Invisible, Inc.

Invisible, Inc.

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Invisible, Inc. How to play a mod from the Workshop
By homedrone
Instructions on getting and playing with mods from the Steam Workshop
How to subscribe to mods in the workshop
Browse the mods available in the WORKSHOP page of the Invisible, Inc. Community Hub.

Click on a MOD to see it's Description page.

Underneath the main image panel for the mod is a section with a green SUBSCRIBE button.

Clicking the button will change it to SUBSCRIBED.

Follow the next section on how to get the game to download the MOD.

How to get the mod into the game
Once you have subscribed to a MOD in the workshop, you must tell Invisible, Inc. to download all the mods you've selected.

Start the game and select the OPTIONS button from the main menu.

Choose the GAMEPLAY tab

Click the button that says REFRESH MODS and the game will begin pulling the data from Steam.

Then close and restart the game after it has refreshed your mods.