Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

Ocen: 666
Napoleon: Total War 100% Achievement Guide
Autorstwa: The Milkman
This guide will help you to obtain all of the achievements in Napoleon: Total War!
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Welcome to my achievement guide for Napoleon: Total War! I hope my guide helps you in obtaining all the achievements for this game. I have divided the achievements in this guide based upon game mode and specific campaigns. This format may make it more difficult to find certain achievements, so please use Ctrl+F to quickly find any specific achievement.
Translations of this guide
Here are translated versions of this guide. If you want to translate this guide into another language feel free to contact me.

Russian / русский :

Italian / italiano
General Singleplayer
This section contains achievements that can be obtained in some or all of the following: singleplayer campaigns, singleplayer skirmish battles.

Revolutionary Cocarde
Start any campaign, battle or historical battle

Self-explanatory. Start up the tutorial campaign and this achievement will unlock.

The Lion and Sabers Medal
Win any campaign without a single autoresolve

Self-Explanatory. You can unlock this in the tutorial campaign. At the end of the tutorial when you are told to capture the city by autoresolving, demand the cities surrender instead of autoresolving. The city will surrender and you'll unlock this achievement.

The Bronze Armchair of Comfort
Win any campaign by auto-resolving battles

Self-explanatory. Unforunately, you can't get this in the tutorial like the previous achievement. Your bet is to play the Italian campaign on the easiest difficulty since it is the shortest of the campaigns and only autoresolve your battles.

The Tireless Watchman Brooch
Play the game for 10 hours total

Palace Guard Pendant
Play the game for 30 hours total

The Eye of the Ever Watchful General
Play the game for 50 hours total

These three achievements will come to you naturally as you play. Unless you happen to be exceptionally good at Napoleon, it will take you longer than 50 hours to 100% this game.

The Hero's Skull Badge
100000 soldiers die in battles with you, friend and foe

Depending upon whether you like to autoresolve or play out your battles, this could come naturally. Kills only count if you play out your battles on the battle map. Autoresolving does not count. Play enough battles and this will eventually unlock.

The Explorers' Society Badge
Cover 50,000 sea or land miles with your armies and fleets

This should come naturally as you play. The miles moved on the campaign map are what count, not the battle map.

The Ribbon of the Promising Strategist
Capture 10 regions

Self-explanatory. It's very possible you'll complete the Italian campaign without unlocking this. However, you should definitely unlock it while playing the Egypt campaign.

Hardened Veteran's Badge
Win 15 SP Campaign land battles

I think you have to play these out on the battle map. I'm not entirely sure, but if you've autoresolved 15 battles and won but still haven't obtained this achievement, then you'll definitely get it by playing them out on the battle map.

Nautic Star Emblem
Win ten SP Campaign naval battles

I'm in the same boat as the previous achievement. I'm pretty sure you have to play the battles out on the battle map to get this achievement. Hopefully someone can correct me or clarify this. Nevertheless, your best bet is going to be to play the Europe campaign as Great Britain and just build as many ships as you can to fight against France and Spain.

The Hand-and-Dagger on Black Chain
Assassinate 15 people

Self-explanatory. This is cumluative throughout all the campaigns. Just send out your assassin's to kill as many enemy agents and generals as you can and this achievement will unlock in no time. You can keep track of how many Assassinations you've performed in the statistics screen. It should be noted that Assassin's are only available to use in the Europe Campaign and the Campaigns of the Coalition.

Marksman Brooch
Win 10 pistol duels

Imperial Fencing Academy Master's Needle
Win 10 sword duels

Duels function similarly to how they did in Empire. You send your gentlemen out and they can duel with other gentlemen. The difference in Napoleon is that gentlemen can become proficient in Sword or Pistol duels. Whenever you receive a duel challenge (you are being challeneged by another faction) you can pick what weapon you want to duel with. This gives the defender a slight edge in the duel since he can pick the weapon. Unfortunately, the AI rarely initiates duels so this achievement will be down mostly to luck. You can keep track of how many duels you've won with each weapon in the statistics screen. It should be noted that Gentlemen are only available in the Europe campaign and the Campaigns of the Coalition.

The People's Crown
Have a 100% approval rating

This is based upon how much your government is liked. I honestly don't know of a sure way to get this other than making lots of happiness buildings. I got it randomly while playing the Europe campaign. You should get this eventually while playing.

