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Dynamic UFOs
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1. lis. 2014 v 9.17
2. lis. 2014 v 1.27
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Dynamic UFOs

Dynamic UFOs v3.0

Authored by Kabill
Special thanks to Solver for coding support

--- Overview ---

Dynamic UFOs is designed to increase the variety and dynamism of both the Geoscape and Ground Combat parts of Xenonauts. It does this through randomising the UFOs which spawn for different alien mission types, through unlocking special mission types like Terror and Base Attack missions to make them more common and by adding significant random elements to the UFO ground crews.

--- Features ---

- Dyanamic UFO Spawns: The range of UFOs which can spawn at any given point in the game is much wider. Higher-tier UFOs will spawn earlier in the game (though at first infrequently) while lower-tier UFOs will continue to spawn throughout the game (though becoming increasingly uncommon).

- Unlocked Alien Missions: Particular alien missions, notably Terror and Base Attack missions, are no longer limited by a cooldown and can spawn during any wave. Overall these mission types should be more common, thereby making the ground missions you play through more varied.

- Dynamic Alien Bases: Whereas in vanilla alien bases upgrade at set points in the game, alien bases in Dynamic UFOs grow over time such that the longer they are in the game, the larger they will become. UFOs on supply missions will speed up the rate of growth significantly. The effect of alien bases is also different, increasing the number of UFOs which spawn with each alien wave rather than doing funding damage over time. Alien bases are no longer detected automatically after a certain amount of time: there is a small chance of them being detected automatically but otherwise you will receive occasional reports in the even log indicating the presence of an alien base in a specific part of the world to help you find them. Finally, alien bases have been made tougher to assault.

- Dynamic Alien Crews: Each alien mission type has a different crew associated with it and each crew list has a small amount of variation in its size. UFOs on missions requiring landing (Base Attack, Terror, Research, Construction and Supply) tend to have stronger crews than UFOs on other mission types. Also, Wraiths appear earlier, while Harridans and Drones are more extensively deployed.

--- Notes ---

To help increase crew diversity, Bombing Missions are now carried out by regular UFO types rather than Bombers and Strike Cruisers. These two UFOs have been repurposed as heavy combat drones which sometimes fly Air Superiority missions with fighters.

--- Tips ---

Overall this mod makes the game a little more difficult so bear that in mind when starting out. You won't be able to down the same number of UFOs as in vanilla and the ground crews can sometimes be tougher. So be cautious and use discretion. Although it is possible to down and assault UFOs which are higher-tier than normal for that point in the game, it is not always a good idea to try.

--- Known Issues ---

- Occassionally the game seems to spawn more Reapers on some ground missions than should be possible. I'm not sure why this is, but it is not game breaking and I'm without a clue regarding the cause of this.

- If you encounter any bugs or problems, or want to comment on the mod's features, please post in the comments section or on this thread on Goldhawk Interactive's official forums:

Počet komentářů: 14
alexbali255 27. čvc. 2022 v 9.51 
"spawns more reapers" "not game breaking" two statements which instantly invalidates one another
Zeky 23. pro. 2021 v 15.04 
As am advise for people using along with this "Furies, Dreadnoughts, Oh My", you might want to deactivate that mod since Assault landers arrive at mid game, they carry more troops that the terror maps can support (you arrive at the mission surrounded and xenos are everywhere, spawning next to civilians but like right behind them) and they are too fast fot midgame interceptors, they reach 4000 km/h.
never liked how UFOs can fly much above the earth escape velocity and still fly inside the atmosphere (something so fast would ignite the air and look like a meteorite)
Chevayo 7. čvn. 2021 v 15.43 
PS.: Also a belated thank you for all the modding work you have done. I - as i think a fair amount of others - have quite a few mods of yours on the list.
Chevayo 7. čvn. 2021 v 15.33 
I don't think anything big happened, but the "not activating the balance tweaks" part kinda does not work for me - i'm fairly sure it's on my end, probably a write-locked config file or so, but i couldn't identify it.
Anyway, for one reason or another, every time i start the game, XCE resets the mod setting to default enabling all XCE add-ons and - what is worse - disabling any other mods i have.

Thank you for the quick answer however!
kabill  [autor] 7. čvn. 2021 v 12.07 
@Chevayo - I don't have a clear memory but it probably does, yes. Candidly, if you're happy with modding Xenonauts, I don't see any reason not to use XCE anyway - you can always not activate the balance tweaks part of it if you don't like those changes and otherwise its just a straight-up upgrade of the base game (unless something happened since I was last paying attention).
Chevayo 7. čvn. 2021 v 10.40 
Does the mod require the community edition or will it run on Vanilla? (Since it mentioned Solver & Coding)
kabill  [autor] 15. bře. 2020 v 2.47 
@Base Invader: Glad you like it! I do also like the implied risk/reward factor of the mod - I've had a few games where I've been lured by the prospect of an early Corvette or Landing Ship and not lived to regret it...
Base Invader 8. bře. 2020 v 11.23 
Brilliant Mod so far. It has turned a very procedural feeling start to a game into what feels like efforts to desperately survive.

The variety of ships can leave you feeling over run when trying to keep the Aliens at bay with your Condors and the early variety found in Xeno's ships and landing parties seriously forces me to consider potential risks when dealing with them.

(Yes the nice Shiney landing craft or early enemy base you have found, might just have to stay untouched). Ballistic weapons and a lack of armour certainly causes issues when the grenades start to fly.
kabill  [autor] 31. led. 2016 v 0.30 
@csatrad: personally, I'd rather have good gameplay that is inconsistent with lore than bad gameplay that isn't.

However, if lore is important for you:
1) There's still UFO progression, just mixed up a bit. I.e. larger UFOs still take some time to appear in the game, they just appear a bit earlier and (initially) less frequently than in vanilla.
2) You can understand the initial early excursions of larger UFOs in the mod as reflecting the time taken to modify larger UFOs for atmospheric flight and/or as test-flights to ensure there are no problems before deploying modified ships en mass.
3) Further, the alien fleet is not infinite so it seems reasonable that the aliens would continue to deploy smaller UFOs alongside larger ones since supply of larger UFOs will be limited and many missions don't really require giant hulking craft to carry out.

In other words, if you're going to dislike the mod (which you're quite welcome to!) do so because of its mechanics, not because of game lore.
csatrad 30. led. 2016 v 16.27 
Not good. The lore is that the reason why you dont get bigger ufos is beacuse they have not been modifed yet to land in the atmosphere. Once they are changed there is no reason for the aliens to send small ufo-s that will probably have no chance against the increasing deffense.