Cry of Fear

Cry of Fear

130 beoordelingen
Ojomie's survivalist guide to Cry of Fear!
Door ♥ (Blake$quad) en 1 bijdrager(s)
This Guide will tell you about the monsters you will encounter and what weapons you can use/find throughout the game! (May contain spoilers)
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Simon's Backstory
Simon is a 19 year old with chronic depression, little is known about his school or home life. Simon lives with his mom and doesn't mention his father or family in the game. His only friend is a girl named Sophie who he occasionally would talk to at college. Simon is a victim of a hit and run event where he was pinned to a building by a car while trying to help a man in pain. Following this he became wheelchair bound and it has only worsened his symptoms. His doctor urges Simon to allow him to help himself and open up about his past but he refuses to. His doctor has another idea of allowing Simon to write a book about his feelings and his life instead as an alternate way to express himself in which Simon agrees. This book however is ultimately the tipping point of his sanity as the events in the game are the book itself as we play as a version of Simon who is still functionally able to walk, crawling through the city and suburbs alike in an effort to go home. (Some choices made in the game will drastically effect the way Simon's ending will be. Some small but with the same result and one particularly "better" but not as happy as one might think. In total 4 different endings.)
The Monsters
These are the monsters you will face in Cry of Fear! (Not including bosses in this section)
These are the first enemies you will encounter in Cry of Fear. They shake there heads constantly making it hard to headshot. Early on knifing is the only way to kill them, but later in the game you can usually kill 1 pretty quick with a headshot or 2 rounds to the chest. When Simon deals damage to a twitcher it will flinch back. Being the 1st enemies in the game they are easy but still a challenge on hard or nightmare mode difficulties as they can take down a lot of damage in the beginning.
The Children are monsters that appear as bloated, rotting corpses of small children wielding a knife in each hand. They do a 2 hit combo but doesn't do much damage. They can be deadly if they get you in a corner! Best way to kill them is to shoot them, as melee is risky.
The Slower
This monster is like the twitchers but being more fast and strong is commonly fought in the game. These guys do damage and are usually in groups. There is another variant of this character that is called ''slowno''. He appears only 1 time in the game when Simon picks up the TMP/Glock in a corridor in the TL trading building. He has 3 heads with multiple eyes and screams a roar that can frighten Simon. They also both variants do not shake there heads like twitchers making it easier for headshots.
The Faster is a monster which screams and attacks by stabbing and slashing the player with two blade-like hands. This monster makes a metallic sound when walking due to the same arms as legs. When killed it stabs its neck and falls over. It is a mutated woman which screams when attacking Simon. They are encountered almost everywhere.
A monster that attacks Simon in groups of 2 or 3. It attacks by charging Simon and then self destructs causing a pike to shoot threw its head. There is really nothing else to say about them other than they do a lot of damage and are fairly easy to kill.
Sawrunner is fast and has a chainsaw that he chases Simon with. Encountered multiple times he is more of a hazard than a enemy to fight. He is quite the challenge, for his screaming and loud noises tend to put players in a very alert and nervous state. Simon is meant to run from him since a single hit from the sawrunner will kill Simon instantly. Due to its speed it can easily catch up to Simon if not sprinting. Morphine can refill the stamina bar and keep the player running so Simon doesn't run out of breath. It is possible to kill the Sawrunner but he has an insane amount of health = 2000hp. Killing him will offer no reward other than you won't have to run from him in that scene. If hes killed he will still appear later in the game, just a heads up. Apart from being scary he is a force to reckon with.
The Drowned can make Simon suicide if he has a gun with at least 1 bullet in it by possessing him and pointing the gun at his head. Simon can avoid this if he taps left mouse to resist the urge. The screen will blink in and out like if your losing consciousness. If Simon gets to close to her a baby will explode from her stomach with 2 knifes that are quick and deal good damage so kill her from afar!
The Human Flower