The Medallion of the Imperial Psychopath
Declare war on all nations the first turn, never negotiate peace, and win the game

This actually isn't as hard as it sounds. Play the "Campaigns of the Coalition" as Russia. All your victory regions are close to you and you start with almost half of the required number of regions you need to hold. Take Finland and then move south against Prussia. Have another army in the south to take the Austrian and Ottoman regions you need. You have the Carpathian mountains which will relatively protect you from any attack from Austria (and they'll be busy with France anyway). This allows you to advance against Prussia and the Ottomans so you can get the required number of victory regions.

The Merchant's Navy Medal of Gratitude
Gain 8000 per turn in trade revenue

This should come naturally while playing through the campaigns. If for some reason you still haven't gotten it, try playing as Great Britain and set up as many trade routes as you can. Build up your ports to accomodate as many trading partners as possible.
Historical Battles
Historians' College Acknowledgement Badge
Play a historical land battle

Just start up a land Historical battle on any difficulty and this achievement will unlock.

Grand General Star
Win Silver in 5 Historic Battles

You don't actually have to win on Silver to get this. Playing on Gold and winning 5 battles will unlock this. For historical battles, there's really no reason to play on anything other than Gold difficulty.

Platinum Star of Glory
Win Gold in all Historic Battles

This is by far the hardest achievement in the game. Some of the battles are relatively easy, some are heavily luck based, and others are just difficult. There are tons of guides out there to help you get past these battles, but not all strategies will work for everyone.

This achievement can be quite buggy. I got it when I still had two battles left to play. Others have reported having to beat every battle or all but one battle. Therefore, I cannot say how many battles you will actually have to play. I recommend purchasing the Coalition Battle Pack DLC because it contains a relatively easy battle to get gold on and if you beat that you will most likely be able to skip one of the harder battles that came with the base game. As I said before, I got the achievement with two battles remaining to get gold in. The two battles I skipped were Trafalgar (heavily luck based) and Waterloo as France. Also be aware that the final battle in the "Napoleon's Campaigns" screen is the Battle of Waterloo and this DOES NOT count toward this achievement. That battle is much easier than the one on the Historical Battle map and there aren't any achievements related to playing it.

Steam user "[SUNTZU] Wielki Mistrzu" has already created a guide detailing strategies on how to beat all the historical battles on Gold. I can't comment on his strategy because I haven't watched the videos. You can view it here:

Here's a link to a youtube playlist that I used for most of the battles. His Waterloo battle is the wrong one, so don't bother watching that. I had to change my strategy a bit for Borodino and Austerlitz, which i'll detail below:

Austerlitz: I was unable to beat the Austrians at the end of this battle. I even was able to kill both enemy generals in the first 60 seconds with my artillery but still ended up losing. So my friend, Duke of Swellington, gave me a strategy that worked for me on the first try. Instead of trying to hold the line with two effectively separate armies, just rush your left flank over to join your right. This way you can use your combined strength to crush the Russians quickly and then turn to face the Austrians with a much greater force.

Borodino: I never really failed at the strategy described in the video, I just kept running out of time. The enemy Unicorns are the most important units on the battlefield and must be taken out quickly. So, like in the video, I sent my skirmishers up to take out the closer Unicorn right at the beginning of the battle. I also took two of my cavalry units from the center and rushed them forward up the enemy hill and charged right into the second Unicorn that is up there. This is very risky and somewhat luck based. I was barely able to take out the enemy Unicorn before my cavalry routed. Losing your cavalry here is worth it as you will now have use of your artillery throughout the entire battle. If your cavalry fails to take out the enemy Unicorn just restart the battle and try again.

Proceed with the standard right flank of the enemy with the rest of your units (except the ones on the far left). Don't move your cannons too close to the enemy or else they will charge at you. It seems be a glitch or bug where they will just leave you be and let you shoot at them if you stay a certain distance away. And remember that once you rout all the units stationed on top of the hill, the battle wil be over. You don't even have to take out the far left flank.

That's the best I can do to help you with this achievement. Remember, if you can't seem to get a certain strategy to work, try something different! Good luck!
Italian Campaign
Bronze Tower of Pisa
Win Italian Campaign in easy

The Silver Olive Chaplet
Win Italian Campaign in medium within historic time

Hero of Arcole Commemorative Medal
Win Italian Campaign in hard

This is the first and easiest campaign. Like Empire, your battle difficulty doesn't matter when going for these achievements, so you can set it to the easiest difficulty if you want. Winning on Hard won't unlock the other two achievements, you have to beat the campaign on all three difficulties.

