Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) - Multiplayer

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Everything you need to know about MW2.
Por MrSlayer123
This guide will teach you everything advanced you need to know about MW2.
1.0 The Game
Modern Warfare 2 is the succesor of IWs prior game CoD4. Many people that have played CoD4 have played MW2 and there is where my skill came in handy. I had an advantage over a nice ammount of people because of my skill in CoD4, but don't worry. Spend the next 5 minutes reading this guide and another 10 hours playing the game like I told you and you'll be becoming a pro.
1.1 Components for optimal gameplay
Now let's begin the preperations for the gaming time.

First of all, many people say that having a gaming keyboard and mouse will boost your skill.
I have my own opinions about the sentence above. Partially is true because:
  • You get increased DPI which eases the movement of the mouse thus allowing you to aim better
  • Extra hotkeys for a lot of stuff. I myself use my 6 extra buttons for knifing, talking and reloading.
On the other hand, gaming gear is overrated. In the 2009 era, where the game wasn't taken over by the sniping community and there were still ESL rules everyone followed, I dominated with my ex optical mouse and keyboard. Why? Because I had it for over 5 years and I knew the sensitivity more than people know their own houses now a days.

Now let's follow these steps to get us going.

1. Prepare your mouse surface.
We don't want anything jamming your laser reader or the ball (not sure if people still use that kind of a mouse)
2. Find an optimal position, where your hands rest and your wrist does all the moving.
It is much easier to use smaller movements in FPS games, than dragging the mouse across half the table.
3. Find the nice combination of key binds.
Don't be afraid to change these. We are on the PCs, the supreme race. Customize as much as you can to your liking. I've heard people use their arrow keys for movement, and if they get a good score, I ain't complaining :)
4. Find the optimal height of your chair and the angle of the monitor.
Yes. Do this. Many people think having their monitor point 45 degrees into the air is cool. But let me tell you, it's not and having it at that position, you null out the contrast level meaning you won't be able to see all the dark spots on the map or look in range.

Now lets move on to the next chapter.
2.0 Gameplay
Now this is where you will have to sit down and do stuff. Don't rely on watching other peoples videos and gameplay videos. You can do much better than them making up your own style of gameplay.

We will be covering the next few things in gameplay:

  • Maps
  • Classes
  • Teammates
2.1 Maps
Modern Warfare 2 has a lot of maps you can play on. It is a nice mix of open maps and closed maps.
I will only be talking about a few maps here, so don't expect full tutorials on every map.

Alright let's go!

Most of the times, the so called "bad maps" get voted out of the selection for the gameplay so always be ready for a new one.

Maps can be a difficult thing to learn. You have wideopen maps like Wasteland and Close Quarter maps like Skidrow.
Most important thing about maps is knowing all the positions.
I myself get a lot of kills just scouting these areas and I am very known to pre aim the corners.
Let's take Skidrow for an example here. Skidrow is a close quarter map which has 3 main ways 1 complicated way of combat.
You have the wide alleyway on the left, the hallway going through the building in the middle on bottom floor and the tunnel on the right.
If you play Search and Destroy, you always need to keep an eye on all 3 of those ways. Rushing them and finding a nice cover position will make you practically immortal if you know how to take out the enemy in 5-7 shots.
One of the major things you can do in this game, is an efficient wallbang even with a silencer. Predict enemy movement. Prefire corners. Always be careful.
2.2 Classes
Classes in MW2 in BO are still normal and easly understandable for players, unlike in the new era games published by Activision.

In MW2, you have a limit of 10 custom classes once you reach 10th prestige.
Use them carefully and don't leave them standing there for no reason. You will always need one for every situation and different gameplays.

Here are the important things you need to know.

