Surviving Mars

Surviving Mars

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Periodic Table Feature Pack
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Mar 27, 2018 @ 1:26am
May 6, 2018 @ 2:45am
13 Change Notes ( view )

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Periodic Table Feature Pack

Periodic Table Feature Pack
Created by Kanefire aka canefire7

This pack is the first itteration of new technology that tries to stay as vanilla as possible (not game breaking) while providing some cool new features.


This is a Minor update version 0.62

Check out my other Mods

Periodic Table Farm Pack

{PT} Rare Metal Converter Standalone Mod

Periodic Table Elon Musk

Whats New?

- Lowered how Metal Hungry the Rare Metal Converter is
- Allowed all 3 shifts in the Ice Farm


- Next Major Update will remove the Landing Site.
- Loaded games can now research 2 wonders in order to unlock the Landing Pad and Ice Farm, new tech that is added, will now include a building counter part for loaded games.
- Some of the new content buildings are named after elements, hence the name Periodic Table, I will probably be continuing this trend let me know what you think and what elements you want to see next.
- Looking for someone to help make 3d models message me if your interested.
- I know I said a new spire but I have added a fix for the tech with loaded games instead. New spire will be out next iteration.
- I am also working on autofueling for the small landing pad, however I am having a little trouble with it at the moment hopefully in the next week it will be finalised.
- Please post your ideas below or in the workshop discussion forum (always checking for what people are after to add to current ideas)
- Thank you for your current support, please rate the pack and leave critisims below, its the only way I will find what needs fixing.

What the Complete Collection Contains

2x New technology
- 1x Physics (Ice Farm) (Considered a Wonder)
- 1x Engineering (Landing pad)

12x New Buildings

1x Ice Farm (Unlocked via Ice Farm Tech)
- Produces 80 Water
- Vanilla style costs (tad on the expensive side possibly)
- Requires 100 Power

1x Landing Pad Small (Unlocked via Landing Pad Tech)
- Provides an area for a single rocket to land in
- Stores 250 Fuel
- Stores 250 Rare Metal
- Pictured above

1x Homeless Shelter (Unlocked via Arcology Tech)
- Provides 100 house slots
- Comfort set to 10
- Small sanity recovery
- Same size as an apartment
- Requires 30 power
- 8 Concrete Maintance
- Slightly lowers overall dome comfort

1x Small Indoor Storage (Unlocked by default, found in Periodic Table Tab)
- 1x1 Hex Size
- Stores 20 of each resource
- Placeable inside a Dome only

1x Indoor Storage (Unlocked by default, found in Periodic Table Tab)
- Universal Storage for 40 of each items inside a dome
- 3x1 Hex Size

1x Indoor Storage Large (Unlocked by default, found in Periodic Table Tab)
- Universal Storage for 220 of each items inside a dome
- Size of a Machine Part Factory

Food Spire (Unlocked by Soil Adaptation)
- A spire that acts as a farm, allows the same crops as a normal farm would
- Holds 10 workers
- Automation upgrade available as per normal farms
- 20 Power consumption

Rare Metal Converter (Unlocked by default)
- 18 Workers (3 Shifts)
- 9 Base Production (Metal Cost down to just under 35 % of previous requirement)
- 70 Power
- Vanila Style Cost
- Unlocked from the begining (Subject to change)

Dysprosium (Unlocked by default)
- Once built it automatically unlocks the Landing Pad Small

Seaborgium (Unlocked by default)
- Once built it automatically unlocks the Ice Farm

Whats next!!

Version 0.7 will contain
- New Spire
- Updates to existing structures looks
- Add Fuel Storage to the Landing Pad

Future Updates
- No idea at the moment

- Comment below what you would like to see next!
some moron Mar 25, 2020 @ 11:40am 
Please update!
Luna Aug 8, 2019 @ 2:11pm 
Update plz
austria19951024 Apr 9, 2019 @ 2:04am 
so long time since that last update...
Kanefire  [author] Jan 27, 2019 @ 7:36pm 
soz getting there
austria19951024 Jan 27, 2019 @ 3:59am 
is almost Chinese New Year and Christmas is far gone...
austria19951024 Jan 27, 2019 @ 3:58am 
Update please.....
Kanefire  [author] Nov 22, 2018 @ 12:52am 
@PrincessJellyfish Will do when I get back from holiday. Promise before Christmas. (Personally haven't played in a while and I am looking forward to getting back into it :D)
Princess Jellyfish Nov 21, 2018 @ 5:03am 
please update:steamhappy:
rdr99 May 10, 2018 @ 1:41am 
@Kanefire... Just a note to say how much appreciated the work you have been doing is to all of us who use your mod. Very imaginative and well done. Always a pleasure to use something that works as designed.
rdr99 May 8, 2018 @ 1:23am 
Ok, tried it again on a new game last night. The Ice Farm now works correctly... 24/7/365 or whatever the total of Mars days in a year is. It does seem to me that it has a rather high upkeep with 10 electronics. Electronics are the hardest to get any volume out of, especially in the early to mid game, so it might be offputting for players who use vanilla electronics factories. I use the out-dome ones from another mod, which are absolutely essential to my style of play, so I have room inside the dome for enough gardens and such to satisfy the play and exercise requirements of the colonists. The Rare Metal converter is down from over 200 metal usage to about 98 now, which is still high, but doable with a couple of moholes with one updated. I did notice something though even before building your Ice Farm. The game will now continually pump water from wells even though there is an excess provided from vaporators or even your ice farm. I can't seem to trace what causes that.