The main goal here is to capture Klagenfurt, once that is captured you will win the campaign. Starting off you should move your army that is nearest to Coni to besiege it and capture it. After that, move your Napoleon army to attack the Austrian army just north of it. Then move your Napoleon army to join up with your other army. Once this unit is relatively healed up (1 or 2 turns), move it to siege Turin. Once Turin is captured, Piedmont-Saradina will be your ally and you'll have a clear path to take Austrian cities.

Next you'll want to use your army to take the five Austrian cities that are between you and Venice. This shouldn't take very long, about 15-20 turns. Once you have captured all these cities you will want to get enough money (it shouldn't require much) to buy open borders from Venice. Once you get open borders, move your army through Venitian controlled territory straight to Klagenfurt. Siege and capture Klagenfurt and the campaign will end. Using this strategy you should have no problem winning on any difficulty and should easily win within historic time.
Egypt Campaign
The Bronze Date
Win Egypt Campaign in easy

The Silver Dromedairy Legionaire
Win Egypt Campaign in medium within historic time

Golden Obelisk of the Pharaos
Win Egypt Campaign in hard

This campaign is quite easy as well. The Ottomans and Mameluks don't have many good units so you should be able to make quick work of their armies. The same basic guidelines that applied to the Italian campaign also apply to this one.

Your first target is Cairo. You start relatively close to it, but I definitely recommend that you focus on capturing the 5 major cities north of Cario before marching on Cario itself. You start out with a good army and should use that to take the city directly south of your starting position. You'll also want to immediately start building a second army in your starting region. Once your second army is up, move it east to take the region over there.

Once Cairo is captured, you have a choice. You can either use the army in Cairo to defend the city from incessant Mameluk and Bedouin attacks, or you can march south with it and attempt to eliminate their remining cities. I usually march south to eliminate the threats, but the choice is entirely up to you.

Your second army should move east, you'll want to capture the remaining Mameluk cities to the east and then start your march on the Ottomans. Your main target is Damascus. By this point you should have a full fledged army and should be able to easy roll over the Ottomans. Taking Jerusalem is optional, though I usually do take it. Once you take Tyre, move your army east to take Damasacus and finish the campaign. You should have no problem beating this campaign within historic time because of the low quality Ottoman and Mameluk units.
Europe Campaign
Russian Doll on Green Ribbon
Win Europe Campaign in easy

Quadriga in Prussian Silver
Win Europe Campaign in medium within historic time

The Imperial Crown on Brocade Band
Win Europe Campaign in hard

This campaign is definitely the hardest, but it still really shouldn't pose any problem for you as long as you prepare for what's to come. The same events will happen every game so if you prepare correctly, you shouldn't get caught off guard. For instance, Prussia will always declare war on you early in the game. To take advantage of this you should get a sizable army ready near the border of Cleves and get a few more units ready to defend Hannover from any Prussian attack. The smaller factions always have a chance of declaring war on you. They generally don't do it early in the game, but you should be wary of them. If you make peace with one of the major factions, they will eventually declare war on you again, sooner rather than later! When you capture Austria's capital, you automatically get peace with them but it will never last! Be prepared for renewed hostilities soon!

That being said, here's a general strategy for you to use. You should focus on getting around 5 armies up and running in this campaign. Three in the north and two in the south. At the beginning the nearby Austrian and Russian armies usually make moves to capture your allies Munich and Stuttgart. You should move your Napoleon army to counter this push at the beginning of the game. When those two armies are defeated swing south with Napoleon and capture Innsbruck.

You will have some spare units in your southern cities which you should move over to join your army in northern Italy. Also recruit some units in Marseille to send over to this army as well. Once this army is a decent size (which should be around the time you capture Innsbruck), send it over to take Venice.

Now move your Napoleon army back north to the road that leads to Vienna. You will likely encounter some Austrian or Russian armies along this road slowing your progress. This is fine as it will give your army that's in Venice time to move east and capture Zagreb. At this point you have a choice, you can move your northern army up to take Prague and move your army in Zagreb up to take Vienna, or you can leave the army in Zagreb and use your northern army to take Vienna. The first option will save you some time, but may be a bit more difficult to accomplish.

Around this time Prussia will declare war on you so you can start your advance against them by taking Celves and then going on to support Hannover. Use your army from Prague to advance up into Prussia (Saxony almost always declares war at this point) but leave your other army in Vienna for when Austria declares war again. By this time you should have a fourth army up and moving it towards Vienna to help with Austria. Keep a decent number of units by Paris and Brussels to deal with any British landings that occur.

