Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

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2 Units Per Tile
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태그: Units
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842.000 B
2014년 11월 6일 오후 2시 47분
2014년 11월 9일 오전 7시 31분
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2 Units Per Tile

2 Units Per Tile
for Civilization Beyond Earth

Changes the stacking limit to two combat and two civilian units per tile
댓글 12
Kage-Yami 2015년 1월 19일 오후 10시 06분 
Nice mod, am definitely using it, even if it screwed one of my explorers over - Had a guy starting an expedition in miasma, knowing I'd need to move and heal him half-way through, but an AI decides to come along and stand on him, making me unable to select him to move him to safety.
MadManMatt137 2014년 11월 12일 오후 7시 42분 
AI units will move onto tiles with your units on them. Just had an AI marine enter and stay in the tile my marine was on, however the player can not move onto tiles with AI units on them. have not seen what happens when you are at war yet, so I dont know if they still can and whether or not they are able to attack while doing it.
Cathulhu 2014년 11월 12일 오후 6시 18분 
Is there any way to make this only affect aliens? I want the Starship Troopers feel of endless aliens.
BLÀde 2014년 11월 12일 오전 2시 31분 
it's hard to tell if a unit is stacked or not
Nutzzz  [작성자] 2014년 11월 9일 오전 7시 35분 
Repeated from 3UPT: @Jones: Thanks for the troubleshooting. I made this in ModBuddy; that line doesn't do anything, it's a comment. The problem was... I'm an idiot. I renamed the file and it lost it's setting to actually update the database. So it wasn't doing anything. I've updated it, and it should work now.
Corporal Jones 2014년 11월 8일 오후 1시 37분 
Combat units are able to share tiles too, just checked.
Corporal Jones 2014년 11월 8일 오후 1시 13분 
Yes, this seems to be the pronlem Nutzzz. The original civ5 3UPT was designed with the "Mod Buddy" the one here wasn`t and for some reason the game doesn`t seem to recognise the one without the "Mod Buddy" tag to it, other than that their both identical codes. So maybe this one needs to be updated throught the Mod Buddy or simply use the Civ5 3upt in this place.
I`ve just checked and the original 3UPT (Civ5 one) is working correctly in this game. Workers can move on the same tile as i expect the combat units will to.
Everyone, just copy 3upt from Civ5 and paste it into mod files for Beyond Earth. You will however have to start a new game ;(
Good luck and no more 1 upt ;))
Corporal Jones 2014년 11월 8일 오전 6시 44분 
The guys working on it. Go to the 3 units per tile mod and read the comments there.
BLÀde 2014년 11월 8일 오전 5시 17분 
this isn't working
diabolical_mouse 2014년 11월 7일 오후 1시 56분 
Quick question:

Would this mod make Supremacy units, particularly the SABR, with adjacent unit buffs overpowered? Don't get me wrong, I like the possibilities this opens up, but I don't want to take down a city with a single shot.