 10 seconds (basic / ACE).


  • TIER 1

    • Nine Lives - More health in bleedout (you can use you weapon in bleedout more before you are completely overwhelmed by enemies). ACE makes you may be knocked down 4 times in a row (without Doctor Bag) without endng in custody.

  • TIER 2

    • Running from Death - You are faster 10 second after being revived. With basic this applies only to quicker weapon swap and reloading, ACE also increases your movement speed.
    • Up You Go - You receive 30% less damage for 10 seconds after being revived The same effect as the skill Painkillers ACE also restores you more health after being revived. Like Combat Doctor ACE it is not working on Death Wish.

  • TIER 3

    • Swan Song - Same as before. When you should be downed, instead of being immediately knocked down, you can still complete your duties with reduced speed of your movement. ACE version increases the duration of this condition (Adds 6 seconds to 3 seconds from basic) Additionally during an active Swan Song, you ammo is unlimited. (And you don't need to reload, like in Bullet Storm skill)
    • Feign Death - Po powaleniu cię, masz 15% lub 45% (basic / ACE) szans że automatycznie się podniesiesz. Fundament tak zwanych Lucky Buildów.

  • TIER 4

    • Messiah - Self-revive if you kill enemy in bleedout. In basic version you have only one use, ACE allows you to renew Messiah charge by using Doctor Bag

      IMPORTANT NOTE: When I saw this skill, I was scared, because I know that there will be many, many people massively wasting Doctor Bags for Messiah charges. People gonna do it just to be able to continue their dying everywere, only because they feel immortal. DO NOT BE THAT GUY, usej Doctor Bags only for grey screen i.m. after 4 downs (3 basic "lifes" + 1 from Nine Lives skill)


  • TIER 1

    • Martial Arts - As before, it increases your melee skills. You receive less melee damage and you have a better chance to knock down an enemy by using melee.

  • TIER 2

    • Bloodthrist - Killing increases your melee damage. With ACE version, killing the enemy with melee reduces your reload time by 50% for 10 seconds .
    • Pumping Iron - Same as before, your melee do more damage.

  • TIER 3

    • Berserker - Same as before, you deal more damage, if you have a low health. Basic affects only a saw and a melee weapons. ACE applies bonus damage to all weapons.
    • ♥♥♥♥♥♥-Strike - Same as before, it allows you to counter attack enemy melee attack, knocking him down.ACE version allows you to block and counter attack Cloakers.

  • TIER 4

    • Frenzy - Your total health can't be more than 30% of your maximum health. In return, you receive less damage. Great fulfillment for the skill Berserk, you just can't accidentally bonus damage from low health, and your low health can now withstand more damage.
Continental Coins and Safehouse
Continental Coins
Special currency which can be used to upgrade your safehouse or buy weapon modification without dropping it from cards.

Now you can also use CCs to upgrade your AI teammates.

You can earn Continental Coins by doing daily side job and trophies, gaining experience or defending safehouse.

After long years of waiting we got ours customizable safehouses, every player have his own unique safehouse, which is very primitive at the very beginning, but can be upgraded with Continental Coins or trophies.

During Safehouse Raid loaded map is host's safehouse with all his trophies and upgrades.
As you probably had time to notice Payday 2 is a game containing a ton of DLC. But relax, to be honest you do not need any of them to enjoy full game. Pretty much all weapons from DLC are not so great, and downloadable content with new heists only allows you to host it. You can play on any map without a single DLC. Just join someone else's lobby

The problem comes only with character packs. If you like a particular character or perk deck, then rather there's no alternatives.

List of the most useful DLCs in the game
  • Gage mod courier - One of best DLCs for beginners. The fastest way to get some powerful mods. Also, very cheap.
  • Gage Shotgun pack - offers an custom ammunition for shotguns, including explosive rounds. It also contains Raven Shotgun, my favorite weapon of stealth.
  • Clover's character pack - Contains Clover and her Burglar perk deck - the only stealth perk deck in the game.
  • Overkill Pack - Useful RPG and nicer van .
  • Western pack - Powerful revolver and useful bow + dynamite.
  • Gage ninja pack - shurikens are a great way to save ammunition and incapacitate enemies, including specials.
DLC prices

The regular price of the DLC on Steam may scare you, but there is a way to get them for ridiculous small amout of money. Buy DLC only during Steam sales, discount on Payday 2 is always -75% and comes up quite often. If you don't want to wait, you can buy oldest DLCs for cents on some sites.
I'm not going to describe ordinary enemies, because they are described in detail along with their weapons in the FBI files.
Elite opponents, who after going through specialized training, they will try to destroy you in many different ways. Because of that training Specials will never give up, so you can't take them as hostages (So Joker do not works either) You can highlight them for your team using action key (default F). Killing special enemies should be a priority, because each of them is a serious threat, especially in groups.
Regular SWAT of FBI unit armed in shield that stops small and medium caliber. Shield is the most common special enemy. You can meet him in two variants, SWAT or FBI. These guys always comes with normal units, covering mates. with a minimum of experience and cunning, Shield is the easiest special enemy and makes troubles only in bigger number.

