Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved

581 ratings
Parasite - Mega Brutal Guide (Guaranteed Win)
By Tatsur0
This will be fun and quick and guarantee you a win with Parasite! I recommend running this particular one at Speed 2 (with 3 being fastest) after we finish transmission as it's worse than spore burst at times and we don't want to waste any DNA. I'm quite confident I can manage a good guide for a perfect score in the future but like many it won't be guaranteed every time as the Islands are bound to be hit or miss. All you need to do is follow this guide all the way through as I do and victory will be yours!

(NOTE: This guide states a Guaranteed Win because it guarantees it so long as special events or closed ports like Greenland that while prepared for still create random chance and there is no guarantee that your first go of it will lead to either a win but if tried a 2nd or 3rd time will lead to what is promised! It is impossible with all but Necroa-Virus & Fungus to guarantee a win each and every time due to random chance which we have influence but no direct control over.)
Parasite - Introduction

Parasite - Mega Brutal

This guide if followed exactly with net you a guaranteed win for Parasite on Mega Brutal. I found this one to be rather obvious where balance plays a major role because if you focus on transmission too much or how lethal it is you'll either get stuck without enough DNA to get the job done by the time the cure finishes or end up killing off hosts and missing Countries. Sounds like common sense but there is a little more to it as that balance is fragile, but not to fear this guide will walk you through it step by step!

Shall we begin?
Parasite - Genetic Code
The usual setup should do it!

  • ATP Boost
    • We're gonna want a decent boost in DNA before genetic shifts make things too expensive allowing us to spread fast and still have enough DNA to finish off humanity.
  • Genetic Mimic
    • A gene that makes it harder to cure disease.
  • Aquacyte
    • We have to be very wary of Greenland in this campaign so we need as much help infecting our Islands so this is a must have gene.
  • Urbophile
    • Urban areas I've found almost as troublesome as Islands if not more with borders closing down and not wanting to use suppression or Bird 1 so this is a great gene to get things done fast.
  • Sympto-Stasis
    • Our focus will be balanced mostly between Symptoms and Abilities but more so with symptoms so this gene is obvious especially with the quick genetic shifting!
Parasite - Choose Starting Country

Started with Saudi from the get go and after a dozen games after the warm up game (to feel out Parasite) I hadn't failed once so didn't bother to experiment with others that have failed me time and time again but I expect would get the job all/most of the time. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Parasite - Symptoms :: Phase One
Let's take advantage of the ATP Boost and get this Parasite wriggling around as many hosts as possible as well as increasing DNA gain with severity.

  • Rash
  • Sweating
  • Skin Lesions
  • Coughing
  • Pneumonia
    • Good for cold weather countries
  • Cysts
  • Hyper Sensitivity
    • Good for wealthy countries
Parasite - Transmission
Keeping it simple as we need the DNA and don't need anything more than what is listed. Get's the job done and should be fairly simple to understand once used in-game.

  • Water 1
  • Air 1
  • Water 2
Parasite - Abilities :: Phase One
The usual setup, not wasting DNA where it not be wasted while beefing up our Parasite to take Islands, hard to manage Countries, and slowing progress of the cure!

  • Cold Resistance 1
  • Cold Resistance 2
  • Heat Resistance 1
  • Drug Resistance 1
  • Drug Resistance 2
  • Genetic Hardening 1
  • Genetic Hardening 2
Parasite - Symptoms :: Phase Two

Best not let the cure get out of hand nor find ourselves without enough DNA to kill off the humans our parasite host. We can start slow and pick up the pace but we have to make sure we don't over do it because if our Parasite is too lethal to begin with any newly infected Country may find itself with a handful of infected having died before they could spread it and the game is lost.

Make sure all Countries are infected and start with Necrosis, then when all new Countries are quickly being consumed by infection evolve Total Organ Failure. We'll be spending extra DNA on Abilities and once it's clear humanity can't escape infection or it's stated that all of humanity is infected we can evolve more fatal Symptoms.

  • Paralysis
  • Coma
    • That should take care of the cure for the rest of the game but I usually toss in a shuffle or 2 for a (4/5 score)
  • Necrosis
    • This will get the ball rolling with hosts dying but infection should still be ramping up.
  • Total Organ Failure
    • Make sure all Countries have already been infected and have a decent number of infected already. We don't want to clear a newly infected Country out and lose the game do we?!

You can continue to add more fatal symptoms at this point or split/choose abilities for a 4 out 5 score (never cared for 3 out of 5 *shrugs* it's your choice). Just be careful with fatal symptoms as you can easily lose if you kill off every human before they're all infected.
Parasite - Abilities :: Phase Two
Again this part is optional (or should be) for the sake of hitting a score of 4/5 instead of lower which has always bugged me and I hope to find the best 5/5 Perfect Score guide setup with fewest losses asap.

  • Genetic Reshuffle 1
  • Genetic Reshuffle 2
    • Unlikely that you'll have enough DNA for 3 and most likely not 2 either.
Parasite - Conclusion

Everyone has got worms! If you have the DNA spend it one or both. More fatal symptoms and/or Genetic Reshuffle but you're winning either way at this point.

Congratulations you earned this-

Should look something like my Scoreboard below.

That'll do it! I hope you enjoyed this guide and found it as useful as my others :) If you have any questions or requests please let me know and I'll try and respond ASAP.

For those that don't follow my Weekly Contagion & Other Indies Stream & Giveaway I did one for Plague Inc: Evolved if you'd like to check it out!

Sorry but it does not let us embed a time-stamp. Plague Inc: Evolved portion starts at 5mins 10seconds.

Check out my other guides -

Still more guides on the way!
NeoLiberal1998 8 hours ago 
Thanks, worked like a charm
bmg_scrzbbles Apr 15 @ 11:37am 
ty first try victory
Layla Spellwind Apr 14 @ 12:54pm 
Yep, well, this was a waste of time, thanks.
GSA Mar 21 @ 9:13am 
I won at 98% cure ( also, I used the reshuffle to get the cure down from 100% 2 times). Good guide!
Aligned Astro Magnum Mar 16 @ 7:17pm 
Good guide, very effective!
Wizardo the Foolish Dec 31, 2023 @ 2:56am 
The genetic code recommendations suck. Swap out ATP Boost for Metabolic Jump and Urbophile for Extremophile and you'll actually have a guaranteed win.
Noopy Aug 30, 2023 @ 2:31pm 
its better to use methabolic jump
1990 Ford F250 EXTENDED CAB Aug 9, 2023 @ 9:12am 
worked first try
I.C. Wiener Jul 9, 2023 @ 3:34pm 
"If tried a 2nd or 3rd time will lead to what is promised!" 3rd times the charm!! I was about to call it quits after my 2nd try but was determined to not give up until I tried the 3rd time. Regardless this was still WAY easier than mega brutal fungus...
Perzu Apr 23, 2023 @ 1:25pm 
worked at the first time! the cure was 100% completed but fortunately I had still some points left for genetic reshuffle. one of most stressful matches for me, thanks author 🫀