Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

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XBOX 360 Controller Support -|HOW TO|- and any other controller
By OptimusPrime
Every now and then players choose to play their favorite games with a controller, but there is no controller support given, so what to do?

There is a tool called Xpadder wich allows you to configure you Controller for each and every game. You can bind every Key or complete Key Commands / Combos as you wish. I have used this tool for years and love it.
This Guide will walk you through the process of installing Xpadder and configuring this software for your game.
Personally I use a wireless XBOX 360 Controller with a wireless usb adapter, wich is the best solution for compatibility for each game (most Steam games support the 360 Controller right away without any Xpadder configuration, but sadly not each and every game). Besides this preferable configuration, Xpadder will work the same way for most other Controllers even the cheap and crappy ones :)
Download / Installation
You can download Xpadder at http://xpadder.com/
First time I used this tool it was still freeware, this has changed some time ago, now you have to buy it for 9,99$, but as it is such a good software and it works with every game ever made, the 10 bucks are really good investet.

There are still (legal!) downloads of some FREE older versions in the internet you just have to look for them like on pcgames.de, it has the same functionality as the version you can buy (or at least almost, I see no difference). Nevertheless I would suggest to support the developer from Xpadder, (donated money myself, absolutely the right thing to do, for useing such a helpful software) and buy/donate at his site.

After downloading, just extract the files into a folder and run the exe, the software runs directly from the folder, no installation needed.
Before configuring your controls you have to connect your controller and create a new "Controller Layout" (you have to do this only once). But before doing so, first download a picture of your controller (google search a picture and take one with a top view, where you can see each or at least most buttons) and hold it ready. Having an actual picture of your controller makes the further configuration process much easier and more logical.

Click left on the little controller icon and select "New..."

Add the picture of your controller in the "Controller Settings" submenu in the "Image" section via the "Open" Button or paste it directly from your clipboard.

After that go into the subsection "Sticks" and "DPad" and check every box, then press the appropriate stick / button into the displayed direction.

This will create a little square (or crosshair/circle) wich functions as a marker and flashes when you press the corresponding button on your controller. Drag and drop each marker over the associated trigger/stick/button on the controller picture that you have created before.

Do the same thing for the subsections "Buttons" and "Triggers"

It should look like this when you are finished.

You can bind each button with the desired command like A Button = Leer for Jump etc. RT = Mouse one for Shoot, by clicking on the marker then select your keybinding from the keyboardlayout that pops up. You can even bind combos, or multiple keys to one button if you like, but let get to that later.

For your convenience I have added the controls layout:

To bind the mouse movement to the stick you have to click on that little wrench symbol.

Then select "Mouse - normal" or inverted if that is your playstyle

As the horizontal and the vertical "Mouse" speed are not the same (in games like Shadow Warrior or Duke Nukem 3D ), you have to set them manually under "Mouse settings". Otherwise the mouselook feels kinda buggy because you are moving much faster up and down than left and right.

Double the the horizontal speed to have a normal egoshooter style mouselook.
And change the mouse speed in the ingame options under "Mouse Setup" to your liking.

After binding every Key it should look like this. Feel free to change the config to your wishes.

If you want to save some time and try you can try out my controller configuration, just save your profile as it is, open the saved .txt file and copy and paste my config that I have posted below. You can change that config easily after that.
;--- Xpadder Profile File ---

[Profile Settings]

[Set Settings]

Set1Button5Slots=Mouse Wheel Down
Set1Button6Slots=Mouse Wheel Up
Set1Button9Slots=Caps Lock
Set1Button10Slots=Left Control
Set1DPadRightSlots=Left Square Bracket
Set1DPadLeftSlots=Right Square Bracket
Set1Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move Up
Set1Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move Right
Set1Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move Down
Set1Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move Left
Set1TriggerRightSlots=Left Mouse Button (1)
eviitec Jun 27, 2018 @ 4:21pm 
hey. I'm using xpadder for 1-2 years and set up a lot of games. This is the only game where i can't use the mouse emulation. Are you sure the implemented "mouse emulation" of this game is even fully disabled and that you are really using the xpadders mouse emulation?
veryhoudini Jan 8, 2014 @ 2:44am 
works great. pinnacle works as well. with xpadder i just set my controller profile to be some arbitrary keys on my keyboard and then set the keys in the options of duke nukem to match up so i didnt configure xpadder to be what was default keys for duke. and the settings in megaton carry over to every dlc. easy enough.
Caligo Clarus Dec 30, 2013 @ 11:03pm 
If you're looking for Xpadder for free, the last version released as freeware was "Xpadder v5.3". It still works just fine, but you will have to run it in compatibility mode for Windows Vista for it to run on Win 7/8.