Defense against shield
The easiest way to kill the guy holding a shield is just a shot in the back. Just go around it. But you can kill Shield from front too. You need for this sniper rifle. Fire and explosive ammo also works.
The most annoying enemy in the game. Attacking from a distance, they are trying to shoot your head off. Snipers can do some serious damage, especially if you are using suit. To facilitate snipers are using red laser for aiming, so you can notice when you are on on someone's crosshair. Snipers can spawn both during assault and break. During a break they may come in even greater numbers. Fortunately in the most of heist they appear only after some time (the most since the second assault) They can come in blue or green variants, but this is purely cosmetic effect. Always deadly dangerous.

Defense against sniper

Good aim and even better reflex. There's no lifehacks for these little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Stay behind cover and watch yourself.
Called also: Spook, Fisher or Ninja, sometimes even Sanic. Cloaker is a fricking sociopath in the service of the police, who want to beat you instead of shoot you. He is armed in MP5 and he is trying to knock you down using his bare hands (or legs) And know what? He is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good at it. If a player is knocked down by Cloaker, it does not count as blood loss (you don't need medbag after being cloaked.), but after getting up, your health still will be reset (40%HP on N-OVKL, 10%HP on DW).
Cloaker is so dangerous that attacking has a bigger headshot damage multiplier, so it is possible for normal player to kil him.
Bots who do not know how to fight him are virtually doomed to his favor.

Cloaker's charge

When Cloaker is charging, It emits a characteristic noise. You can't run, you can't hide, even if you are avoiding rushing charging Cloaker to turn off his sound, Cloaker will continue to chase you silent. He will not stop until He does not get your ass under his boot.

Defense against Cloaker

When you see Cloaker, kill him with a headshot. (its head has a reduced defense) Bodyshots does not give a good result. The larger the caliber, the more likely it is to defeat him, even when he charges at you. (Deagle, sniper rifles, etc.) A good way is to kill Cloaker is to use javelin that kills every living being in one throw, or shurikens that can poison Cloaker incapacitating him for some time.
You can find Counter-Strike skill in Fugitive skill, that allows you to block every melee attack, even Cloaker charge. That skill is very expensive thus usually not viable, however, useful for the community challenges such as pacifist.

#TheMoreYouKnow In the early version of PD2, Cloaker wasn't part of the game, however, he was present in Payday The Heist, so community wanted him in Payday 2 too. Introducing Cloaker caused great terror, somany players regret their request. That's why one line at beating player is "Now go to te forums and cry like a little ♥♥♥♥♥ you are!"
Authentic pacyfikator with a powerful taser as weapon.
Even if the attack will not knock you donw, certainly he make you waste some of your precious ammunition, so being caught by Taser always lead to a greater or smaller losses. Like being cloaked, being downed by Tazer's electric powers isn't counted as ordinary knockdown from bullets (you do not lose blood, you don't need medbag) but still resets your health. Tazer is especially dangerous in groups, or when attacked by surprise.
Both Tazer and Cloaker is the reason why you should not recede for the rest of the team.

Defense against Taser

If Tazer getting to you, try as quickly as possible to locate and shoot him. You don't need to kill him, he just have to lose his balance. However, if you already had shot your entire mag into the sky, coun on your team or random cop which break your suffering by cutting through tezer's string while moving.
In Technician skill tree there is Shockproof skill that can protect you from tazers. Good in some tank builds.
The most dangerous adversary, trained psychopath in sapper suit. You may have guessed that clothes designed to disarm explosives has enormous strength. Fortunately this outfit is not designed for fight against armed robbers, so Dozers are very slow. Not anymore. This special enemy comes in three variants.
  • Bulldozer/Greendozer - Green Bulldozer armed with a shotgun. He wears unmodified sapper suit. Because of that he is the weakest of all three Dozers. His shots can be avoided very easily, armor are weak compared to other versions. (That means he is still almost impervious to bodyshots, but his face protection probably is made of cardboard) After a few encounters with the enemy, he should not be any challenge for you.
  • Blackdozer - Black Bulldozer armed with a IZHMA 12G which is an automatic shotgun. He has better armor and better training. Sometimes this walking piece of rock is the greatest threat, because of its accuracy. Despite two small holes in his face protection, Blackdozer gets better aim than sniper and he isn't even using his sight! Avoid eye contact.
  • Skulldozer - White bulldozer, the heaviest GenSec weapon. His armor is completely adapted for combat. GenSec even painted a skull on the face protection so their soldier can proudly represented grim the reaper. It has the best armor and healt of all three, and as a weapon hi is using a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ light machine gun. It is not as accurate as blackdoor, but at medium and close range Skulldozer is the greatest threat. Spawns only on Death Wish