The Human Flower is a mass of flesh with multiple tendrils and faces emerging from it, alongside one giant arm it uses to hit Simon. This monster is not exactly an enemy but more of a obstruction to make Simon find a different path around it. It is encountered 2 times in the story and will kill Simon if he gets to close. Don't waste ammo or anything on it because it is unkillable by Simon.
The Faceless
The Faceless are distinct for attacking in large numbers and attempting to swarm Simon. They first appear in the College while the lights are out, giving them an advantage and make them more scary. They are hard to kill each needing 4 bullets to the chest with a glock and 2 for headshots. Attacking these guys with melee is very hard to do as they have the highest attack speed and do a lot of damage. In some parts these guys can fake being dead and come alive to attack Simon. The are many other variants of the faceless while the ghostly faceless being a creative one. they ironically have a face but appear to have no body and you can only find them in the bloody apartments basement while its dark and there mostly used for scares.
Aquatic Twitcher
The Aquatic Twitcher (Also Called Sewmo) dwell in the sewers of the city and can be seen lying down in the water, where they await for unsuspecting victims to pass by. They attack while tied up is to stick out there tongue and do damage. When you break there wires with a melee weapon they become faster and hit harder so go for the headshots!
Citalpram is a monster with the animations of the crazyrunners. They are fought in the maintenance tunnels of the subway system. They are never seen again after this encounter sadly. She is noticed by her breathing and will attack Simon with a knife.
The Crazyrunner is a pretty fast stabbing enemy that can die very easily but can deal a lot of damage. A good blow to the head with a melee weapon or a shot or two from a gun will end these enemies quickly.
The hanger will scream a blood curdling female scream and drop from a random tree with nooses around there necks as Simon finds them. They can damage Simon if he runs exactly under them.
The Flygare is a twitcher strapped down to an upside-down bed hovering over the ground. the monster can control where the bed goes slightly. He will attack Simon with scissors if he gets too close or he will shoot acidic like balls from a distance. They can be very challenging to kill and are a pain in groups.
The Hangman are monsters only encountered in the Maze in Chapter 4. There are multiple that can instantly kill you if they hit you in the maze. They are on there own path and will kill Simon if he hits them. They are also Unkilliable by Simon.
The Spitter is a monster only encountered on the train. They come out of the windows spitting acid-like sludge at Simon. When it dies it will fall off the train into the upcoming train tracks.
The Psycho will hide in dark corners and wait for Simon before rushing out from the dark with a axe screaming loud to alert Simon of his presence. The psycho has a bucket shaped mask with a long beak. He is very hard to dodge since he is the 2nd fastest enemy. Guns are recommended and melee is not an option unless you wanna lose some health.
The Stranger is a lethal enemy that is rare to find, they are slow but dangerous. They have a suit on and a book for a head, when approached he will begin to telepathically damage Simon rapidly taking damage until the stranger is dead. He will let out a groan and will flicker and twitch before it dies. It would be smart to avoid him as you may need a powerful weapon to kill him. Don't fight him with low health you will or possibly die before finding him or hitting him!
The Suicider
The Suicider is the enemy first encountered in the city and the only common enemy with a firearm. It has a Glock 19 and will pressure Simon. They can drop a whole clip for the glock when killed. You can either headshot it causing an instant kill or you can get really close to it, causing the suicider to suicide with the glock. Tough to fight in groups.
The Taller is a huge enemy in Cry of Fear. They are very slow and absorb a lot of damage and easy to run past making them a huge waste of ammo and time. If the Taller hits you however, you will be sent flying and knocked on the ground. If you don't get up in time the Taller will stomp Simon causing a brutal death.
The croucher is a variation of a Twitcher or a faceless walking on all fours. While they can strike fast and are hard to hit they are relatively easy to kill.
Dismembered Twitcher
It is a unlucky Twitcher that is legless. Although very fast and they like to hide in darkness they attack very slow and are easy to kill/dodge.
This section of the guide will explain all the obtainable weapons in Cry of Fear.
Melee Weapons
-Doesn't affect accuracy unlike other melee weapons.
-Weakest attack in-game.