  • Weapons have a different style of recoil and bounce. Each style suits a different person so don't be afraid to try out every weapon. Ignore the people, that spam something like: "UMP NOOB" or "G18 NOOB". They are mad at you because you either just killed them or one of their friends. Which means you did better in that situation than them.
    Assault rifles:
    There are quite a few good guns you can use here. I myself use ACR the most because of the ammount of recoil it gives. Which is practically none. It is a gun designed for long range fights.
    Every weapon in this class is a beast and if the person who uses it knows how to use it, he will dominate the game. Take the MP5K for an example. The gun was made to be used in combination with Akimbo and Steady aim. The RPM of the gun is high and the damage per bullet is medium so you will rack up those kills.
    My favorite weapon here is the UMP. It offers most damage from all of them and the recoil pattern is so easy to remember, you'll be shooting snipers and killing them, before they kill you.
    Best class for taking out killstreaks and providing fire support to your teammates. Don't you love it when you are rushing down a tight alleyway and a teammate behind you is providing back fire, causing the enemies to forget about the alley and turning their backs to you? Easy kill feeds there.
    Wide selection for different styles of gameplay. Do you want one shot kills? Pick the Barret, Intervention or M21 (If you're good at aiming) and you'll be getting them.
    Playing hardcore? Don't be afraid of slapping silencers on the auto snipers and sneak around the map. Don't you love to be sneaky?
    Riot shield:
    Ah, the mighty hacker buster. It's like IW knew, the only way hackers could be stopped was with the Riot shield. I myself have made over 20 hackers quit the game because who doesn't love blocking them in a corner and letting others play? :D

There are a few main perks everyone SHOULD use but don't. Forget about commando unless you are a bird. These are all my opinions on the perks.
1. Most important perk someone can have is Ninja Pro. Even with my 7.1 headset, I need to pay attention to everything around me. If you use this perk in combination with a silencer, then you are a ghost slaughtring people on the map.
2. Most important perk one should have is tied with two actually. I can't decide between Scavenger and Stopping Power. Whoever hates hitmarkers will take SP and who ever gets a higher KD will get Scavenger.

Aayayayay, people love to forget about their equipment. I am yet to play a round in SnD without using my equipment.
Using any sort of equipment gives you advantage.
Claymores cover your back or provide useful information about where who is and they can guard a bomb for you.
Throwing knife is a silent killer made for ninjas to use. Don't be afraid to try and use one. It might even suit you.
Semtex should be a 100% guaranteed kill if you know how to use and throw grenades because it will simply follow the enemy and get you the kill if you can land it :)
Tactical Insertion is an underrated thing. You can change spawn points for you which can change a spawn point for the whole team. If you find yourself rushing a route and seeing a tactical insertion on the way, the urge to destroy is just too big to pass. And what happens when you destroy it? A name tag pops up on the top right corner saying someone destroyed your TI and bam, you have his location. Another annoying thing you could use it for is placing it on top of your planted bomb. Take this as an example, you are fighting someone 1v1, 10 seconds left. He manages to kill you with 7 seconds left and goes to defuse. He hits F with 6 seconds left and what does he do? Destroy the tactical insertion. 5 seconds left and he starts defusing, but the animation takes atleast 0.3 seconds so it will be too late for him. The TI has just won you the round/game.
My favorite equipment is C4. Who doesn't like remote detonation explosives?!
And the good old frag grenade is there, ready to be cooked and served for lunch to many hungry noobs :)

Also remember, stuns, flash and smoke grenades are very important and are not used very often. I find myself pulling out my hair when a teammate is trying to clutch and yet, he has all of his equipment there sitting ready to be used and doesn't used it. GADGASJHAJSGJ
2.3 Teammates
Many people think, that in CoD, 1 person can be an OMA - One Man Army. That is not true.
I am yet to see a person to get every single kill in the team and teammates left with none. (I usually end up with a score of around 16-4, 8-0, 13-1 and always have teammates with kills.)

Respect them and they'll respect you back. Even if they are screamers, mute them and hope they annoy the enemy with the guns.

It's always a smart idea to greet them and tell them where to go when the game/round is starting. If you don't have a microphone, then you better be a fast type and use those 5 seconds of warm up to do so ^^
2.4 Sound and graphics advantages
By far, the most important 2 things in this game for your gameplay are these 2 things.

Your sight and your hearing ingame.

Do you play on the speakers? If so, you are missing on a lot of stuff. Do you have any headphones at home you can plug in? Even the basic ones.
You will hear a lot of stuff going on around you.
Reloading, explosions, bullets, moving, jumping, falling, glass breaking. These are the loudest of them all. Doing any of these will give out your position to the enemy using a headset and using a brain. Limit yourself from doing it. How? Simple, just crouch and avoid areas with a lot of ledges. You will be a sneaky ninja kicking butt :D

Graphics. Interesting thing about this. Graphics in this game don't matter a lot but just a few different settings will help you kick ass.
I used to have a crap PC and it barely ran the game. Lot's of optimizing and I got it to work perfectly.
Always maintain an FPS higher than 45. Keep the gameplay smooth and avoid graphically intense areas.
Interesting things may occur on different maps with the correct graphical settings. Take Anti-Aliasing for an example, on the Wasteland map.
If you keep your aim zoomed out, a lot of brushes won't show up that should. Quickly spotting enemies from a long distance gives you the best advantage an FPS gamer can get.
3. Gamemodes
In this section, I'll give a bit more of an indept analyse of a few of the current gamemodes people play. I will also add more gamemodes, if it is requested by multiple people.