How to defeat

Hunting for each type of Dozer looks the same, they differ only in htedifficulty of killing. It can be done in several ways
  • Kill his stupid face - Basic strategy. Break his face protection and ain between the eyes.
    NOTE - In the game you may notice that some experienced players simply come up close to Dozer and empty entire mag in his face, wherefore the enemy lies dead before he could even react. Do not try the same, you need weapon with suitable damage per second for this trick.
  • Rocket Launchers - The simplest and most effective method. But also the most ammo consuming.
  • Sniper rifles with high caliber. The legendary Thanatos requires only 3 shots to behead Skulldozer.
  • Javelins - Well aimed javelin in the exposed face immediately kills.
Police support team, Medic on battlefield can heal both regular cops and specials. Unit being healed will be marked with green aura. Single medics should not be a problem, unless they heal active dozers, dozer supported by a medic can survive some fatal shots (javelin between eyes for example.) Don't let medics regroup, they can heal each other what can waste a lot of your ammo.
Captain Winters
It can be described as a mini-boss. Winters is a unique unit, which can appear only once on the concrete heist. Winters is different from other opponents, because he does not attack. However, this does not mean that it is harmless. Captain avoids the dirty work, giving orders from safe place. Winters are always accompanied by a unique shields, (the shields bend around the top and sides, leaving exposed only the back) moving in formation. Together they form a defensive circle with Captain in a safe middle of the formation. In addition, Winters also has one of these improved shields. After reaching a certain place, the formation does not move, but stays in one
specified place for as long as they live. When they notice an enemy, shields can open fire. This is defensive behavior, as long as you do not you come, you will not be attacked by them

The presence of Winters on the map causes the following effects:
  • The police is better organized (unconfirmed)
  • The police has increased resistance to headshots.
  • Endless Assault
Because the last point (endless assault), Winters poses a huge threat if it is not quickly defeated. Infinite assault means that new enemies will continue to appear, you will not get a moment of rest, and you will not get an opportunity to trade your friends from custody.

Defeating him will trigger his "tactical retreat" and immediately ends Assault (break)

How to defeat

Due to the accompanying minions, wounding Winters can be quite a challenge. Depending on your team's equipment you can do it in some different ways.

Fire - Flamethrower or molotovs, incendiary grenades (grenade launchers)
RPG - The best choice, one or two shots and job is done
Grenades and grenade launchers - less effective than RPG, but also works.
Explosive ammunition - It consume a lot of it, but should work
Sniper Rifles - The bigger the caliber, the better. Do not focus on minions, aim directly for Winter's head.
Shooting in the back - If you do not have any of the above methods, you are left with a classic shooting back. This method requires at least two players cooperating, one focuses the attention Winters, second tries to kill the Captain.

Winters escapes when he loses most of his Shields, or when his health will be greatly reduced, so concentrate on making one of those situations.
SWAT Van Turret
The SWAT Van Turret is a special enemy that appears only to certain maps. In simple words, SWAT Turret is the law enforcer's version of the sentry gun. Very big sentry gun on big black armored SWAT van. Because of that, It works similar.

For targeting enemies, SWAT turret uses a laser targeting module. It scan for enemies in line of sight, and automatically a attacks the nearest enemy, or player who attacks it. After 400 (800 on Death Wish) fired bullets, SWAT turret has to reload, what takes about 8 seconds. Despite being a machine, Turret's lens (most exposed after destroying the armor plates) serves as the unit's "head", and damaging that place gives you 100x headshot damage boost.

Update #86 upgraded SWAT Turret to version 2.0. Because of that, SWAT Turret now after receiving some damage, can hide for a while inside of its van, and trigger self-repair. A single turret can only self-repair up to three times and any destroyed armor plates will not regenerate. Also can spray tear gas around to encourage players to approach to get up close.

