The Guild II

The Guild II

Ocen: 51
How to earn a living as a Rogue
Autorstwa: hraefn
This guide will tell you the best way I know how to make money as a rogue.

This is my first guide. Tell me how I did!
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Starting out
The first thing you should do once you start the game is Buy or Build a Thief's hovel (or whatever) And Hire as many people as you can at that time. Then you send all of your guys to pickpocket In the town center. Sometimes at night you can send one of your guys to commit a burgurly (or whatever), but that is only neccecary at the start.
What now?
Once you have enough money from pickpocketing and robbing houses (about 10,000-20,000) You can start improving your thiefs hovel, upgrading it and stuff. (all this time you should have been trying to get a wive or have one). once you have maxed out your thief's guild (its called that now). you can have your son or daughter to be something else like a scholar,patron, or a craftsman.
Settling down!
Right now you have a maxed out thief's guild and a educated child (scholar, Patron, Or Craftsman). With your educated child you can build a structure according to its class. you can work on that buisness while your guild is pickpocketing in the backround earning you money. and you can do the same with that child's children's child etc. You can even make your child go back into thieving and make ANOTHER guild.

I hope this helped!

Komentarzy: 17
edutzul 5 lipca 2015 o 5:21 
Dozell 13 stycznia 2015 o 8:41 
This is pretty much the only way I play the game. When I get bored with just robbing in the streets I take it to politics and have my family stack the court as pretty much every position. If there are more popular people ahead of me that I can't beat in voting I send one of my children along with about 4 thieves to that person's location and assassinate the target. Relating to owning the court/ ranks, the best part about being the judge is being able to let your family off lol.
Anderson 25 grudnia 2014 o 13:51 
Simple yet genius!
The way how 3'rd world and 2'nd world countries work :P
hraefn  [autor] 13 grudnia 2014 o 21:51 
Thanks for all the Positive feedback guys! Even when I made this FOREVER ago, lol.
Chaoslock 13 grudnia 2014 o 10:08 
Good to know, thanks.
Highlander 19 czerwca 2014 o 14:46 
Or just bulid a camp next to a mine and rob the shit out of it and make 10k per full cart load of gems then capture it for free and work the mine
Aktuh 18 lutego 2014 o 10:30 
I think I'll try this out. Nice guide.
hraefn  [autor] 18 grudnia 2013 o 14:24 
Swat 18 grudnia 2013 o 12:41 