So here we go.

The only 3 basic gamemodes I'll describe right now are Team Deathmatch (TDM), Domination (Dom) and Search and Destroy (SnD).
3.1 Team Deathmatch
Team Deathmatch.

The most played gamemode in this game. The rules are simple. Rack up as many kills and hit the objective before the enemy (6v6 7500 Points, 8v8 10000 Points).

I usually play aggressivly on this gamemode.
Best weapon class for this gamemode is probably an assault rifle with a high enough RPM to burst an enemy at close quarters aswell. So weapon of my choice is either the ACR or the AK-47.

This game mode doesn't require a lot of teamwork so you can solo the enemy if you can handle it. (In 20% of the cases, I end up with 50+ kills). My high enough KD allows me to supply the team with a lot of kills and only a few deaths in the process. With that said, it is important to keep your KD as high as possible. Do not allow the enemy team with easy points and help your team with the killstreaks.
My killstreak set is usually 5-7-11 or 5-7-9.

My Predator-Harrier-AC130 is usually used on open maps like Afghan, Favela, Wasteland, etc and the Predator-Harrier-Pavelov for maps with a bit more closed areas where my AC130 will not hit quite good. Example is Underpass, Skidrow and Terminal.

Try keeping your eyes on the minimap. Spawn points change quite often and I keep going to them. I have noticed one thing in TDM and that is the rotation of the spawn points when teammates move in one direction. If my team keeps going clockwise direction on the map, I will go counter clockwise and hit the enemy right in the flank. Let's take SubBase for an example. If one team moves from the Submarines, I will go the opposite way from the garages.

And that's pretty much it for TDM, stay tuned for Domination :)
4. Respect
Every player is a human being and all of us build the world of MW2.
In the art of warfare, every general will tell you to respect your enemies. You never know how good one is.
Try to decrease the usage of disrespectful slang words in the game, which can annoy the enemy.
When I enter a lobby and see my team getting pounded 3-1 in rounds (SnD), and the enemy calling it "Easy", I usually find myself getting called a hacker when the score turns to 4-3 into our favor.

Always respect everyone around you. Or get f***** by them. Your choice :)
5. End
Thank you for taking your time and reading the guide. If you have any questions, feel free to add me on Steam, or even join up the TLL group and talk in chatroom there with me.

Hope to meet you in game and have a fun time!
67 comentarios
WheelchairWoman 26 JUL 2021 a las 8:56 a. m. 
this is the worst guide ive ever read, youre telling me you 50+ frag in a 75 kill game mode? theres only one player capable of this and thats Arnaz, secondly you have never trapped a hacker in a corner because pretty much all hacks allow them to run fast af and have infinite grenades, so thats just bull, thirdly imagine not mentioning demolition as a main game mode................... fourthly and finally, noone is respectful on this game so dont waste your energy on being respectful back
|♥可愛い♥| Shrimple 28 ABR 2020 a las 5:18 p. m. 
6. Just don't play this game.
LOL 16 MAR 2020 a las 2:44 p. m. 
so very nice I cum
Nikstar 25 JUL 2014 a las 1:50 a. m. 
"I end up with 50+ kills" sounds a little bit snotty. If it is true...respect man.
Lightning 7 JUN 2014 a las 5:12 a. m. 
An amazing guide, thanks!
[EP] PRIVATE 30 MAR 2014 a las 6:52 a. m. 
this guide is total shit
HongKongshipment 8 FEB 2014 a las 6:08 a. m. 
YE make new account and buy new mw2 to it
FotNite 24 ENE 2014 a las 4:12 p. m. 
Cash 27 DIC 2013 a las 4:47 p. m. 
I had fun time joining a hacked lobby through the 'Find Game' list. Now I'm level 70 and have nothing to work to.
Kryptiiq 26 DIC 2013 a las 1:22 a. m. 