Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Immersive Sandbox Gamemode
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Gamemode
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
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16.323 KB
31 mei 2015 om 15:10
10 mei 2016 om 14:15
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Immersive Sandbox Gamemode

An Improved version of Sandbox, with an immersive firstperson perspective!

This isn't meant to be anything too big or spectacular; this is just a project of mine that I figured I would share. If you have any ideas about stuff that you would like added or changed, let me know and I'll take it into consideration.

This is an actual Gamemode, it does not change Sandbox!

See the Features below for more info, and I recommend reading "Concerns" at the bottom of the description before you download; it should help you out alot.

  • An immersive firstperson perspective that lets you see your own body when you look down!
    Stays in firstperson for when you die and ragdoll! See below for the Console Variables that adjust your view.

  • A Lua-implemented flashlight built specifically for the immersive firstperson perspective!
    See below for the Console Variables that adjust the flashlight.

  • Realistic fall damage!
    Take damage based on how hard you hit the ground!

  • Health regeneration!
    You only have a maximum of 30 health, but you constantly regenerate health! See below for the Console Variables that adjust health regeneration.

  • Weapon dropping!
    For added realism you always spawn with no weapons, and you can drop your active weapon with the Console Command dropactive, or you can drop all your weapons with the Console Command dropall. I recommend binding these commands to keys.

  • Your player entity will speak when injured!
    Your voice will depend on both the sex and stature of your player model, and what you say will depend on the source of the damage.

  • Improved noclipping!
    Nothing can touch you while noclipping, including bullets!

Console Variables:
  • isbox_viewforward
    Default: 2.7
    Realm: Client, but sent to the Server where it is saved on the player as a NWVar.
    Move the rendering origin forward this distance. Used to adjust immersive firstperson rendering. Clamped between -7.0 and 7.0 before being set as a NWVar.

  • isbox_viewznear
    Default: 1.7
    Realm: Client, but sent to the Server where it is saved on the player as a NWVar.
    Move the near clipping plane forward this distance. Used to adjust immersive firstperson rendering. Clamped between -2.0 and 7.0 before being set as a NWVar.

  • isbox_viewupdate
    Default: 1
    Realm: Client
    Update the position of the rendering origin every time your view is going to be rendered. If you want your player model's animations to always appear smooth, set this to 1. If you want eye traces to always land exactly under your crosshair, set this to 0.

  • isbox_forceimmersion
    Default: 1
    Realm: Client
    Prevent vehicles from overriding your view.

  • isbox_flattachp
    Default: anim_attachment_RH
    Realm: Client (user info)
    The "attachment" point on your player model to attach the flashlight to. anim_attachment_RH is on your right hand, so you will have to be doing something that involves holding out your right hand, such as holding a weapon, for the flashlight to look right.
    For a list of attachments on your current player model, run the Console Command show_attachments. The flashlight must be toggled for changes to take effect.

  • isbox_floffsetz
    Default: 4.0
    Realm: Client (user info)
    Move the Lua flashlight forward this distance. The flashlight must be toggled for changes to take effect.

  • isbox_floffsetx
    Default: -8.0
    Realm: Client (user info)
    Move the Lua flashlight right this distance. The flashlight must be toggled for changes to take effect.

  • isbox_floffsety
    Default: 16.0
    Realm: Client (user info)
    Move the Lua flashlight up this distance. The flashlight must be toggled for changes to take effect.

  • isbox_oldflashlight
    Default: 0
    Realm: Server
    Use the old engine-built flashlight instead of the Lua one. Looks weird and gets in the way. The flashlight must be toggled for changes to take effect.

  • isbox_oldweapons
    Default: 0
    Realm: Server
    Spawn the same way that you do in normal Sandbox; with weapons and ammo.

  • isbox_healthregen
    Default: 1
    Realm: Server
    Enable health regeneration for players.

  • isbox_healthregenrate
    Default: 2.0
    Realm: Server
    The rate at which players regenerate health.

  • isbox_voicetype
    Default: -1
    Realm: Client
    The type of voice. -1 means use the voice of your player model, 0 means don't speak, 1 means male, 2 means female, 3 means masked/combine, and 4 means zombie.