Build up your fifth army and bring it over to assist your easterly advance and you should be done in no time. There's plenty of time to finish this campaign and as long as you don't get sidetracked you should easily finish it. Good luck!

The Imperial Wreath
Conquer all of Europe

This means you need to have every single region in the Europe map under your control. Protectorates do not count, you have to personally own the region. This isn't hard, just time consuming.

Shield of the Protector
Have 10 protectorates at one time

When you conquer a small faction, you can immediately make it a protectorate instead of adding it to your faction. Do this for 10 factions and the achievement will unlock. You can even attack your starting allies such as Bavaria and Switzerland and make them protectorates after you beat them. However, I wouldn't attack them first as it may cause your other allies to betray you. Only do this if you just need one or two more protectorates. You can only make a faction your protectorate if they only have one city remaining and that city is their original capital.

Here []is a list of all the possible factions that you can make a protectorate and which region you need to capture to liberate them or make them a protectorate.

The Seal of the Grand Coalition
Have 6 allies simultaneously

You should get this during your Europe campaign as France. You start off with 5 allies so all you need to do is get one more. Give state gifts to one of the minor nations or the Ottomans to get your 6th ally.

LeChevalier88 has another strategy: "I found it easier playing as Austria (Coalition Campaign). I did it on the first turn. Attack and occupy Munich/Bavaria. Now you have Hessen as your neighbour. Offer Hessen trade agreement and then propose alliance. There you go. Alternatively, just wait Prussia often offer you alliance which is also your mission objective, on turn 2 or 3. If you're at war with Saxony finish it quickly as Prussia often allied with Saxony."

The Imperial School of Strategy Crest
Have three generals with full skill level in one campaign

I recommend reading this thread[] which describes how to do this achievement. Basically, you should play on the easiest difficulty, only autoresolve your battles, and only use three armies with the same generals. Don't use well balanced armies. Use armies that are heavy with one type of unit. For instance, for Napoleon i'd give him almost all artillery and just a couple infantry units. Doing it this way allows the general to gain stats to fighting with certain types of units such as artillery, cavalry, and infantry. Once your general reaches 9 stars, stop using him in battle. For your other two generals, I recommend having one specialize in line infantry and the other in cavalry. Napoleon can't be assassinated, but your other two generals can. I recommend keeping a spy with both of those armies to prevent any assassinations. I played the Europe campaign as normal for this one using only my 3 armies and my last general got his 9th star right after I finished off Russia. Save often incase your general dies or is assassinated!

Note: Potatochip [PT] confirms that admirals do not count for this achievement.

Diplomat's Pin
Make all major nations like you (very friendly)

I recommend getting this in the Europe campaign when you go for the "The Imperial Wreath" achievement. This doesn't mean you need to be friendly with all major nations that have existed, only be friendly with all major nations that are left. So your best bet is to destroy all but one nation and get friendly with that one. So as France, destroy all major nations except for Spain and then get friendly with them. If for some reason they don't like you after you've finished off everyone, just keep giving them state gifts to make them happy.
Multiplayer Battles
All of the achievements in this section can be obtained against the AI unless otherwise noted. You have to make the game through the multiplayer menu to get credit, however. Here's how:

1: From the main menu, click Multiplayer
2: Click Total War Online
3: Click the Battle List tab
4: At the bottom of the screen click Host Battle
5: Choose which type of battle you want
6: Modify the game to your likeing and be sure to add a password and then click Host Battle at the bottom of the screen.
7: Click the button to Add AI. Below is a screenshot highlighting the button.

Officer's Achievement Medal
Win 10 land battles

The Charging Guard Regiment Emblem
Win 10 MP Land Battles in a row

Veteran's Badge of Service
Win 50MP Land Battles

Mercenary Coin
Play a MP land battle with every faction

These are all self-explanatory. They will unlock once you've won the correct number of Multiplayer Land Battles.

The Horse-and-Cannon
Win a match without any infantry

Win a multiplayer land battle without using any infantry. Very easy, just give yourself a bunch of cavalry and give the enemy one unit of crappy infantry.

Defender's Cross of Honour
Win a battle using only Light Infantry and Artillery

You can only have Light Infantry and/or artillery in your army to get this. Note that your General unit counts as cavalry so you can't have it! To make an army without a general: Add a general and then add only your light infantry and/or artillery to your army. Then right click on your general's unit card to remove it from your army. Now you can start the battle without having a general unit.

