Shadow Warrior Classic (1997)

Shadow Warrior Classic (1997)

37 ratings
Fix Mouse Control in Shadow Warrior (bMouse)
By Lunick
Using bMouse, you can fix the horrible mouselook that is in this game.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet (also be patient with me, this is my first Guide on Steam).

Games made on the Build engine have mouselook but they have some sort of filter on them that only allow one axis to be moved at a time. This is evidently not a problem these days so I am going to introduce bMouse to you, a program that removes this limitation!

(Note that this works with almost every Build engine game)
First we need to grab bMouse from SwissCM's website[]. Although it looks very old, you just need to head to Downloads on the left and then click on the floppy disc icon to download the latest version of bMouse.

Inside the zip is BMOUSE.exe and BMOUSE.txt, we only need the exe but you can copy both to the 'gameroot' folder of your Shadow Warrior installation (it's the same folder with SW.exe in it)
Configure + Play!
Now that bMouse has been installed/placed in the right directory, we have to launch Shadow Warrior but choose the option "Configure Shadow Warrior Original". This is important as you will need to launch Shadow Warrior this way every time when using bMouse otherwise when you launch the game the mouse will not work at all.

Now on this menu, choose "Controller Setup"

Then choose "Choose Controller Type". Here, select "Keyboard and External". After that, choose "Setup External" and replace the default name with "BMOUSE.exe"

Once this is done, go back to the menu and choose "Save and Launch Shadow Warrior"

Congratulations, you have now got more mouse control in Shadow Warrior so you can aim properly! Again, remember that you will have to launch Shadow Warrior through the setup program every time now or the game will not recognise your mouse. You don't have to setup the options though every time, that would be crazy.
Further Configuration
Even though bMouse worked perfect out of the box for me, it may not work perfect for you. This may mean that you sensitivity is too high or too low.

To configure this, go to "Controller Setup" again then choose "Setup Advanced Control Options" then "Advanced Mouse Setup"

On this menu, you can choose "Mouse X Axis Scale" or "Mouse Y Axis Scale" to adjust the sensitivity to your liking!
Launch the game without having to go through Config everytime!
I was reading the forums and saw that another user had actually posted something like this in the Discussions already so I am adding it here and will credit the user in a credits section :)

After following the configuration guides above, navigate to "Steam\steamapps\common\Shadow Warrior Original\gameroot" and find the file ""dosbox_swarrior_single.conf"

Here, delete everything after [autoexec] and replace with:

@echo off
mount C .
imgmount d ".\GAME.DAT" -t iso
bmouse.exe launch sw.exe

Now you can play the game with decent mouselook and without having to go through the config. Quick easy play!
Thanks to 3D Realms, Devolver Digital and General Arcade for bringing this game to Steam!

Thanks to Kenshiro3 for already making a guide before me (that I didn't see) and for finding the way of launching the game with bMouse without going through the config everytime.
TotoroRaptors Dec 22, 2020 @ 5:42am 
where do i select confingure shadow warrior original?
THE G.O.A.T. Mar 1, 2020 @ 3:43pm 
I know i'm a little late, but how do i access the config menu? i can't find it.
sicnarf_ghost Apr 10, 2018 @ 7:09pm 
The Easiest for me that work :

Step 1 in the DOS setting menu :
Analogue X = analog_turning
Analogue Y = analog_moving

Step 2 in the game menu -> mouse menu :
Mouse aiming choose 'Toogle'
Invert mouse invert

Step 3 in the game
Press 'U' key to enable mouse aiming
Lunick  [author] Jan 19, 2018 @ 8:58pm 
Use the included DOSBox to run the Setup program.
Mike Ehrmantraut Jan 19, 2018 @ 3:13pm 
Setup.exe won't work for people with updated computers im assuming. Seems my Windows 10 is unable to find a program that can run it so I can configure the mouse. Too bad, I really wanted to try this game :(
Musica Universalis Oct 4, 2017 @ 7:10pm 
Oh great. Every single application gives me the " This app can't run on your PC " error includng Bmouse so i'm pretty much screwed. I've spent a entire day trying to get this shit to work and honestly and just ready to uninstall the game. Nothing works what so ever. SPW, DOSBox, and Bmouse. I'm done with this game.
BlackRoseAngel Aug 28, 2017 @ 3:20pm 
is there any way to properly set up an xbox controller for this game? my controller works but its difficult in terms of moving my camera with the right analog joystick. i was stuck using my mousepad. as for the weapons is there a specific layout to which buttons go for which functiom. my triggers are to fire my ammo and slice with my katana. i never heard of shadow warrior until recently so im fairly still new to it.
Lunick  [author] Jul 25, 2017 @ 4:24pm 
There is no mouse wheel support in the DOS version of the game.
Trygger Jul 25, 2017 @ 9:31am 
What do I stick in the cfg file to bind my mousewheel to cycle items? MWup and MWdwn? Mousewheelup/mousewheeldown? What do I type in for the binds on the cfg file included in the game? I'd just use fucking setup but the game autostarts when I launch and don't see a single configure option anywhere, just "Play shadow warrior" and "Play prototypes/betas!"