-Simon has this weapon on him at the start of the game. Right-clicking with this weapon equipped lets him change his attack style. Putting the blade up lets Simon do a quick slashing attack, while putting the blade down lets him do a stabbing attack- which does a bit more damage per swing at the cost of a noticeably slower swing speed. Only the stabbing attacks can be done while dual wielding with it.

-Fast swing speed
-Multiple attack modes; A quick slash attack, or a slower stabbing attack mode but stronger stab attack.
-Weakest melee weapon in the game.



-More damage than the switchblade.
-Slow swing speed.

A melee weapon found in the woods in chapter 6.


-More damage per swing than the knife.
-Commonly found weapon in woods section of the game.
-Faster swing speed than the Baton.

- Only melee weapon you will receive for a while. (So deal with it basically lol.)



-Strongest melee weapon overall. (Not counting Leatherhoff's axe)
-Capable of destroying brick walls. (In certain areas)
-Slowest swing speed overall.
-Each swing of the sledgehammer depletes the stamina gauge by a small amount.


This weapon is unlocked if you find David Leatherhoff's axe in the fifth ending and use it to kill a twitcher once.


-The most powerful melee weapon in the game
-Fast Swing Speed
- Can't dual wield anything with it. (I.E. phone/flashlight)
Ranged Weapons
Glock 19 9mm

The first firearm Simon finds in the single player campaign. Found off a corpse hanging from the ceiling tiles near the beginning of the Apartment level. Later on, Simon will encounter Suiciders who are armed with it.

The Glock 19 9mm has a 15-round magazine.


-Has the second highest magazine capacity of all of the pistols.
-It can be equipped with a tactical light, eliminating the need to dual wield with a separate light source.
-Moderately low recoil.
-Easy to use iron sights.
-Ammunition is extremely plentiful.
-An overall useful weapon.
-The weakest pistol in the game.
-Slightly longer reload time leaves player vulnerable.

The VP70 is the fourth firearm that Simon comes across. It can be found in the end of a tunnel in the alleys of Chapter 4, after the chainsaw chase and before the College. The VP70 has a 18-round magazine.


-Very Fast firing speed.
-Moderate to Low recoil.
-Fires in 3-round bursts.
-Has the highest magazine capacity out of all pistols.
-The second strongest handgun before the Revolver.
-Recoil can make it difficult to land all 3 shots in one burst.
-Cannot be switched to single-shot.
-Ammunition is plentiful in the area that you find it, but not so much later on.
Ruger P345

The Ruger P345 is a strong pistol albeit with rare ammunition finds. This is the gun which you can choose to give Doctor Purnell or not. It is also the first firearm available in co-op.

The Ruger P345 has a 8-round magazine.

-Does high damage.
-Easy to use iron sights.
-Has high recoil
-Ammo is rare
-Cannot be used for long as you obtain it near the end of the singleplayer campaign

Taurus .357 Magnum

The most powerful and only magnum utilized by the player. It is symbolically used by Doctor Purnell to shoot Simon in the shoulder.


-High damage.
-High accuracy.
-Good ironsight.
-Reloading can be interrupted.
-Has low ammo capacity (can only hold 5 rounds)
-Slow reload speed.
-Difficult to score a fatal shot on agile enemies, which can lead to wasted bullets.
-Isn't available for a long time due to it being accessed towards the later half of the single player campaign.
-In the single player campaign, it can only be obtained by refusing to give Purnell the gun which results in endings 1 or 3.
-It cannot be dual wielded. If mapping, you can make it so that you can dual wield it in the map properties.

Remington 870

The second firearm Simon comes across. Found in the Construction Tunnels off a body who used it to commit suicide.

The Remington 870's tube magazine can hold up to 5 shotgun shells.


-Shotgun Shells comes in boxes of 9. (Considering ammunition for other weapons is always equivalent to 1 magazine, this is generous.)
-Excellent for crowd control.
-High damage.
-Reloading can be interrupted to fire off shots as needed.
-Reloading doesn't waste unspent shells. ( As opposed to all magazine fed weapons, which waste any rounds in the mag that weren't fired.
-Medium-High recoil.
-Mediocre iron sights.
-Slow reload speed.
-Moderate Firing Speed

Hunting Rifle

Bolt action sniper rifle with scope. It can be found at the park with the statues after making them a good stance. Rifle should be laying on the ground near the keys.


-Has the most damage.
-High accuracy.
-You can zoom in with the scope.
-When you hold the sprint button, you can get better accuracy when zooming with cost of your stamina.
-Not very accurate in close combat.
-Hard to hit fast moving enemies.
-Slow reload speed.
-When reloading you lose the round in the chamber.
-Ammunition is rare.
-The bolt reload when looking through the scope can throw off your aim.

M16 Assault Rifle

Possibly the third or fifth firearm Simon comes across. Found in the Alleyway, in the room Sawrunner breaks out of during your first chase scene. Picking up the weapon during that encounter is optional, as you can backtrack and pick the weapon up later on. You can also find one in the bus when tasked with retrieving two fuses.Assault rifle

The M16 has a 20-round magazine.


-High rate of fire due to 3-round burst.
-Player can toggle between a single-shot and 3-round burst mode.
-Effective at taking down multiple enemies and doing considerable damage against bosses.
-Ammunition is scarce.
-Slow reload time.
-Burst fire has a high recoil.

Gewehr 43

The Gewehr 43 has been added into Cry of Fear via patch 1.4.