The Navy Cross
Win 10 decisive victories

My friend, FuriousGeorge, has provided a great guide on how to easily get this achievement:
"Despite the name, you can get this achievement with MP land battles, which is easier.
To get a decisive victory, you need to face an enemy of roughly equal size and win with few casualties. Host an MP land battle with easy AI selection. I used English General + 3 Heavy Cavalry vs Ottoman's General + 2 Irregular troops. Charge your cavalry against the enemy and set speed to Fast Forward. You should get a Decisive Victory. Repeat X times for achieve."

The Leaden Seahorse
Win a MP naval battle

Pendant of the Seven Winds
Win 6 MP Naval Battles in a row

Sailor's Medal
Play a MP naval battle with every faction

Poseidon's Carriage in Gold
Play 100 multiplayer naval battes

These are all self-explanatory. Take note of Poseidon's Carriage in Gold, you only have to play a battle. Not win. Despite the achievement description, you only need to play 50 battles, not 100. A quick way to get this achievement: Start up a Multiplayer Naval battle and when it loads, click the start game button and immediately hit "Escape" and then "Quit Battle." You will lose the battle without every having to fight it, but this counts towards your "battles played" counter. Simply click "Rematch" at the bottom of the results screen and repeat this process until you get your achievement.

Treasure Galleon Pendant
Win a match with only first rates

Win a match while only using First rates. You will only have enough money for a few first rates, so just give the enemy a single sloop or brig to make things easier.

The Golden Swallow
Win a match without any ships of the line

Bring a bunch of brigs and sloops and give your enemy a single brig or sloop and you'll win easily.

Skull and Sabres on Iron Chain
Board 5 ships in a single battle

This one took me a quite a few tries to get. You'll want to give the enemy 6 or 7 ships incase your ships accidentally destroy one. Bring about 6 or 7 of your own Ships of the Line. You'll want to mostly use chain shot so that the enemy ships are rendered immobile then have your ship stop firing so it doesn't shoot from point blank while boarding. It's heavily luck based so just keep trying and you'll get it eventually. On the other hand, you can do this with a friend and it should be relatively easy. Whoever isn't going for the achievement should just turn off "fire at will" for all their ships.

Medal of the Unrelenting Storm
Win a match having spent half as many funds as your opponent

Just give your self a couple cavalry units and give the enemy enough mortars or rockets to double your funds. Charge at them and they shouldn't be able to hit you and you'll get this achievement easily.

Distinguished Service Medal
Win a match against a player with double your skill rating

This cannot be obtained against the AI. This is awarded for winning a Land Battle against someone with double your rating. If you can't find a friend who has double your rating, you can do one of two things: You can try your luck against regular players. Or you can find a third person and have two of you play against each other, one winning each time to boost their score. Then when that person who has been winning has double the rating of the third player, they can let them win to get the achievement. Repeat this process for all players invovled. You have to play ranked games to increase your rating but this achievement can be gained in an unranked game so the player that loses doesn't have their rating decrease.

The Star of the Fearless Buccaneer
Win a match against someone with double your skill rating

This is the same as the previous achievement except you need to win a Naval Battle to unlock it.
Multiplayer Campaign
I highly recommend finding a friend to get all of these achievements with.

Bronze Star on Red Ribbon
Play a MP Campaign

Simply start a MP campaign and this achievement will unlock.

The Imperial Laurels
Win European MP Campaign as France

Quadriga with Iron Cross
Win Europe Campaign as Prussia

Royal Navy Glorious Fleet Badge
Win Europe Campaign as England

Raging Bear Star
Win Europe Campaign as Russia

The Imperatorial Double Eagle
Win Europe Campaign as Austria

These are all rewarded for winning a Multiplayer Europe Campaign as the respective factions.

Nice City Key
Win a MP Italian Campaign as Austria

Bella Ragazza Locket
Win a MP Italian Campaign as France

These are all rewarded for winning a Multiplayer Italian Campaign as the respective factions.

The Silver Sun
Win a MP Egypt Campaign as France

The Crossed Sabres and Crescent
Win Egypt Campaign as Ottomans

These are all rewarded for winning a Multiplayer Egypt Campaign as the respective factions.

The Golden Lightning
Take other player's capital within 20 turns

You'll need to capture the other players capital in a multiplayer campaign within 20 turns. I recommend playing the Europe campaign as Austria and Russia for this one. Have the person going for the achievement play as Russia since they have an army that starts within a few turns of Austria's capital.

