The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

614 人が評価
Dwemer Certified
Category: Followers
691.868 KB
2012年2月19日 13時22分
2012年10月4日 12時09分
17 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Dwemer Certified

Dwemer Certified lets you build from scratch and repair from broken all the existing Dwemer Constructs, and two new ones- the humanoid Dwemer Simulacrum, and the Dwemer Legionary (a small Centurion). All you need is a few perks and enough materials to forge the pars.

Once you have your robot army, you can remove their weapons and armour to enchant or smith it just like you would your own, and there's a range of special upgrade items you can build to further improve them- so you can fit them with Daedra Hearts for cores, or internal storage so they can carry your loot for example.

Then there's a selection of machine-healing-spells to help keep them in tip-top shape, and a power that lets you order all your Constructs at once- telling them to wait in place, go aggressive or what have you. There's also a spell that lets you take direct control of a Dwemer Centurion and go barrelling through your foes, knocking them aside with your bulk.

The only limit in the number of Constructs you can have following you is your Magicka- each one drains a small amount (for Spiders) or quite a lot (for Centurions).

If you like having an easy to control, highly upgradable and varied robot army following you then this is probably the mod for you. Enjoy!

[For a more detailed description, visit the Nexus page:]

How do I use the new content?
-Take perks, go to forge, forge. Bots are under 'Dwarven', spell tomes are under 'Misc'.

How do I build cores? They're not in the forge menu and they don't drop from Constructs.
-That's because you've not taken the perks. Take the perks. None of the content shows unless you take the perks to prevent cluttering non-engineer characters.

Is this mod incompatible with other mods adding smithing perks?
-No, but only the mod that loads last will show its perks on the tree. So you'll need to adjust your load order in the launcher.

v1.22 Added missing skeleton, added option to disable fix menu by crouching to fix occasional bugs, made another stab at fixing bots getting stuck, added catch-up teleport.
v1.21 Reverted the smithing changes, took a stab at fixing the 'Bots refusing to attack' issue.
v1.11 Updated to use newer Smithing values.
v1.10 Added steam breath to the Chimarvamidium (thanks to Stealthn for the fix)
v1.08 Tweaked Chimarvamidium skeleton, added a ton of validation checks to prevent scripts crashing.
v1.07i Update to 1.5 Smithing
v1.06 Whoops. Fixed follow bug.
v1.05 Tweaked BSA, tweaked scripts, buffed Mantle Chimarvamidium.
v1.04 Fixed update incompatibilities, added Harden and Temper minion spells.
v1.03 Fixed bot death handling.
v1.02 Fixed building Spheres, Sphere combat, Centurion attacks (still no steam breath), added Wait at Location command.
v1.01 Fixed Centurion Charge effect, smithing Sphere weapons, added notifications for bot upkeeps.
v1.0 Release
480 件のコメント
Sgt. Sarge 2018年6月15日 7時45分 
You didnt actually awnser the 2nd question its how do you get the cores because they dont apear
Droid Unit 413 2017年8月6日 15時53分 
For me, Dwemer spheres do acouple of attacks, then stood back to their t pose, not attacking.
Epic Player M.K FIN 2017年6月22日 7時11分 
please say that those new dwemer spawn in dwemer dungeons!
Radium Knight 2016年4月10日 16時42分 
Has anyone found what i need to bring in order to repair the damn things ? It always says me that I lack something !
TheDawkturr 2015年12月17日 21時35分 
Can I mount Centurions like in the picture? If so, HOW?
ZoroTheBold 2015年12月13日 17時45分 
how do i download this?
Cosmic 2015年9月28日 14時00分 
Its a great honor to have Alchestbreach do a review of your mod. I salute you sir.
MasterOfToolbar 2015年6月11日 6時26分 
dont work i am lv 100 smithing whit all perck and i cant craft the dynamo core
Asenath 2015年4月16日 8時15分 
with this mod i have a issue i have all the items and all the perks that are needed to repair the dwemer constructs but when i try to repair any of them it dose not let me and a message saying something like you do not have the required items so it sems something is broken wit this mod or something anyone have any advice or any help would be apreciated?
{ Q Z A M A P } 2015年2月22日 12時27分 
my simulacrums do NOT follow me...