Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

429 arvostelua
Classic Boomer
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4.602 MB
15.3.2013 klo 13.58
22.8.2014 klo 21.41
4 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Classic Boomer

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä SenorDJButterCups
Classic Special Infected
4 luomusta
Replacing L4D2's boomer with its L4D counterpart. (Male only.)

All credits goes to Valve for the models.

Consistancy Error:

Some servers check if the files ran on the game are consistent or not meaning mods ( sv_pure 1 servers ). Some servers are set to sv_pure 1 which means that it will kick anyone from the server who is not running files that match the server. Unfortunately I cannot do anything to fix anything relating to the inconsistency error. It will however work 100% in single-player if the console command "sv_consistancy 0" is entered before loading into the map.

tl;dr - Server's running the code "sv_pure 1" kick all players who use mods. Typing the "sv_consistancy 0" before going into game works on singleplayer.

60 kommenttia
stevemwalpole 14.4. klo 16.11 
i perfurr the old boomer to and the sound would be great to as they changed on l4d2
Zeek 2.11.2023 klo 2.52 
Always liked the l4d1 boomer way more than the l4d2 one, nice mod!
Souper 18.5.2020 klo 21.17 
I believe the L4D1 Boomer UVs are identical to L4D2's models, so you could make a version that's just the textures.
Same goes for the Tank.
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡 3.1.2019 klo 14.52 
the third pic is tHicC
Clint EastWoody 17.7.2018 klo 21.58 
i see 100 boomers in mcdonalds.
Kris Jenner 13.4.2017 klo 5.28 
The L4D1 boomer it's so cute
Cereal 23.7.2016 klo 20.29 
So cute with his little socks! ^_^
lolznoboz 13.2.2016 klo 18.09 
@70's Robo Cop boomette is only in l4d2 and never had a l4d1 model
Lizard Wizard 22.1.2016 klo 15.01 
is it RNG?
Zwahe✟ 11.7.2015 klo 19.02 
can you do a boomette