Torchlight II

Torchlight II

90 ratings
Apocalypse Mod (v.7)
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89.811 KB
May 4, 2013 @ 2:03am
May 7, 2013 @ 2:53am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Apocalypse Mod (v.7)

WARNING: Development of this MOD has ceased and it is not up to date with the current version of the game. If you are a MODDER and would like to continue making this mod better/fixing issues, please do so, as you have my permission.

WARNING PART2: Hello to all MOD users, if you are using this mod then you hopefully looked at the last time I updated it... almost 3 years ago... i.e IT IS NOT UP TO DATE....and I have no plans to update it currently. I have not played nor modded Torchlight 2 in all this time, and none of my mods are up to date as the game as been patched many times since I last modded it.. so yes its very possible this mod, and my other mods dont work anymore.

Sorry but please use common sense, and look at when a mod was last updated before attempting its use. The mod is still here and posted so that if someone wanted to update it/make it better or merge it into a compiliation after fixing said issues, they can and have my permission to do so. Good Luck.

***Important*** Yes, this Mod is 100% compatible with the Synergies Mod.
Please place it above the Synergies mod in your Load order for it to work.

What is Apocalypse?

The Apocalypse Mod was created from the ground up to be a more challenging experience for Torchlight 2 Players. The goal was to invoke a sensation of 4 completely new difficulty levels starting with Apocalypse Casual and working up through Apocalypse Elite. The reasoning behind this mod is quite simple. Torchlight 2 is only slightly challenging on elite mode, and only until about level 10-15. However once you get some half way decent gear it's a cake walk again. This mod changes all that. You will now have to gear your character with a purpose, enchanting now has greater importance than ever before. You will need to know what elements are required to damage your foe,and how to eat through their armor. You will have to gear your character to soak up massive hits both physical and elemental, and will be required to time your heals, Buffs and potions just right so that the next boss hit doesn't go through your shield, your armor, and all your health. You will have to be strategic, swap tanking spots with team mates on the fly so you can heal, and protect your ranged DPS and Casters while they light up the champions and Bosses from a distance. In short, it's a completely different Torchlight 2 experience.

Here's a break down>>

Apocalypse Casual is equal to 3x the difficulty of Casual mode in Torchlight 2 and is actually the next difficulty mode right after Elite. This is a great starting point for solo players.

Apocalypse Normal is equal to 4.5x the difficulty of Normal in Torchlight 2. From my own experience I can say this is a challenging single player mode, but would be great for up to 2-3 players.

Apocalypse Veteran is equal to 5x the difficulty of Veteran in Torchlight 2. This will test even the most experienced Action RPG players to their limits in Single Player and actually Multiplayer is Recommended here for 4-6 Players.

Apocalypse Elite is equal to 6x the difficulty of Elite mode in Torchlight 2. This mode will destroy you in Single Player, and is not intended to be played Solo. Multiplayer will be required eventually to make it past champions and bosses, as they will start to one shot you past a certain level.

Apocalypse also changes the multiplayer aspect for Torchlight2 completely, because now you will actually need other people to play with you (Recommended in Apocalypse Veteran and Elite modes). The more that join the more challenging it becomes, but the better the Gold, and the XP for everyone in your party.

Also there is now no limitation on who can join your group and still benefit from the XP, as any character of any level will always gain XP when joining a group, whether they are a much higher level, or much lower level than the monsters being killed. The XP Drop off and Level Vs Level XP Stats have been completely reworked so that everyone will always get XP.

What about Experience and Fame?

Experience/Fame is something Runic decided to leave even across the board for all Difficulty levels, in vanilla. Not anymore, prepare to level up much faster when taking on the higher difficulties.

Experience has been Adjusted for every difficulty Level independently>>

Apocalypse Casual will give you standard XP and Fame Gains.
Apocalypse Normal will give you 1.5x the XP and Fame for all Kills.
Apocalypse Veteran will give you 2x the XP and Fame for all Kills.
Apocalypse Elite will give you 3x the XP and Fame for all Kills.

What about Gold Drops?

GOLD drops have been changed across the board not just for gold you find, but gold you buy and sell with as well. You will need as much as you can get.

