Hate Plus

Hate Plus

105 ratings
Achievements and Some Tips!
By Dona Marie
Hello everyone! Here is a simples guide to gets all (or almost - dammed you Level Four Reviver Materia!) achievements and some tips! I know all achievement are pretty easy, you can just get all only by read the description, but some tips are welcome and let's do it only for the etiquette!
Hello everyone!
Here is a simples guide to gets all (or almost dammed you Level Four Reviver Materia!) achievements and some tips!
I know, I know, all achievement are pretty easy, you can just get most of them by only read the description, but some tips are welcome and let's do it for the etiquette!

This guide maybe have or not some spoilers, so I advise to be careful and use the right index if don't what to know more than you would like.

By the way, the subject of this guide may change since awesome people correct me! (Thanks you all!)

And now the Achievements!
Some Tips First!
Decided to enlist all the tips you shall see on this guide that doesn't fit in or it's to general. It's not complete, but at time to time, I will put something here or two. If you have a good tips you can also bring it to me. I will credit you properly and we can help anyone, yeah!
  • If you have Analogue: a Hate Story, you can use the end-save to play Hate Plus. You only need do click in "load" and select the end-save of your chooser and ready to go! The save recognizes if you are a boy or a girl ("are you sure?"), how you treated the AIs (probably) and the clothes of *Hyun-ae;
  • According to @ZippyDoo (thank you!) open the file count it as read;
  • Finish Don't create a TIME PARADOX! achievement first will unlock almost everyother achievement since it cover basically 2/3 of the story;
  • If you are not very pacient, you can set your clock 12 hours later or whatever when the game ask you to wait 12 hours to play more (surprisingly it don't count as cheat) (thank you @DracOwl Dynasty);
  • According @Ultramage, you can skipping the the load game screen by just press "S" to cancel the 12 hour delay;

Now (for real) the Achievements!

Finish the first day of any route.

The easiest one: just finish the first day.

An also, if you really curious, press S to skip the 12 hours wait, but it will not let you get some achievements, so better to it after pick up them...


you can exit the game and set your clock to the next day (or put more 12 hours, but I thinks it's more fast and lazy set the next day). Surprisingly the game don't count it as a cheat.
The Death of Old*Mute


Happens on the second day after you reading the log "The Death of Old*Mute", you don't need to do anything. But, whatever the *AI-girl you choose, get ready...

Finish your mission by arriving on Earth.

You finish the game! Hurray! Enjoy the credits and the ending you deserves (or not)!
Relationship status: it's complicated

Finish the game with your cute AI waifu wife and/or completely platonic friend *Hyun-ae!

Well, finish the game with *Hyun-ae as a lover or as a friend.
You can be a totally ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and treat her like a caveman do at old's cartoon show and still get this ending (but I have to make some search).
I Heard You Like Visual Novels

Finish the game with your completely impossible AI harem!

Hm... Finish the game with the both girls.

I expland it on Some Tips First topic, but is good reinforce it here:

If you have Analogue: a Hate Story, you can use the end-save to play Hate Plus. You only need do click in "load" and select the end-save of your chooser! The save recognizes your sex, how you treated the AIs (probably) and the clothes of *Hyun-ae you can get whe you play the first game.

But, if you don't have Analogue: A Hate Story, worry not, my friend: When you start a new game, it's let you choose both *AIs.
Have you tried doing a factory reset?

Finish the game with the security AI in a default uniform, New *Mute!

Pick *Mute, go to the third day day and cry (or celebrates).
Deep Space Therapist

Read every log file again with *Mute on day three.

  • EDIT 1: Open the file count it as read. (Thanks @ZippyDoo!)

After pick *Mute and go to the 3 day, read every log you have acessed. Some of them (I guess 12 in totally) she won't seems interested (all log about love, basically. But she is really interested in Old*Mute). @ZippyDoo warned me that you don't need to scroll down to get this achievement, only open the log and go to another. However, you'll miss her reactions D:
Don't create a TIME PARADOX!

Complete all three routes over the span of nine real days without skipping *, LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO, GEEZE.

  • EDIT:Thank you for: @ZippyDoo who tells me that open the file count it as read, @DracOwl Dynasty for tells me about the cheating way, @Ultramage for the 'press "S" to cancel' tip , @Dangerous Beans for telling me in a very polite way that I was doing ♥♥♥♥ and @Yatogami for enlighten me about the true!

To complete this achievement just need to do all three routes on 9 days or less in real life. The three routes are composed by *Hyun-ae route, *Mute route and the Harem route (both *Hyun-ae and *Mute). Complete the girls route as a lover or a friend doesn't matter either.

But let's enlighten something important: you don't have to play the game in 9 consecutive days, the game counts the hours that the program is open, not your computer's clock (again, thank you @Yatogami!).

Originally I thought you have to finish it in 9 consecutive, but since @Yatogami show me you don't... You can just enjoy the view! If you think hard about the game setting, the Developer want the player play it and absorve everything, that's why she put the 12 hours delay to continue the story: for you to reflect about every log, character, events... The whole game!

