Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online

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Mission: Borg Disconnected
By JadeKat
A walk-through of the Star Trek Online 5 player Fleet Action STF - Borg Disconnected. Mission length: 15-20 minutes. Best part is you get to fight the Borg, Undine and Voth!
Video Guide
Trimmed playthough with tips
Each stage has disconnected ships to rescue these are marked with a arrow bar. There are also several waves in each stage.

Stage 1 - Defeat waves of Borg probes and spheres
Stage 2 - Disrupt rifts and defeat Undine bioships, Borg cubes and spheres.
Stage 3 - Disrupt rifts and defeat Voth Palisade Frigates, Voth Bastion Cruisers, Undine Bioships, Borg cubes and spheres.
Stage 4 - Defeat 3 dreadnaughts (Voth, Borg and Undine)
General Tips
  • 3 areas highlighted on minimap split team (2, 2, 1) and take an area each.
  • One team member should focus on defeating enemy and keeping enemy off the other team member.
  • The other team member should rescue Disconnected Borg and player can not be under fire while doing this.
  • The team member on their own will have the hardest path to completing goals. Teams of 2 will need to focus on completing the objectives.
  • Closing the rifts is not interrupted by damage.
  • Borg plasma torpedoes have a DoT that can make freeing for several seconds impossible.
  • Protect disconnected Borg from Voth Borg Killer torpedo's by running into them. There is no other way to destroy them.
  • During stage 8 normal difficulty can fire on the same target(s) on higher difficulty spreading the fire is necessary.
  • The Voth dreadnought has the partial immunity shield for a limited time do not waste tie shooting it. Change target or change position.
Recommended Equipment
Voth Dreadnought - Subnucleonic beam is useful to interrupt shield heals
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