The Gewehr has a 10-round box magazine

-Has a 10-round detachable box magazine.
-Is exceedingly powerful.
-Has a decent rate of fire.
-Is highly accurate.
-Does not appear in the single-player campaign.
-Ammo is glitched and cannot spawn without disconnecting the game. Fixable by going into the "global_precache.txt" and typing in the path to the ammo model.

-Has quite a fair bit of recoil.

-Has a long reload time.

-Only one appears in every level of survival.
Unlockable/Special Weaponry
Steyr TMP


-Very fast rate of fire
-It is excellent for close quarters combat.
-Does as half damage as the Glock 19 - With a 30 round mag
-Ammo is extremely scarce.
-Only 4 magazines in Suicide Mode.
-It is a DONATOR-ONLY weapon

Heckler & Koch MP5


-Very fast rate of fire
-It is excellent for close quarters combat.
-Does as much damage as the Glock 19 - With a 30 round mag
-Start off with 270 round mag, but ammo is extremely limited.
-Not in official multiplayer maps.
-It is a MAPPER-ONLY weapon

Digital Camera

It is used at the beginning of the game after Simon's incident to reveal the Xs, which hide mental projections. These mark the first steps on Simon's Journey into insanity. Unlocked after completing game in any ending under 2 hours and 30 minutes.


-Stuns enemies. (A bug causes enemies to be immune to it. Potentially fixed by restarting your game.)
-Infinite ammo.
-Does not reduce your final grade when using it.
-Can be used to stop the Sawrunner at times when meeting him
-Unclear area of effect.
-Bosses are immune to it.
-Cannot stun enemies while they are in a state of animation. (Sewmo getting out of the water, slower crawling out from under an object, ect.)

The Famas is an assault rifle that is unlocked by completing the game on nightmare mode.


-Fast rate of fire.
-Moderate damage per shot.
-Infinite ammunition.
-Hard to acquire as nightmare mode can be extremely difficult even for experienced players.
-Excessive muzzle flash which can easily make you lose sight of your target while firing.
-Infinite ammunition leads to players disregarding the need to aim which brings down their accuracy grade.

Simon´s Book
Shoots out flames. What more do you want?


-High damage.
-Infinite ammunition.
-The fire it shoots can be used for lighting.
-Does not count accuracy when using it
-Requires completion of Nightmare mode with an S rank.
-Obscures a part of the players view when using it.
-The fire won't travel an infinite distance like bullets do.

Browning HP 9mm
A handgun used at the very end of the game during the final boss for ending 4. The game calls it the "browningwheelchair"


-Accurate even without ironsights.
-Best reloading firearm.
-Only avaliable at the final boss fight for ending 4.
-Has a 13 round magazine, 2 bullets below the glock's capacity.
-No extra ammunition for it can be found.
-Rate of fire is somewhat slow compared to other pistols.
-Equipping it activates "wheelchair" mode in which movement is limited to short bursts, you can't jump or dodge, you cannot access your inventory, and you can't look behind you.
In Conclusion
Remember to rate and favorite this guide as it encourages me to do more guides in the future! I hope this helped and was a better alternative than having the wiki opened up on another tab!
18 opmerkingen
Mildly Autistic Man 31 okt 2023 om 0:30 
definitely the vsp since its rare to find ammo for :steamhappy: 29 okt 2023 om 19:57 
im in chapter 5 i think at the aparments again and i have a hunting rifle, glock 19. vsp, and m16 rifle and there is a syringe i might need for later is any of the guns worth dropping?
𝕸𝕽𝕶𝕬 24 aug 2023 om 6:50 
Does anyone know hoe to kill double knife kids with knife without taking damage?
•_• 7 mei 2021 om 6:02 
Quick tip, SawRunner STOPS to attack you, so can literaly walk away from him being in no danger at all.
bill 2 apr 2021 om 2:27 
i love how children and babies are labelled "monsters"

i mean he's not wrong
SIEGE88 18 mrt 2021 om 4:59 
thank you so much!
✶Don Loco Coco✶ 30 dec 2020 om 15:37 
Thanks Mate
That one guy 12 jun 2020 om 5:22 
Not a comment since 2017 but i know the game and all and i gotta say the most informative guide ever realy liked it and read the whole thing:steamhappy:
H u n k 22 mei 2014 om 3:42 
the Stranger is the creepiest Monster for me O.o
Pg$^jqH-kxfm^K+gvyHdt]|_h4Te\m4t 12 jan 2014 om 6:02 
Hell Yeah.