Ace of Spades

Ace of Spades

Battle for the Pumpkin Patch
Game Modes: CTF, dem, dia, MH, oc, TDM, TC, vip, zom
タグ: map
2.940 MB
2014年9月24日 21時34分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Battle for the Pumpkin Patch

Happy Halloween! It's that time of year again, and what halloween celebration is complete without a Jack-o-lantern!? The enemy team has the same idea as you, and they've come to claim the perfect pumpkin! Who will win? That's up to you! Lock and load and decide who will be the master of the pumpkin patch, and who leaves in a pie crust!

Battle for the Pumpkin Patch is a fast-paced, elegant map that focuses less on gimmick and more on fast, furious gameplay--but don't mistake its elegance for simplicity! This map is jam-packed with features to make a coordinated, smart opponent unbelievably deadly! Built with balance in mind, all four classes and classic gameplay will shine on this map, promoting a combination of tactics, building, and destruction to ensure victory! Did I mention that it supports all game modes? Because it supports ALL game modes!

There are a number of hidden tricks and traps throughout this map, so while the straightforward "See target, shoot target, kill target" mentality will do well, beware! Your opponent might find one of the map's many sneaky tricks and treats to attack you in places and ways you haven't imagined!

For added fun, this map truly shines when played as paintball! To play Battle for the Pumpkin Patch as a paintball arena, disable all classes except the Engineer, all weapons except the block gun, set the game to register one-hit kills, double the block wallet, and move the respawn timer to zero--you won't regret it!

As always, please subscribe, comment, favorite, and rate!
8 件のコメント
AsterixChaos  [作成者] 2016年12月12日 10時33分 
Hey, no--thank you for playing it! The joy in building comes from folks enjoying the work.
Ferrari.exe 2016年12月12日 9時57分 
For making this :steamhappy: tottaly forgot that sentence!
Ferrari.exe 2016年12月12日 9時57分 
Thanks m8
AsterixChaos  [作成者] 2016年4月25日 16時16分 
dande 2016年4月23日 23時09分 
Cool map
Azekrai 2014年10月1日 10時25分 
rynz500 2014年9月26日 13時27分 
Awesome! :D:
Smeelio 2014年9月26日 9時50分 
Holy crap, I love Pumpkin themed stuff! This is amazing!