Fighting Giants Commemorative Medallion
Other player's faction is last to die

For this you need to destroy all other factions in the game before destroying the other player's faction. I recommend playing either the Italian or Egypt campaigns since they are far shorter than the Europe campaign. Have both players attempt to capture as many regions as possible. Once all factions other than the players are destroyed, have the player that is not going for the achievement trade over all but their final city to the player going for the achievement. Remember, don't capture the final objective city before any other city in the campaign because that will end the campaign and you'll miss the achievement.

St. Martin's Medal
Win campaign having given enemy player 50000 gold

Play the Europe campaign as Russia and Austria. Play through the game until you have 50000 gold and then gift it to the other player. Capture the other players capital to quickly end the game and get the achievement. Note that if the other player gifts you gold and then you re-gift that gold back to them as part of the 50000, it will NOT count. You have to earn the gold yourself for the achievement to work.
Peninsular Campaign
These achievements require that you own the Peninsular Campaign DLC.

Sangria Bottle of Friendship
Start the Peninsular Campaign in multiplayer

Just start up a Multiplayer campaign on the Peninuslar Campaign to unlock this.

Conquistador Medal
Capture a region in the Peninsular Campaign


Marquis of Torres Vedras
Win the Peninsular Campaign as Britain

Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo
Win the Peninsular Campaign as Spain

The Spanish Crown
Win the Peninsular Campaign as France

Win the Peninuslar Campaign as the respective faction to unlock these. Difficulty does not matter, so put it on easy to make these achievements go by quickly.

The Medallion of Secular Enlightenment
As France, attain over 50% pro-French sentiment in 10 of your regions

As France, you have to deal guerillas who will spawn in regions with high anti-French sentiment. You can construct colleges and train provocateurs to help spread pro-French sentiment throughout your regions. You'll want to do this anyway to stop guerillas from spawning. When 10 regions are over 50% pro-French you'll unlock this.

Duke of the Victory
As Britain, ensure that all regions in Spain are liberated back to Spanish control

While playing as the British, you'll have to option to give a region to Spain when you capture it. You must do this for every region you conquer with the exception of Coimbra (the region just north of Portugal). Once you capture this region,delete all of your units from Gibraltar to help entice the French to capture it. The only way to be able to give Gibraltar over to the French is if you lose it and reconquer it. This is because there is no way to trade regions within the game. Once you've done this you need to take back every other French held region in the campaign and hope that the French advance on Gibraltar and capture it. If for some reason the French don't capture Gibraltar in your campaign, you can make a last ditch effort to get the achievement by declaring war on Spain themselves and hoping they take it from you. When you've given over the last region the achievement will unlock.

Another strategy, which may be easier than the previous one, is described by [NC] Tyrannophauruph rekph:

"For the Duke of the Victory achievement liberate all regions to spain (except the 3 regions in france and the nothernmost 2 of portugal) and then you'll have to delete your garrison in gibraltar, exempt every other region from taxes, put your tax slider up to maximum, and wait a few turns till a spanish revolutionary army will spawn, they'll take over the region and you'll give the achievement. It's somewhat more easy then letting france take the region or declaring war on spain."
Thank you for using my guide! I hope it has helped you in your quest to get all the achievements in Napoleon: Total War! If you have any questions, comments, or corrections, please feel free to let me know!
Komentarzy: 161
jwan726 20 maja o 8:44 
Wow. Anyone from down under ?(australia)
b94_12vCNZ 11 maja o 16:32 
Add me for any MP achievement
Cymru am Byth 23 lutego o 13:16 
Hello, I'm looking for someone to do the MP achievements with. I'm from the UK, hit me up if you're interested.
MikuMiku117 19 stycznia o 22:47 
Hello there ! Excellent guide you've done here @The Milkman good work !
To any players willing to complete their MP achievements, feel free to add / message me (I'm French).
Luke.Pistachio 6 stycznia o 22:00 
Hi, from US & looking for mutual MP campaign achievements. Add me or feel free to DM if interested :peace_hoi: :Dignity:
Jet-Seth [FR] 30 listopada 2023 o 12:49 
Hi, i'm french i would like to do the MP campain achievements. Add me !:Honored:
Pantokrator Koxxus 20 września 2023 o 2:10 
Looking for someone to do MP campaigns. I'm Polish if that matters
Junon 31 sierpnia 2023 o 23:45 
Hi guys add me if you want to do MP campain achievements im from spain
MHS 1 sierpnia 2023 o 2:10 
i would like to do MP campain achievements, add me if you want it too!
foxmccloud 29 lipca 2023 o 7:54 
if anyone wants to do MP achievements add me :)