Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

27 ratings
Helm's Deep Survival Guide.
By ehkho
Helm's Deep. The first map with a ending. You wanted to survive it so much. But you can't. And you don't play it again. I am here to change that. I am here to help you survive Helm's Deep. And I will. So buckle up, and get ready for some Helm's Deep.
Helm's Deep is a survival map made by Serious_Samurai. It is the first map with an ending, and has composed of many in-game scripts. There are 8 acts to Helm's Deep, and 10 if you count the prologue and the epilogue. Your first reaction is to play with bots, but with bots, you won't make it through the first act. So grab some friends and make your own server.
Prologue: The Armory

About It: You have entered the Helm's Deep Armory, destined to save Helm's Deep from the
incoming zombies that are about to attack it. Here you find things that will assist you in your quest. Mollys, Pipebombs, weapons, swords, and more. Armor up, for you will face one heck of a battle.

Strategy: This is the place where you need to armor up. Upon spawning, you will get a Katana, Medkit, and Pills. There are 2 strategies that you can do. You can have each person do a diffrent set, or have them do what they do best. This choice will be up to you, but my personal choice is to have them do what they do best, but like I said, this is your choice.
Act I: Defending the wall

About it: You have entered the first defense of Helm's Deep, the wall. Here you will make your stand of stopping the zombies. Confident, you get ready and team up with another group who will help you. The zombies come, and the battle soon begins.

Strategy: The wall will be your first stand. You will find Francis, Zoey, and Louis helping you while defending. There are also gas cans scattered around the battlefield. You can shoot them to cause a inferno and block the wall from zombies. On the wall, it is best to stay to the right. The there isn't much room in the left and the middle will break down. Also, the L4D survivors will help you. Whatever you do, DON'T GO INTO THE BATTLEFIELD!!! The zombies will never stop coming and a special infected could mow you down. The only time you should go into the middle is if to defib or help somebody up. Also, if your planning to throw a grenade on the wall, don't throw it into the middle. That is where the wall will break, and the grenade will be stuck until it breaks. Upon 4 minutes of defending, the middle of the wall will break, and the zombies will be able to get in. However, a stand behind the wall will open, revealing 2 Mounted guns, shots, and grenades. Use mollys to block the opening of the wall. Upon 6 minutes of defending, you will be told to fall back.
Act II: Falling Back
About it: You were unsuccessful in defending the gate from invaders. The wall has now fallen, and you are forced to fall back. But you still take a stand before defending the gate. It won't be much, but is all you can do for now.

Strategy: Bring a set of weapons, pills, and grenades. The entrance to the gate will be blocked until you survive a minimum of about 8 min. Make sure to also fill up on ammo. If anybody is incapped down there, DON'T SAVE THEM. The oncoming zombies will kill him anyway, and a Special Infected can destroy your chances. If you like, you can shoot the zombies surrounding him or Special's who got him pinned. There is 1 medkit, 1 set of pills, and 2 weapons up there. Once you reach the minimum of 8 min, don't go through yet. Instead, see how long you can survive up there. Once pinned or overwhelmed, you should go to the gate.
Act III: Defending the Gate
About it: You are forced to go to the gate and defend it. You are given a short time to get ready, and help your dead teammates. They soon start coming and your stand begins.

Strategy: Once you enter the gate area, you have about 25 seconds to get ready for the zombies that will come. If any teammates are dead, pull a switch near the weapons and their corpse will appear. Use defibs to revive them. There are medkits, lazer sights, grenades, shots, pills, and more. Once the zombies come, have 2 squads on each floor.

Floor 1: Have 1 person at the gate, shooting SI and any infected that gets past fire Floor 2 throws.
Have the other person looking for gas cans and fireworks for you to use. Use them to block the path.

Floor 2: Have both of them at the top where the mollys are. 1 person should throw mollys to defend the gate. The other can provide support from above. If you are out of mollys, use pipebombs.

The fire will cover part of the path completely. If you survive a certain time minimum, the keep will be available for entry. However, it won't open until the gate is lost. If didn't survive the minimum and the gate is lost, you must survive until you reach the minimum. That is very unlikely, for it is very hard to survive when the gate has been breached. If the gate is lost, zombies will come from the sides.