SWAT Van Turret is an electrical device, so can be hacked using ECM. Just deploy your ECM somewhere on the map as usual, and SWAT Turret will turn friendly, (as long as ECM is active) but nearby law enforcers will attempt to seek cover instead of attacking it. When turret is friendly, targeting laser is green, exactly as int the moment when Turret is reloading.

  • SWAT Turret got pretty bad aim, so you can easily avoid shots. Dodge builds can feel like in The Matrix, because while sprinting with high dodge chance, turret only wastes ammunition on you. It's good tactic if your team mates are slow armored turtles with bags full of gold, and you not want them to get hurt.
    Focus Turret on yourself running around, allowing your friends to walk past it safely.
  • But if you are the slow armor guy, stay hidden under cover. SWAT turret will try to shoot you anyway, so let him waste ammunition, wait for reloading and then run.
Destruction of the turret is never required, but if you feel you have to do it, have more tips.
  • For the best result use RPG, but don't shoot when Turret is attacking you. Bullets can blow up your rocket next to your face.
  • Aim for lens for headshot 100x damage boost.
Community slang
The terms, phrases and simple memes used by community PD2, which at first you may do not understand.
  • Almir - Payday 2 creator god. If something good happens, it's thanks to Almir. If something is wrong, it's thanks to Almir.
  • Almir's Beard - Almir's majestic beard. Considered as a so divine as Almir himself.
  • Almir's Toast - Almir's holy artifact. You can find this precious treasure in some heists.
  • Assault - The period of the loud heist, which constantly spawns new policemen, aggressively attacking.
  • Assets - Various goods or inside help that you can purchase before the start of the heist. Assets are automatically appear in the game (sometimes must be activated) to help you in your job. Most often it is extra ammo or health packs. But you can also buy assets like bodybags for stealth jobs. To buy some assets you the need special skills or DLC.
  • Blackdozer - Black Bulldozer, better version of Dozer.
  • Bob - Civilian model that appears in every Payday 2 trailer. He is the main character in Big Bank trailer.
  • Build - Combination of skills and weapons in order to achieve maximum efficiency for specific playstyle
  • Captain - Winters
  • Custody - In Payday robbers do not die, they are arrested. When someone dies was arrested, he ends in Custody, so you can trade him back using hostages.
  • Cloaked - Downed by Cloaker
  • Death Wish (DW) - The hardest level of difficulty in the game. Don't join DW games if you are not experience enough.
  • Dodges - A build element, focusing on avoiding bulets at the expense of armor.
  • Dozer - Stands for "Bulldozer" Used to name the strongest special enemy, without mentioning about exact type of it.
    kind of Dozer.
  • Drill - The self-jamming spoons. We uses small spoons it to open safes and big spoons for vaults.
  • DLC (Downloadable Content) - The foundation of this game. Some people treat that as Almir's greed, others treat that as werid type of subscription for extra content. Payday 2 contains a ton of DLC, but you can fully enjoy the game even without them.
  • Enforcer - Character "class" which symbolizes brute force.
  • First Aid Kit (♥♥♥) - Item that can restore your whole health bar. One ♥♥♥ disappears after a single use. Propably just a pack of Skittles
  • Fugitive - Character "class" which focuses on dodges and fast killing.
  • General McBadaas - Infamous Payday 2 master.
  • Ghost - Character "class" which specializes in the stealth elements, or referring to a player performing stealth missions.
  • Greendozer - Classic Bulldozer, Dozer the Weakest.
  • Heist - Mission/Map/Level
  • Heister - Payday fanbase, or just Payday player.
  • HoxHUD - The most popular HUD modification in Payday 2. Displays more useful informations in the game.
  • Infamous - Reseting your level (required level 100) in exchange for a higher infamous level, guaranteeing various bonuses, including exp multiplier and respect in neighborhood.
  • Joker - The friendly policeman adopted by the skills of the same name (Joker skill). In the game our frienldy cop is highlighted in blue, do not shoot him.
  • LastBullet - The largest community of PD2 modders and a website with mods for PD2
  • Loot - Everything can take. You can meet community challenges "All loot" which consists on gathering the entire loot from concrete map
  • Loud - The way of completing heist using brute force, shooting at everything that wants to stop you. Loud is not always planned, sometimes it is the result of the original plan fail. (Plan B)
  • Mastermind - Character "class" dedicated to the support of the team and the manipulation of people.
  • Minions - The term common enemies under the leadership of stronger. In Payday 2 you can name like that Winter's Shields.
  • No assets - Community challenge consisting in completing the heist without the purchase of any assets.
  • No mercy - The wayof completing the heist quietly, consisting in killing all the witnesses. (both guards and civilians) The most common at banks, where people do not want to watch a hostage, or too many civilians
  • Overkill (OVKL) - Name of the studio, which created a series of payday, or level of difficulty.
  • Overdrill (OVDL) - The way to enter to the secret vault in First World Bank heist in both PD2 and P:TH games. It requires 4 players, knowledge of the relevant puzzles and at least an hour of free time.
  • Pager - Walkie-talkies are GenSec guard's basic equipment. When headquarters
    loses connection with guard #death, someone needs to use neutralized guard's pager in order to avoid suspicion.
  • Plan A - Means Stealth
  • Plan B - Means Loud
  • Security room - Place responsible for operation of the cameras. Taking over this room turns off the cameras that the control room.
  • Skulldozer - Third, strongest type of Dozer. Appears only on DW.
  • Stealth - Completing heist without triggering an alarm
  • Tazed - Downed by Tazer.
  • Technician - Character "class" which is basicallyy a combination of engineer from TF2, a professional operator of spoons (commonly known as drills), sharpshooter from Payday The Heist and anti-Tazer
  • Titan camera - You can't destroy it.
  • Titandozer - Halloween version of Dozer. That headless nightmare occurs only at Halloween maps.
  • Titansafe - Special titan safes. Harder to open.
  • Weaks - "weakest" enemies like that one regular cop with magnum, ironically deals the most damage. Fear of enemy who do not wear armor because he got the highest caliber.
  • Winters - You can specify him as a mini-boss. Winters is a unique enemy that appears once per heist. When Winters is present on the map, the police is better organized, they have better helmets, and most importantly - causes endless assault.
Steam Group
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If you managed to get up here, sincerely thanks you for taking the time to read my guide. If you feel unsatisfied, you want more tips or help with builds, do not be afraid to contact me - I'll always help you.

