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100% Achievement Guide
By Skipper
100% achievement guide for Limbo.

Why make another one? Simple, I wanted to make a guide without videos. Just a bit of text and a few screenshots. So you can quickly see the egg locations without viewing the whole video.
Wrong Way
That's not right

Chapter 1: Right at the start when you wake up. Walk to the left and it will be there on the ground.

Altitude is Attitude
Exploration off the ground

Chapter 4:After you climbed up at tree. There is a rope hanging on the left side. Grap that rope and you will see at the left of it the egg.

It's Stuck
Prepare a dry landing

Chapter 20: Climb back down the ladder. Get that bar on the left and move it all the way to the right, until it go no ground below it again. Jump off it to the left u will grap a chain you can't see. The egg will be dropped on the bar.

Urban Exploration
Involves heavy lifting

Chapter 24: Get the box up the elevator. Put the box off the elevator and let the elevator go down. After that bring the elevator back up. Jump directly on the top part of the elevator. On the left side you will see a rope. Grab that rope and the egg will fall down.

Alone in the Dark
Beneath the arthropod

Chapter 26: Climb back down the stairs. Go to the right in the black cave. When you hear you walk into the water jump once. After that keep on walking and you will find your egg.

Climbing the Cog
Don't pull the lever just because you can

Chapter 27: When you reach the first lever, do NOT pull it (if you pull the lever you will crush your egg). Just jump over that big wheel. At the end of the wheel you will find your egg.

Ride the crates

Chapter 30: First get that beast of your head. After back through the first smasher (you need to use the boxes to get back up there). You surely will have noticed a ladder there, climb up there. Walk a bit to the right and you will find your egg.

Guided by Sparks
The crate is key

Chapter 32: After you walk all the way to the right until the world stops moving around, there will be a falling a box at right side of you. Climb up the box after that jump on the platform on the left side (hard to see because it's mostly hidden under the shadow). After that jump to the right. You will directly see the egg at the right side of you.

Under Ground
Vertical passageway

Chapter 34: You will see a elevator, stop for a moment. Below the elevator is a chain (you might first need to lower yourself down the edge, before you can get below the elevator), grap on that and go down with it. At the bottom you will find your egg.

Going Up
Don't let gravity keep you down

Chapter 38: Pull the gravity switch. After that move the box more to the right. After that the gravity switch will be ended so reactivate it again. Go the the left and fall down there. There will be a little secret room. Pull out the egg at the top left of the room (do that before the gravity switch is ending). And that's where you will find your egg.

Where Credit is Due
Perseverance has its own reward

After watching the credits at the end of the game you will obtain this achievement.

Running off will get you nowhere

This is only obtainable in the secret level. This one will unlock after you collected 10 eggs and have beaten the game.

Go back to chapter 26. Go back down the stairs. Back into the dark cave again. When you keep on walking to the right you will notice the door is now open. Good luck from here I won't guide you all the way to the end. But at the end there will be your last egg.

But hold on! You didn't get the achievement yet. You need to escape from those gunners before you obtain the achievement. The end will be at the top of the elevator.

No Point in Dying
Complete the game in one sitting with five or less deaths

I would advice to do this after you finished the game atleast once. So you know what to do at every spot and so you don't keep on dying.
If you die at the beginning somewhere, then restart the game so you got more lifes left at the end of the game. Make sure you don't die more then 5 times else you can't obtain the achievement. The time will not be really a big problem so take your time to get through everything without dying.
Leonoben Nov 16, 2013 @ 9:24am 
Thank you for the nice Guide but the Under Ground Achievment is in chapter 34 not 33
Skipper  [author] Oct 24, 2013 @ 12:28am 
Thank you. Yes it was and quite challenging ^^
Skipper  [author] Oct 15, 2013 @ 2:54pm 
Yes, it are the square things. Most left one is 1 next to it is 2 etc.
soupuhman Oct 15, 2013 @ 2:47pm 
how do you know which chapter is which like i pressed load chapter and i don't know how to go to chapter 4, is it the 4th square thing?
Skipper  [author] Oct 15, 2013 @ 3:49am 
Your welcome Brokoli ;) ps. love your name / picture combination XD
Herbert Oct 14, 2013 @ 3:59pm 
ty, nice guide!
khbat Oct 14, 2013 @ 3:50pm Here the guide, it's not perfect because i'm not and expert ^^
khbat Oct 14, 2013 @ 1:23pm 
Thanks :) I'm working on it :D
Skipper  [author] Oct 14, 2013 @ 1:20pm 
Sure and I really appreciate you ask for permission first. Mostly just copy it without even give it credit. Give me a call when you finished would love to see / rate it ;)
khbat Oct 14, 2013 @ 11:52am 
Just a question : Can i use your guide and translate it to french ? of course i will credit you.