Tropico 4
47 人が評価
How to Zoom Out Farther
作者: Bipolar Bear
If you are like me and you want to be able to look at your islands from a more expansive bird's-eye view then follow these simple directions and enjoy the view!
It really annoyed me how limited the Tropico 4 camera is when zooming out on my islands so I found an easy way to create a one time setting that allows me to zoom out as far as I want so that I can see my islands in all of their glory.

Note: From my experience this modification does not increase CPU or RAM usage.

Here's a comparison..


You can barely zoom out in the vanilla game :(


But wait, there's more..

Bird's-Eye View:

You won't be able to zoom out this far using the scroll wheel - instead, you have to rotate the camera by holding ALT + Left Mouse or pressing and holding the scroll wheel while dragging the mouse.

It doesn't just look cool, it can also also help you be more efficient!

It's really helpful to use this view to get an overview of natural resources and other things like crime, liberty, etc.
How To
  1. Open the Tropico 4 directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Tropico 4\)
  2. Create a new directory called "Game"
  3. Open the "Game" directory that you just created
  4. Create a new text file in the directory you just created - you can name the file whatever you want, I named mine "zoommod"
  5. Open the file you just created in a text editor like NotePad or NotePad++
  6. Copy/Paste the following code into the file
    -- Zoom Mod ZoomMod = function() -- modify camera settings and move fog higher hr.RTSCamera.MaxHeight = 120 -- original: 40 hr.RTSCamera.MaxZoom = 20000 -- original: 7500 hr.FogStartModifier ="5" -- original: "2.0" -- modify rendering settings and render objects from farther distances --hr.ShadowRangeModifier = 20000 -- Shadows --hr.TerrainLODDistanceModifier = 250 -- Grass --hr.BillboardDistanceModifier = 250 -- Trees --hr.DistanceModifier = 250 -- Buildings end -- Only fire once local FiredOnce = false -- UA Set Mode OnMsg.UASetMode = function(actions,mode) -- Fire until fired once if not FiredOnce then -- If we boot, trip it ... if(mode == "Boot") then FiredOnce = true -- Run the thread to bypass it CreateRealTimeThread(function() -- Do mod loading code here. ZoomMod() end) end end end -- T4 (non MT) approach OnMsg.ClassesPreprocess = function() ZoomMod() end
  7. Save and close the file
  8. Rename the file extension from ".txt" to ".lua" (file extensions will have to be visible; for help, see
  9. Launch Tropico 4
You can modify the parameters by changing the values for MaxHeight, MaxZoom and FogStartModifier.
I came across this solution after searching the web and landing on a thread in the Kalypso forum. You can find the thread at
13 件のコメント
spaceweezle 2021年11月11日 11時02分 
Much better. Thank you!
Carda NL 2021年7月3日 4時02分 
EPIC! Just what i've been looking for. The zoom out is a nice bonus to what I was looking for. I didn't like the fog distance and now everything looks colorful. You just saved Tropico 4 for me
Falka 2018年2月8日 17時41分 
Here is the lua script. Replace "DOT" with a period
PapiwA 2017年1月5日 10時26分 
Epic 😎👍
Bipolar Bear  [作成者] 2017年1月3日 23時12分 
@Millenium, I just noticed your comment, thanks for the suggestion! I'll try it out later this week, it may be worth adding here too. I'll be watching for changes in performance as well :P
Dramato 2016年9月16日 11時34分 
Very useful. I also recommend the SweetFX mod to get sharper image details.

You can also add these lines to zoommod to get more details in zoomed out image
hr.ShadowRangeModifier = 20000 -- Shadows
hr.TerrainLODDistanceModifier = 250 -- Grass
hr.BillboardDistanceModifier = 250 -- Trees
hr.DistanceModifier = 250 -- Buildings
Bipolar Bear  [作成者] 2015年8月18日 15時31分 
@papiwa I didn't :P If you look at the last screenshot you can see that that little lake is an inlet to the ocean :)
PapiwA 2015年8月18日 14時17分 
How on Earth did you put a cruise liner in a lake ??
Kaurv 2015年4月18日 2時24分 
The file extentions weren't visible to me, I am on Windows 7.
I didn't get an error, it just didn't change the file.
Bipolar Bear  [作成者] 2015年4月17日 17時55分 
@K0RVU5, are the file extensions visible to you (ie, when you look at the file does it say "zoommod" or "zoommod.txt")?

I assume they probably are, so I'm wondering if you get an error when you try changing the file type?

If you get an error like "the file may become unusable" then it is fine to proceed with the renaming.

I wouldn't mind trying to troubleshoot your issue so I could improve the guide but to save you time I've uploaded the zoommod.lua file for you to download directly.

You can download the zoommod.lua file from - please let me know if the link becomes invalid.