Note: Don't worry about tanks. They don't come.
Act IV: Keeping the Keep.
About it: You failed to keep the gate, and are now forced the go to your last line of defense. The keep. But you have a advantage now. You have a unlimited supply of weapons at your disposal. Use them to gain victory!!!

Strategy: Upon entering the keep, a witch will be there. Shoot the ceiling above her and gas cans will drop. Light her on fire and quickly kill her. Once you do kill her, you can enter the keep. Bring any gas,fireworks, and grenades you have left into the keep. You will need all of it. Other things are not necessary for now you have access into the armory. Because of this, grab a shotty. It is the best weapons to fit the situation. Beware though. Tanks now come through to kill you. The only way into the keep is through the front door. Because of this, mollys will block the front door from zombies. You will need to focus on the tanks though. When you run out of mollys, use pipes. If you are out of grenades, stick with your guns. After about 5 min or so, the horses will go rampage and and block the armory from you. A new area will open though, leading to the next act.

Act V: Cornered.
About it: You have lost the keep. And now you are cornered by the zombies that come non-stop. But just as hope is lost, the sun rises. Gandalf is near!

Strategy: You will have a huge supply of pills and some weapons there too. Use the pills when dying, but don't be afraid to use a medkit if you still have one. There might be grenades there, so use them while you can. After a while, the ammo in the area will disappear. Once it does, conserve your ammo. Remember to get Magnum for your secondary, so you can shoot zombies. Once the sun rises, you are close to the next act.
Act VI: Last Hope
About it: You last line is down. You only have one chance of hope now. The horn. You must blow it. Let us pray that this works...

Strategy: There really isn't much strategy here. Just wait a few seconds and a message will tell you to go to the top of the tower. Have all 4 players go up and Grimli will blow the horn, taking you to the next act.
Act VII: Disposing the garbage
You have made it back to the armory and find your gear still there. You gear up for the next attack. Once you are ready, you charge! Lets dispose of this garbage!!!

Strategy: After the horn is blown, you will have about 20 seconds to gear up. You will find health packs there so heal up if you need to. Grab new weapons and refill you ammo.
After gearing up, you will be forced into the keep. Then you will be forced forward. If you have a melee weapon, that is all you need for this act. Dispose of any zombies left over in the gate. Then follow your way down from the path. After disposing some of the zombies, Gandalf will appear, leading you to the next act.
Act VIII: Final Stand
About it: You have disposed some of the garbage. And now it is your final stand for Helm's Deep. MAKE YOUR STAND TO VICTORY!

Strategy: Now you are back to where you were in Act I; The wall. Now just fight off the zombies that are coming. Use all the leftovers you have to fight them. Zoey, Francis, and Louis won't be there to help. And the wall will already be broken, so don't expect it to be easy. After some tanks, Gandalf will unleash a light that will kill all infected on the map. You have achieved your victory!!!
Epilogue: Celebrating your victory
About it: You have won the battle for Helm's Deep! The zombies have retreated and Helm's Deep is once again safe. Now celebrate your victory!

Ending: Congratulations! You have beated Helm's Deep! And now you can celebrate! Don't worry about zombies, they don't come. Do whatever you like. But before you leave, please die from jump off a cliff and kill yourself. (In the game, not real life)
The End.
Thank you for reading this guide. Don't be afraid to tell me about things I did wrong!

Now go and play some L4D2... or go outside.
Cameo Aug 14, 2014 @ 8:25pm 
"Do whatever you like. But before you leave, please die from jump off a cliff and kill yourself. (In the game, not real life)" kk
ehkho  [author] Jun 6, 2014 @ 5:21pm 
@ Happy Mask Sailesman
Did the game tell you to fall back? If not, you didn't reach the required time. If you did, its most likely a glitch.
L0RDJ3STER May 27, 2014 @ 4:56pm 
Happy Mask Salesman? Oh, another homie of my homie, Link?
ehkho  [author] May 27, 2014 @ 3:04pm 
@ Happy Mask Sailesman.
To fall back, there is a staircase at the very back of the map. If you want some time to look at it, look for Legolas, he will be blocking the staircase before you need to fall back.
Also, you dont destory the wall. The wall will destroy itself after 4 mins of surviving.
L0RDJ3STER May 24, 2014 @ 8:26pm 
I always knew there was a strategic method to beat this map! Danke.
Mongoro Jan 10, 2014 @ 10:24am 
good guide now i better chances of surviving