Killing Floor

Killing Floor

163 Bewertungen
Dark Scythe
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4.566 MB
20. Juni 2013 um 4:22
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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Dark Scythe

Awesome Scythe for Killing Zombies.

Codes for shops:

36 Kommentare
Arynn 20. Jan. 2018 um 22:02 
Oh hey, the scythe from Darksiders! :D
Should to The Harvester next
Jacket 10. Juli 2014 um 10:54 
You should make this a skin for the current scythe. Then it would be so badass. :)
beast902 8. Feb. 2014 um 3:10 
the weapon looks cool, but its too weak
四よん大たい行ぎょ 27. Dez. 2013 um 8:57 
Кто из русских напишите плиз как это ставить
Darthbrew 5. Nov. 2013 um 13:43 
nostrace 3. Nov. 2013 um 16:36 
Nice !
KHARNE THE DEATHWOLF 30. Sep. 2013 um 22:55 
looks epic
Lucky 15. Sep. 2013 um 11:54 
That goes for everyone who doesn't know how to install and use Characters (skins) or Weapons
Lucky 15. Sep. 2013 um 11:54 
@kakakarrotcake watch this video, it may be on characters but you do pretty much the same thing for weapons
InquisitorDeckart 31. Juli 2013 um 9:08 
where do i go to get the serverperk