So, cheating became (almost) pointless, all you have to do is not exceed the period of 9 days with the game open.

According @Ultramage, you can skipping the the load game screen by just press "S" to cancel the 12 hour delay. When the game says "without skipping" it means about this "S Key". BTW, if I remember it right, you can disable the S Key on the game controls, but I need to check.

Now some cheats and tips:
  • You can cheat without the game notices: just set your clock 12 hours later or whatever, and go back to play it;
  • To not lose much time of your life, read the same log with the girls since just open it count as read (but you will miss their reactions...);
  • I recomend do this achievement first, since you will unlock almost everyother by finish it. Deep Space Therapist, Red and Gold, Cooking by the Book and Level Four Revive Materia are the only ones you need make an extra effort to complete with Don't create a TIME PARADOX!.
Red and Gold

Start *Mute's route and finish, as both a man and a woman.

You have to finish the game with *Mute as both man and woman! Simple, no? The interesting part is her reaction. Since she care about your genre, she will treat you differently and you may notice it.
Cooking by the Book

Take an actual honest-to-god IRL photograph of the cake you're sharing with *Hyun-ae, and e-mail it to the developer! cake@hateplus.com

Briefly, on day 3 in *Hyun-ae route, she will ask for a cake. If Love made an trigger event you have to see this cake stuffs for the code works. When *Hyun-ae suggests take a picture, that's probably that's the trigger. You can take a picture if you like, but after that:

  1. go to the menu screen;
  2. push the code (121019890) on your (standart) keyboard;
  3. press enter.

Apparently the numlock doesn't work, so have to type it in your standart keyboard...?@terminalcountdown tells me about this problem. Please, if you suffers with the same issues tell me. He/She/Ve also attentive to the fact the you have to hit enter for the code works. This is new, I was pretty sure you haven't to press enter for nothing, maybe Love put this after put the permanent code. But by the @terminalcountdown's message I can't tell for sure if you have to press enter after the numbers or before. Soooo, do both if stuffs don't work!

If Love didn't make an trigger event, you can jump the cake step and just press go to menu screen, press the numbers, press enter, tadaa~. You can have this achievement without see the cake stuff!

Now the lore of this achievement:

Originally you had take a picture with the cake in front of computer with your waifu *Hyun-ae* doing a pose and sends to cake@hateplus.com. The e-mail would send back a code to put on game, but now we have a perment holy code.

@Love announces on her twitter the Cooking by the Book achievement can be gotten by using a permanent code (thank you @TheAlpha13 for tells me!). This is a very important change since people had a lot of trouble to get this achievement, @Stalin-Chan even made a guide to get this achivement by cheating. Let be sincere, @Love don't have time to respond everyone or do an automatic check system that interpret unstructured data (photos in this case) to send back by e-mail a randomly generated code. Too much work for this ♥♥♥♥ D: (BTW Interesting fact: the code is the same @Stalin-Chan use in his guide, just add 0 in the end )


...But if you are a cake lover like me and still want to use this opportunity to make a delicious cake all for yourself (or friends and family, whatever) below are the recipes *Hyun-ae* waifu suggest:

Recipe 1:

Recipe 2:


If you guys want, I can teach you delicious recipes of cakes. Or you can share yours with me! (I have a sweet tooth as you can see).
Level Four Revive Materia
And... we have...

Finish the game with the security AI in traditional dress, *Mute!

It's impossible to get this achievement.

"Why?" you ask. Well, acording to the awesome people on Steam Forum...

Originally posted by @Kyu Sugardust:

Formerly, the Developer was the only one who got this achievement, but since she put her profile as private, she don't show up in the achievement stats. At that time, people though they could got it since she had it, but the achievement it's suppose to be reference to Final Fantasy VII (FFVII).

If some of you haven't play FFVII (shame on you!), the game had a rumor that you can use an item calls Revive Materia in level 4 to revive a character who dies in the story, but this character should be dead no matter what you do. For the young ones, people try their heart to revive the character and it because a myth between the players. If you search in YouTube, you probably will find videos talk about the impact of this rumor.

So Love clearly make a reference, but, as the fans of FFVII, Hate Plus fans really, really, REALLY try to get this achievement. In Steam Foruns there is a long, long, really long, really reallly long discussion of people try to achieve it. They deserves a round of applause for it and some hugs!


To you have a idea there is a list below about stuff they're trying according to their post (Last edited by @Kyu Sugardust in 27/ago/2013:
  • Dialogue options.
  • Reading particular logs in a certain order.
  • Messing with the clock to change the date.
  • Setting the clock back to when *Mute supposedly offs herself.
  • Leaving the game running for 12 hours instead of powering down.
  • Digging through the game's code (the achievement isn't coded in).
  • Using tools like SAM to manually unlock the achievement.
  • Patching in the achievement manually.
  • ♥♥♥♥ing off Christine Love.
  • Clicking "Enable AI" before "Emergency Diagnostic."
  • Running a debug after "The Death of *Mute," but before shutting down.
  • Ignoring the inbox.
  • Trying to do anything with the 70 files needing to be "fixed" after the game runs. (Just an engine issue.)
  • Sending photos of grilled cheese sandwiches to cheese@hateplus.com.
  • Getting New *Mute into the hanbok.
  • "Hm, I wonder~"
  • Looking for clues in Christine Love's achievement progress on her own game.
  • Entering the Konami Code.
  • 01189998891119997253
  • Chekov's Gun
  • "lol" and "youwillneverguessthisname."