  • isbox_noclip_ghost
    Default: 1
    Realm: Server
    Nothing can touch players while noclipping. Noclip must be toggled for changes to take effect.

  • isbox_invuln
    Default: 0
    Realm: Client, but sent to the Server where it is saved on the player as a NWVar.
    Make yourself invulnerable to all damage. Works in Singleplayer. Will only be set as a NWVar if you are in Singleplayer or are an Admin.


"I can't use any tools"
You need the Tool Gun weapon. You can give yourself one from the weapons tab in the spawn menu.

"Parts of my player model are getting in the way of my view"
Try setting isbox_viewforward and isbox_viewznear to different values.

"I can see through walls when I run up to them"
The only other options were to make your collision box wider, which is nasty, or make your view get pushed inside of your head when you approach a wall, which looks even worse than seeing through it.

"I can see my face when I turn quickly"
Your view is turning faster than your head can.

"The flashlight is all messed up"
See isbox_flattachp above.

"I can see the back of my head when I move quickly"
This shouldn't happen, but it does. I have no clue why, but it does. I'm trying to fix it.

"I died from falling"
You take damage based on how far you fall. If you are in Singleplayer or are an Admin, you can make yourself invulnerable by setting isbox_invuln to 1.

"The camera weapon..."
Set isbox_viewznear to 7.0. Or just disable the HUD from the context menu and take a screenshot with the shortcut key.

If you have ANY other questions or concerns, ask in the comments. I will do my best to respond.
Populaire discussies Alles weergeven (7)
3 sep 2021 om 7:00
Can't see it in the gamemode menu, help
15 jan 2018 om 13:50
commands dont work
Daddy Danee
22 jan 2018 om 9:55
Injure\pain sounds are wrong
578 opmerkingen
Pierniuk 28 mei om 7:39 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More- government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes u will have the best of your life
oil drinker 9000 16 mei om 15:23 
no shit
the mod literally says you spawn with 30 health in the description
ArgyBargyGuy 10 mei om 14:14 
every time i load into a map my health is at 30 and i cant use a medkit
Lombaxtard 10 apr om 7:07 
@NEKO I recommend you try using first-person from CTV in conjunction with Dynamic Height 2 instead, because this addon obviously isn't getting updated ever again. In CTV disable hybrid first-person, in DH2 set camera mode to real-time. CTV also has a nice anti-clipping feature that pevents you from looking through walls almost perfectly. With all of this combined your vertical viewing offset will be in-sync with your actual first-person camera position (the only thing that is probably impossible to fix given current the animations, is a bit of a horizontal offset, but it's at worst insignificant I'd say). Works with re-animations, prone mod and these mods don't feature first-person death
Here's a preview of what to expect: (hybrid first-person setting is enabled in the video, don't mind it)
Niko 31 jan om 18:35 
I don't give a single fuck if it's not being worked on, I want the option to disable the first person death cam. It is conflicting with other shit and no other "immersive first person" addon on the ENTIRE WORKSHOP does anything else as good as this one.

The one thing I hate most about these addons, and even third person shit, is that the crosshair is never actually centered, making just landing a single shot a fucking puzzle. This is even MORE painful with smaller (or larger) playermodels, because now the HEIGHT is completely off, and you have to juggle that while aiming, too. This has, so far, been the ONLY EVER ADDON to not do that shit (mostly), which is absolutely amazing, and I love this addon a lot, but having to deal with the first person death, that not only has been causing problems, like I said before, but I really just don't like it.
weedshot 7 nov 2023 om 7:04 
it was last updated in 2016, he doesnt work on this addon anymore, stop bugging him
ValentinesKay 5 nov 2023 om 0:47 
make it not a gamemode plssssssss!!!!!!!!!!:steamhappy::steamfacepalm::steamhappy::steamhappy:
._президент_. 6 sep 2023 om 6:31 
Kookachoo 25 aug 2023 om 18:50 
12 jul 2023 om 9:35 
people comenting on this old ass addon bruh