Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

107 평점
Rev's Bat-to-Hurley
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Game Content: Weapons, UI
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3.768 MB
2014년 4월 13일 오전 2시 22분
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Rev's Bat-to-Hurley

PULL HARD ON THOSE INFECTED, LADS! THEY'RE NO RELATION! From the fastest field game in the world comes the Irish 'camán'- the hurley! First mentioned in the myth and legend of Ireland, today it sees use in Gaelic games...and apocalyptic zombie outbreaks.

This mod replaces the baseball bat with a hurley, an ash stick bound with metal and electrical tape. Look those Infected in the eye and cut hard lads! A non-traditional use for traditional Irish sports equipment!

As deployed by Jason Statham in the film Blitz. He wouldn't make a bad center forward. Decent grip.

Many thanks to ZeqMacaw and мяFunreal for advice on compiling and to Collateral Damage for critique and awesome screenshots. THROW EVERYTHING BEHIND IT!

You wont be GAA sanctioned but you'll make fine hurlers nonetheless. JAYSUS, LET FLY ON THAT HUNTER! THERE'S PLENTY OF TIMBER ON THE LINE!

Questions, comments, suggestions to @reverendspeed
댓글 25
OTTER 2024년 2월 12일 오후 8시 31분 
Peanut 2019년 9월 25일 오후 1시 35분 
haha class
dexter moggin 2019년 9월 7일 오전 11시 34분 
up the ra
High Summoner Izzy 2018년 1월 3일 오후 3시 30분 
This is hilarious!!! Nice work!!!
steffire3 2016년 12월 18일 오후 7시 43분 
@Reverend Speed: I'm sorry to post this here but I read your statement and respect your privacy and i'ts difficult to contact you otherwise.

If you have any questions about Torchlight 2 modding then I recommend the Runic Games Torchlight 2 Modding Forums: Those are the experts who rarely answer on Steam Workshop but are active on that site.

Look for these names:


I hope this helps and again sorry about posting an unrelated game here.
Goobermaxxing 2016년 10월 9일 오후 7시 06분 
Ohh XD oki
Goobermaxxing 2016년 10월 8일 오후 4시 51분 
wut is sean?
Goobermaxxing 2016년 10월 8일 오후 12시 05분 
shaun of the dead anyone?
jdes #fixtf2 2016년 4월 16일 오후 3시 17분 
Brad 2016년 2월 10일 오후 7시 44분