You can see their journey in here:

Some guys got tired and decide to make their own happy end to our * Mute! Level Four Materia Revive, but I didn't test the mod and I don't pretent too. I'm not sure how the mod works or the current updated situation, so this may not work (as was the case with @Christopherweeblingjr). Below are more about their initiative (they even creat a blog and a group on Steam).
Feel free to browse around and test it, just remember to make a backup of you gamedate everytime you use a mod (Thanks @Christopherweeblingjr for the feedback and I sorry about your experience):

Level Four Revive Materia Project
Revive Materia Project Group
Annd it's over!
I would like to thanks for the comments and the people who help me saying what is wrong.
I also would like to give my congratulations to the guys on Steam Groups Level Four Materia for trying hard.
Hope you guys enjoy this redundant tutorial and sorry the broken english, since I'm not native I may write some stuffs wrong.
Have a good game and some fun hating people!
PhantomChick Dec 23, 2022 @ 11:53am 
I've entered both codes into the index search a number of times but it isn't giving me the achievement, nothing really happens when I press enter except the text erases.
fasterbot Nov 23, 2021 @ 4:49am 
I don't know if this has already been said but I just finished everything on this mess of a game (it's not bad but not 'good' either ^^, it could have been sooo much better) but another tip for those who want to do Time Paradox and Red and Gold without wasting too much time, the 12h lock is not for the entire game, just for a save in particular, so you can create/start three different game/save for each route and a fourth one with another gender for the other *Mute.
You'll still have to wait that dumb 12h thing... two times... but you could finish everything under three real days if you got a work/family, less if you don't ;).
Hiroshi Mishima Aug 30, 2021 @ 8:37am 
Might wanna put in some sorta warning that the game apparently *does not like* it when you load a save that was made "in the future" as the forums put it. I changed my time so I could reach day 3, but when I went back a little bit afterwards to pick up where I left off Ren'py gave an error over and over every time I tried. There's some discussion as to the cause on the forums, and the "time paradox" seems be the actual cause.
Dona Marie  [author] Mar 7, 2020 @ 2:19pm 
@Christopherweeblinjr I guess we have to accept that as inevitability, like death, you know? (hahaha, ok i stopped). But thanks for you feedback, I already update the guide :D:
Christopherweeblingjr Mar 7, 2020 @ 2:15pm 
@St._Marie Don't worry, it wasn't that bad. The *Mute lives route just doesn't have anything to trigger the achievements. I was able to use an earlier save to get Red and Gold without needed into remove the mod. Shame that last achievement will always be laughing at us, though.
Dona Marie  [author] Mar 7, 2020 @ 1:59pm 
@Christopherweeblingjr You put me in a dry situation. That's true, I haven't be upfront about the mod, because I... don't know how it works. I mere talked about because at the time I read people comment in L4RM, read enough about to know the situation and was like "oh! there is also this possibility!". I didn't test the mod and to be honestI will not.
I'm sorry the mod didn't work for you and you are upset with this whole thing, I hope you can retrieve your gamedata. Thanks for this feedback, I will put a note in this guide about this situation. This is a experience to be more carefull about what I quote and how I do it.
Christopherweeblingjr Mar 7, 2020 @ 11:40am 
I'm not sure how much I can blame anyone but myself for this - because it's possible I didn't read something I should have or didn't apply enough common sense to the way the mod would work - but I really wish you and the L4RM group were a bit more upfront about how the mod not only wouldn't get me the unachievable achievement, but any of the *Mute route achievements.
Dona Marie  [author] Nov 9, 2019 @ 9:02pm 
@Blackdraxx I do believe the person who have Level Four Revive Materia achievement is the dev. I remember at the time the game was publish she was the only person with the achievement display at the game statitics on Steam. Since the interface change so much as too the way Steam show off their game achievement statistics, the last time I check up, Love(the dev) wasn't in there. But if you find out another person with Level Four Revive Materia achievement PLEASE, let all of us know what you got!
Blackdraxx Nov 7, 2019 @ 5:24am 
Hi, hi, I know this is fairly old now, but I feel it is worth saying that there is one person who has seemingly gotten the Level Four Revive Materia achievement, I am trying to get a hold of them to ask, how they did it, as I have tried everything at this point, and still haven't managed it myself. I just felt this was worth noting, and will let you all know if I learn anything.
Dona Marie  [author] Feb 1, 2018 @ 4:23am 
@terminalcountdown oh this is important! Maybe the development change it, dunno. But I will put what you say here, thank you very much!