Gold Example:

Apocalypse Casual will get 2x the standard Gold Amount from kills,Chests/Breakables.
Apocalypse Normal will get 3x the standard Gold Amount from kills,Chests/Breakables.
Apocalypse Veteran will get 5x the standard from Veteran Difficulty.
Apocalypse Elite will get 6x the Standard from Elite Difficulty.

Also the selling price has been completely reworked and you will now get 3x more gold when selling your items to vendors.

V.6 Change Notes>>

-Raised Level Cap to 200 Across the board.

-Raised experience level to 200 @ 514,829,312 for all difficulties.

-Raised Fame to level 100 @ 7,425,992

-Fame for Champion Monsters raised through lvl 200 in all difficulties.

-Experience for Champion and Regular Monsters adjusted through lvl 200 in all difficulties.

-Hitpoints Adjusted through lvl 200 for all Champion and regular mobs in all difficulties.

-Item Spawn Range minimum and maximums adjusted lvl 200 for all items in the game.

-Base Weapon Damage adjusted up to lvl 200.

-HP instant adjusted up to lvl 200

-Block Chance adjusted for ultra high levels up to a maximum of 65% (not including boosts from Gear Enchants Gems)

-Crit Chance Adjusted for Ultra high levels up to a maximum of 65% (not including boosts from Gear Enchants Gems)

-Charge DPS curve Adjusted up to level 200

-Armor Player by level for Sets adjusted for up to lvl 200

-Damage Adjustments for Apocalypse Casual and Normal Modes. Casual Damage is now 3x Casual vanilla, and Normal Damage is now 4.5x normal Vanilla mode. " I found I was able to solo these two difficulties without much difficulty, and gave them a slight boost."

-Health Adjustments as well with the same numbers as above for the same reasoning.

v.7 Change Notes>>

- Added 100 New Fame Titles to the Globals.

- Loot Drop Rates Slightly Increased for all Item types.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
Nov 30, 2016 @ 3:03am
Single Player Only: Multiplayer Crash Details.
goemپn[א] Jan 11, 2016 @ 4:07pm 
Good stuff.
Knight Writer  [author] Sep 30, 2015 @ 10:53pm 
WARNING: Development of this MOD has ceased and it is not up to date with the current version of the game. If you are a MODDER and would like to continue making this mod better/fixing issues, please do so, as you have my permission.

WARNING PART2: Hello to all MOD users, if you are using this mod then you hopefully looked at the last time I updated it... almost 3 years ago... i.e IT IS NOT UP TO DATE....and I have no plans to update it currently. I have not played nor modded Torchlight 2 in all this time, and none of my mods are up to date as the game as been patched many times since I last modded it.. so yes its very possible this mod, and my other mods dont work anymore.

Sorry but please use common sense, and look at when a mod was last updated before attempting its use. The mod is still here and posted so that if someone wanted to update it/make it better or merge it into a compiliation after fixing said issues, they can and have my permission to do so. Good Luck.
Antalis Mar 28, 2015 @ 5:19pm 
I can not get your mod working anymore. I have it loaded and top priority but I am not seeing it in game during diffuclty select
nico_posada31 Mar 3, 2015 @ 8:13pm 
How does the level cap increase work exactly within the context of synergies?
freyja Oct 27, 2014 @ 10:46pm 
Forgot I had this installed when I started a new elite game, and was wondering why I'd died 120+ times in the starting area. Oops.
HAKU Jun 27, 2014 @ 11:24pm 
There should be a way to change difficulty at any time included.
Philis Apr 24, 2014 @ 12:38pm 
Finally, I can play something instead of Elite Hardcore Mode, and make it Apocalypse Elite with HardcoreMode heheh
Rooksama Apr 13, 2014 @ 8:24pm 
I would like to add some challenge when fighting but this is slightly more then i need, if your willing to scale down the difficulties by like 15-20% and remove everything else i can add this to LeSquishy's TL2, message me and we will talk if your interested :)
吉田 松陽 Apr 5, 2014 @ 6:42am 
is there a no steam version download link?
Gwelawyr Mar 25, 2014 @ 8:58am 