Sorry for bad English, I'm not native English speaker. I'm sure there's a lot of grammatical mistakes, because you can find plenty of them in version of this guide in my language, so forgive for all crimes against dictionary.

If you like this guide and want more, you can visit my Steam profile

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Specials thanks to the page which I'm always using and also was very helpful in creating this guide.

Do not forget to rate this guide!

Keep these helmets flying!
kapisrapi1243 Feb 28, 2022 @ 1:32pm 
the guide is fine, but seriously, WTF is that english??????
Wertix1400 Feb 19, 2021 @ 9:16am 
Herbata Ziołowa May 20, 2020 @ 10:16am 
excaliburst Jul 14, 2016 @ 10:53am 
I read the guide,and I must say, It's probably not propably.I think.
Dziewiąty  [author] Jan 25, 2016 @ 1:11am 
25.01.2016 update
+ Added SWAT Van Turret
+ Expanded Basics section
An Psycho Jan 22, 2016 @ 1:28pm 
Zajebisty guide dla nowych graczy. *like*
ZombifiedReaper666 Jan 22, 2016 @ 12:05pm 
Hey, one huge tip you should add is for hosts that are leveling up a ton to beat the shit out of their space bar since it speeds up the xp bar animation. More time making helms fly less time watching the circle fill.
Dick Kickem Jan 22, 2016 @ 9:08am 
Very nice writing! You, mah boi, got some good sense of humor.
Only thing, that I may disagree with is that Skulldozers isn't strongest one. Strongest one is Blackdozer because of its superior accuracy, no damage falloff at all and VERY high RoF. Blackdozer is almost 100% death to not-so-experienced DW crew.
Dziewiąty  [author] Jan 21, 2016 @ 8:58pm 
@▼ E̶n̶t̶h̶y̶ Fluffbum Becase you can't enter DW mission without build. It's about skillpoints. And nobody uses level cap, because let's be honest, when I see XX-50 having 800h in game, I know he should be able to play as good as II-100 with 60h.
I once had to kick 7 times in a row. Why? On hard DW mission because of underleveled or non-infamous players when I needed someone well experimenced.
Some missions require specific experience and knowledge of tactics. For Example DW Hoxton Breakout, where people say they know that map and later in game they are dying, becase they don't know door spawns, or street patterns.
Remember that old Infamous had only five levels, and now you can go for five levels of infamy faster than collecting cash and exp for one reset back then.
Sir Puggsworth II Jan 21, 2016 @ 4:40pm 
AS an experienced player, I even found this useful to me. (didnt know being dowed by tazers didnt count towards down) Thanks for making this.:steamhappy: