Left 4 Dead 2
36 valoraciones
Expert Lone Gunman
Por Dan y 1 colaboradores
Welcome here i'll cover Expert Gunman where you take 100 damage from everything, so tiddy up your Deagle, Healing tools, Throwables.
No Mercy
Deaths: 8] Hardest map: c8m2_sewers] Easiest map: c8m1_apartments
Time: 34 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No mostly...] Boomer spawns: Easily delt with
Challenge: 6/10] Boomer Biles needed: 0
Boomer biles 7/10] Pipebombs 3/10] Molotov 9/10
In No mercy there was tons of greats spots I was able to hide out in. However the finale had the best one yet
Nice spots:

I like this one for my first one. It has 2 great spots and fair spawns, but those witchs are terrible and always block your path.
Tips: You can very easily rush these levels but hospital. Tanks are able to destory train doors and hit through them

Crash Course
Deaths: 21] Hardest level: c9m2_lots] Easiest level: c9m1_alleys
Time:1 hour 9 minutes] Bad tank spawns?:EVERYWHERE] Boomer spawn: Terrible
Challenge: 9] Boomer biles needed: YOU NEED 1
Boomer bile: 10/10] Pipebomb 4/10] Molotov 8/10
These 2 maps took forever. Terrible spawns everywhere, but the event in alleys.
Anywho this map was still alot of fun and had a nice challenge
Nice spots:

Have fun with this map has it calls for no mistakes or misclicks.
Tips: Bring extra gascans as the finale might not have enough. You will get puked on ALOT.
Fun Fact: The finale car is a Dawn of the Dead easter egg

Death Toll
Deaths: 18] Hardest map: c10m3_ranchhouse] Easiest map: c10m4_mainstreet
Time: 1 hour 11 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No but map 3] Boomer spawn: Very easy
Challenge: 7] Boomer biles needed: 1
Boomer bile: 9/10] Pipebomb: 7/10] Molotov: 9/10
Fun as ♥♥♥♥ for anyone good enough. You will enjoy this one
Nice spots:

Even though it's spammy the campaign is Loveable and fun.
Tips: PLEASE do the Finale Nice spot for the world's easiest time. Map 3 has the worst gameplay in my opinion. Please be careful of the random special in the safe room of map 3.

Dead Air
Death: 32] Hardest map: c11m3_terminal] Easiest map: c11m1_greenhouse
Time: 1 hour and 38 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: Yes and no.] Boomer spawn:Easily delt with
Challenge: 8.5000000000000000000001 Boomer biles needed: 1
Boomer bile: 10/10] Pipebomb: 6/10] Molotov: 3/10]
This map is a very hard map and it was fun.
Nice spots:

This campaign had witch problems that can be easily delt with. overall I loved this map and I feel deep love for it.
Tips: Witchs and Boomers like to spawn where you don't want them to. In map 4 there is a mini horde after you wreaked the car. YOU NEED BOOMER BILES for map 4

Blood Harvest
Deaths: 28] Hardest map: c12m5_cornfield] Easiest map: c12m4_barn
Time: 1 hour 16 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No but cornfield has some] Boomer spawns: YES
Challenge: 9/10] Boomer biles needed: 2
Boomer bile: 7/10] Pipebomb: 4/10] Molotov: 8/10
This map was easy but the finale was very hard and I struggled with it.
Nice 2 spots:

This campaign was easy for the first 4 maps!, but that finale ugh.
Tips: The barn in the finale has many sweet spots. These first 4 maps are very easy to rush. There are loads of high spots you will fall off of.

The Sacrifice
Deaths: 50+] Hardest map: c7m1_docks BY FAR] Easiest map: c7m2_barge]
Time: 2 hours+] Bad tank spawns?: No But most of them are forced.] Boomer spawns: Easy
Challenge: 10/10] Boomer bile needed: 2 is not needed but VERY wanted
Boomer bile: 9.5/10] Pipebomb: 6/10] Molotov: 10/10
So freaking hard. everything is hard and fun, so have fun.

Only Nice spot:

That first level is the only reason for 90% of my deaths, and i'll be honest I quit once in pure rage. When I did beat the first level I was in true happiness.
Tips: In the first map circle the Tank yard as the common and the tank have a hard time following you. No matter what you do a mini horde will spawn before the tank yard. Watch out for boomer biles in the intro. Time your tank kills so that you can get the generators. Don't stress about reseting the generator just do it.
Fact of the campaign: The achievement Kill Bill's (where you reset the generator as bill) Is a reference to little did you know the Kill Bill movies.

Dead Center
Deaths: 15] Hardest map: c1m2_streets] Easiest map: c1m1_hotel
Time: 35 Minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No but map 2] Boomer spawns: Easily Delt with
Challenge: 8/10] Boomer bile needed: 1 prefered
Boomer bile: 10/10] Pipebomb: 6/10] Molotov 2/10
I mean it was hard, but not really to much fun besides the finale

Nice spot:

I can enjoy this if it got more of a fair 2nd map.
Tips: In map 2 you can stand on the backwall which is where you throw your bile. In map 3 if you get puked on keep on going this is where getting puked on is useful. Don't worry about the finale there is Boomer biles EVERYWHERE.

The Passing
Deaths:100+] Hardest map: c6m3_port] Easiest map: c6m1_riverbank
Time:Who the ♥♥♥♥ knows] Bad tank spawns?: only on map 2] Boomer spawns: It's ok
Challenge: 11/10] Biles needed: 1 is very prefered] rage quits: 2
Boomer biles: 7/10] Pipebomb: 8:10] Molotov: 3/10
Very fun yet near ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ impossible. I dare all of you to try this

Overall this is by far the hardest campaign yet. I can't tell you how many times i circled the map and died with 7 cans in the generator.
Tips: Dying alot is perfectly fine. I'll show the best can to get can in another section here.
You probably won't see a tank in the finale if you play safe.
Fact Of The Passing: There is a chance that after you walked through the construction yard the midnight rider bus will appear.

Dark Carnival
Deaths: 9] Hardest map: c2m4_barns] Easiest map: c2m2_fairgounds
Time: 38 Bad Tank spawns?: Nope] Boomer spawns: Easiest one yet
Challenge: 5/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer bile: 6/10] Pipebomb: 9/10] Molotov: 7/10
I liked it alot but there wasn't much of a challenge
Nice spots:

Too simple and easy but it was fun for me.
Tips: Boomer biles are not need for map 4. Only Campaign with the chance for a tank to not spawn on all 4 maps but the finale. Enjoy the music.

Swamp Fever
Deaths: 15] Hardest map: c3m4_plantation] Easiest map: c3m3_shantytown]
Time: 52 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer Spawns: annoying
Challenge: 8/10] Boomer biles needed: you can just use pipe bombs
Boomer biles: 4/10] Pipebomb: 10/10] Molotov: 10/10
This was a fun challenge beside that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ water.
Nice spots:

Your all going to love this one besides that damn water
Tips: There is a lack of really good spots on the finale. On the finale once the second tank wave comes get ready for 2 TANKS. You can run up the plank early on shantytown and get a leg up over the commons.

Hard Rain
Deaths: 51!] Hardest map: c4m5_milltown_escape BY FAR] Easiest map: c4m1_milltown_a
Time: 2 hours 24 minutes] Bad Tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Terrible
Challenge 9.5/10 Boomer biles needed: 0 thankfully
Boomer biles: 8/10] Pipebomb: 9/10] Molotov: 2/10
I was suprised at how hard this was. I thought this would be the easiest one yet.
Nice spots:

I was shocked at all my deaths. 90 percent of those deaths are the finale map deaths.
Tips: If you can bring a Molotov do so unless there is 2 extras at spawn. It takes 100 magnum bullets to kill a tank yeah have fun that. Stay on the area without water so that tanks won't cool off and you won't get slow.
Ps: I lost 49 times but the witchs got me when I was down, so I got 51 deaths.

The Parish
Deaths: 42] Hardest map: c5m3_cemetery] Easiest map c5m1_waterfront
Time: 1 hour 9 minutes] Bad tank spawns: Mid-point] Boomer spawns: Worst one yet
Challenge 9/10] Boomer biles needed: 0 just pipe bombs
Boomer biles: 1/10] Pipebombs: 10/10] Molotov: 8/10
This was a alot of fun for the last campaign that follows the cannon.
Nice spots:

This liked this unlike most campaign boomers were more of a threat.
Tips: Sewers are annoying bring a pipebomb. Boomer biles are the rarest throwables in this campaign compare to all others. In the finale circle the tank or run past him with a adrenaline for a nice past on him.
Fact of the Parish: The jukebox can play the portal theme

Cold Stream
Deaths: 13] Hardest map: c13m2_southpinestream] Easiest map: c13m4_cutthroatcreek
Time: 29 minutes] Bad tank spawns: No] Boomer spawns: Bad
Challenge: 6/10 Boomer biles needed: 1
Boomer biles: 8/10] Pipebombs 8/10] Molotov: 1/10]
Easiest campaign to rush. Even with 13 deaths I still got 29 minutes. It was loads of fun.
No nice spots sorry

It was a real fun and challenging time doing this Expert Lone Gunman challenge. I completed all I need to so far, but one thing CUSTOM CAMPAIGNS WOOP WOOP
Tips: Boomer biles EVERYWHERE. The forced tank spawn on map 2 will always throw a rock at you.
The spawn on map 3 has enough commons to make no more commons spawn, so get their attention.

Undead Smackdown
Deaths: 38] Hardest map: unsdwn_mp_3] Easiest map: unsdwn_mp_1
Time: 1 hour 36 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: Meh] Boomer Spawn: Dog poo
Challenge: 9/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer biles: 6/10] Pipebomb: 8/10] Molotov: Freaking no where to be found
Total Cluster of halls, But the finale and map 1 had some open space.
Nice spots:

I liked this one alot, but there was many spacing issues with it.
Tips: Try to get the tanks in the finale to circle the boxing ring. There is alot of overbushed areas. The maps are very tight.

Drowning Hope
Deaths: 15] Hardest map: map port] Easiest map: map survivor.
Time: 45 minutes] Bad tank spawns: Broken spawns] Boomer spawns: Annoying
Challenge: 6/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer bile: 4/10] Pipebomb: 3/10] Molotov: 8/10
Short and easy let me tell you
Nice spot:

This campaign was too short for anything special.
Tips: Propane tank a useful here as you can blow tanks into the water.

Dark Water
Deaths: 18] Hardest map: map smalltown] Easiest map: map river
Time: 56 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: Yes] Boomer spawns: Worst then ever
Challenge: 9/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer bile: 6/10] Pipebomb: 6/10] Molotov: 9/10
I had alot of fun but the water got real annoying on the smalltown map.
Nice spots:

I liked this one as it was a fair swamp campaign unlike Drowning Hope.
Tips: Double tank on the finale so tiddy up. There is far too much jesus spots.

Mysterious World
Deaths: 1
Time: 20 minutes] Bad tank spawns: Forced spawns] Boomer spawns: Annoying
Challenge 2/10
Boomer bile: 0/10] Pipebomb: 0/10] Molotov: 0/10
This was easy but alot of fun.
Nice spot:

There wasn't very much playing, but for only having 1 map it's still very long.
Tips: There are points where you move slow as balls. The first tank you encounter you can just kill it be looking down and moving left and right.

Big Wat
Deaths: 8] Hardest map: bwm5_bridge] Easiest map: bwm1_climb]
Time: 19 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: annoying
Challenge: 3/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer bile: 7/10] Pipebomb: 5/10] Molotov:3/10
This is a fun yet simple thats it

There isn't very much to play here, but i'll probably play Big Room And Wat Mania.
Tips: Boomer biles are everywhere. On the finale get on the rail and jump over the tank when he comes. Hordes will get confused alot of times.

Wat Mania
Deaths: 2] Hardest map: wmm2_bridge] Easiest map: wmm1_climb
Time: 5 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Simple
Challenge: 1/10] Boomer biles: 0
Boomer bile/Pipebomb/Molotov: No where to be seen
Just 2 Big wat levels

There Isn't any real challenge
Tips: If you played big wat this will be simple. Rush finale ahead. If the tank is on the thin bridge get top of the railing and jump him.

Burning Night
Deaths: 9] Hardest map: map factory] Easiest map: map building
Time: 15 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Very Simple
Challenge 4/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer bile: 7/10] Pipebomb 7/10] Molotov 3/10
For a campaign made by the same creator of dark waters I really liked this one.

There is alot of panic event and it has the dead air starting theme, so I really like the concept.
Tips: Throwable are scattered everywhere. Be aware of the sewer you have to survive. The finale is a rush finale like the parish and cold stream.

The Passing (Done Again)
Deaths: 34] Hardest map: c6m3_port] Easiest map: c6m1_riverbank
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Annoying
Challenge: 8/10] Boomer biles needed: 1 prefered
Boomer bile: 9/10] Pipebomb: 7/10] Molotov: 5/10
I completed the passing again and got a WAY better score(Deaths/Time)
Gas can spots on another tab.

I thought It would be nice to redo this level seeing that it was terrible for the first time.
Tips: Get ready for unfair deaths alot. Circling the map is probably if not the best idea to do. In map 2 if you can complete the map with a boomer bile that is good. It means you can get more gas cans further or in the generator. If you are going to use the jukebox be careful, the zombies song can and will active a horde on you.
Fact of The Passing: There is a chance that after you walk the contruction yard that the midnight rider bus will appear.

The Parish (Done again)
Deaths: 6] Hardest map: c5m4_quarters] Easiest map: c5m5_bridge
Time: 21 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Bad
Challenge: 5/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer bile: 2/10] Pipebomb: 9/10] Molotov: 7/10
Look at the time save and less deaths I got baby
Nice spots:

I had a massive redo of this campaign as you can see. Everything is far better.
Tips: Adrenaline is really useful for map 3's sewer tunnel. If you die to a boomer alot in the same place you will expect where the boomers will spawn. The bridge is easy if you get past all the commons.
Fact of the Parish: The jukebox can play the portal theme

No Mercy (Four Gunmen)
Restarts: 7] Hardest map: c8m3_sewers] Easiest map: c8m1_apartment
Time: 1 hour 8 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Annoying
Challenge: 6/10 Boomer biles needed: 0]
Boomer bile: 4/10] Pipebomb 9/10] Molotov 7/10
Deaths... Me: 7] GIJoeWOW: 10] Zoey: 14] Francis: staggering 16]
4 players is harder then I thought there is huge hordes on all of the maps
Nice spots:

I'm proud of Joe for being a good player and doing some of the things I asked. Without meeting him in a server I would probably have never done the four gunmen.
Tips: The horde sizes are normal so moving slower is a pretty good idea for once. In the hospital using a bot for bait is a good idea. Bots can revive when are you under attacked. Bots are stupid against tanks.

Dead Air Day
Deaths: 16] Hardest map: c11m3_garage_day] Easiest map: c11m1_greenhouse_day
Time: 1:16] Bad tank spawns: Middle] Boomer spawns: Simple
Challenge: 8/10] Boomer biles needed: 1
Boomer bile: 9/10] Pipebomb: 5/10] Molotov: 7/10
A simple remake, but it has those god awful Riot Zombies and 2 tanks In after killing 2 hordes in the finale.

Nice spots:

This map looks well.... less dark but, under just a skybox change is a few other cool changes like 2 tanks in the finale.
Tips: In the finale you will see a big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with a fire in the middle. You can use the fire to lit tanks.
In the second nice spot if you wait till the wooden barrier breaks run past it and go on. Rushing is fun and do it.

Dark Parish
Deaths: 8] Hardest map: c5m3_darkcemetery] Easiest map: c5m1_darkwaterfront
Time: 27 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Annoying.
Challenge: 6/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer bile: 3/10] Pipebomb: 8/10] Molotov: 6/10]
A lot of path changes near the end of the levels I like it.

Considering the basic darkness the entire thing is more fresh.
Tips: Boomers are ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and never stop coming. Compared to l4d2 the platoon in the normal parish you can get on early, But on this verison you can't do that. Boomer biles are rarely and only appear in 2 levels. The dark cemetery keeps the same pattern

The Passing (Four gunmen)
Restarts: 1] Hardest map: c6m1_riverbank] Easiest map: c6m2_underground
Time: 53 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Annoying
Challenge: 5/10] Boomer biles needed: 2 prefered.
Players: Me, Aydowon, critter, Camel
Downs: 2,3,8,8
Boomer bile: 9/10] Pipebomb: 7/10] Molotov: 7/10]
They map isn't bad with 4 good players. It was alot of fun but it was LONG to beat a level.

Hey guys lemme tell you something about these 4 players they are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ teamplayers. They would risk their own lives to help each and I can't tell you how much I love that.
Tips: Finale is a total cluster but easy with 4 smart players. The back gas cans are hell. If you are quick the finale will have 1 tank spawning. If you have a bot kill it before the wedding you don't need a witch and a horde on your ass.

Death Toll (Four Gunmen)
Restarts: 5] Hardest map: c10m5_houseboat] Easiest: c10m1_caves
Time: 59 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Annoying for finale]
Challenge: 8/10] Boomer biles needed: 1
Players: Me, critter.
Downs: 10,12,12,13
Boomer bile: 9/10] Pipebomb: 6/10] Molotov: 8/10]
2 players too easy. nah jk. But really these maps were alot of fun, we had the most bad doo juke in map 2.

Boomer love the finale and will spam the ♥♥♥♥ out of you. Overall more zombies = more fun.
Hey hey critter. thanks.
Tips: If you have a extra bile you should probably throw it when the boat comes for 100% safety. Learn the route for you and your friends so you won't get lost. A tank can and will spawn on the finale.

The Orange (Four Gunmen)
Restarts: 6] Hardest map: the finale. yeah thats that.] Easiest map: The Towers
Time: 1 hour 31 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: Nope.] Boomer spawns: STOP FALLING ON US
Challenge 8/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Players: Me, critter
Downs: Unknown Due to bugs
Boomer bile: 5/10] Pipebomb 9/10] Molotov: 8/10
Someone tell those dumb boomers and boomlets to stop falling on us ughhh.

Nice spots:

The levels are long as hell and orange as hell, but they are full of supplies. For just orange and gray it's a cool looking map.
Tips: The finale is FILLED with adrenalines. Boomer will fall on you. Tanks are easily baited.

Dead Air (Four Gunmen)
Restarts: 3] Hardest map: c11m3_garage] Easiest map: c11m1_greenhouse
Time: 58 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: No
Challenge: 6/10] Boomer biles needed: 1
Players: Me, Critter
Downs: 10,13,15,20
Boomer bile: 9/10] Pipebomb 6/10] Molotov: 8/10
Map 4 was something. consider all the common spam and getting biled at the end.

Nice spots:

2 players can do anything but those damn custom campaigns. but I still had fun.
Tips: There was alot of hordes In the campaign. Mostly at map 4. Boomers like to camp under the camping spots of dead air. Tanks can be lit from the fire in the middle of the crater

hehe (Four Gunmen)
Restarts: 2] Hardest map: hehe1] Easiest map: hehe2
Time: 18 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: EVERYWHERE] Boomer spawns: simple
Challenge: 6/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Players: Me, critter
Downs: 4,5,7,7
Boomer bile: 3/10] Pipebomb: 3/10] Molotov: 8/10
hehe is basically choose your own path but all paths mean you are ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Nice spot:

This one is very short and you will get jumped alot, and there isn't a rescue basically.
Tips: In map 1 go left or else you will get ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Bots and player who died in map 1 respawn already dead In map 2. the game will spawn jockies on you. on map 3 if you try to pass through a train a horde will spawn.

hehe2 (Four Gunmen)
Restarts 21] Hardest map: hehe22] Easiest map: hehe21
Time 1 hour 5 minutes] Bad tank spawns: Mid way] Boomer spawns: clustered
Challenge: 8/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Players: Me, critter.
Downs: 21,23,24,25
Boomer biles: 2/10] Pipebomb 7/10] Molotov: 1/10
so much harder then hehe1 I felt struggle on map 2.

I hate getting jumped on by jockies and tanks in map 2
Tips: In map 1 zombies will get stuck on the fence after pushing the button, but be careful they can still slap you. In map 2 up to 4 tanks can spawn but by playing rush style they will die out. Jockies will fall on you so you better have a friend to back you up. Map 3 has parkcore so you better play safe. Bots are dumb and will get you killed. Don't heal people on huge ladders (personal experiance). On map 3 if you go left don't jump on the last small platform or you will die. A witch will spawn in the middle of map 3.

Urban Flight
Deaths: 29] Hardest map: uf4_airfield] Easiest map: uf1_boulevard
TIme: 1 hour 41 minutes] Bad tank spawns? No] Boomer spawns: Annoying as hell
Challenge: 9/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer bile: 7/10] Pipebomb: 3/10] Molotov: 7/10
The same dude request this and I told him I couldn't do. However time has changed and I am 2 times better and finally beat this campaign for him.

Nice spot:

All the levels in this campaign were long and unforgiving however overall they were alot of fun.
Tips: In the finale while moving gas look out for boomers in the window. For some reason zombies get stuck in the red room. Also In the finale you can lit up tank 2 with a near by flame barrel, but don't get too close when you shoot it or else it hurts you hard. The finale doesn't have alot of zombies. In map 2 you can skip the crane falling however I won't tell you how or else it would be used too much. When someone wants you to do a campaign you should really try.

Tank Playground (Four Gunman)
Deaths: 0] Hardest map: If you can't find out i'm sad.
Time: 12] Bad tank spawns: Mid point.
Challenge 4/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Players: Me, critter
Downs: 0,1,1,4
Tank playground? More like tank run around.

There is a spam hell of fun and tanks, so you better get movin'.
Tips: Adrenalines are great for juking tanks. Find a path that fits your play style and a secondary path. Commons and spawn for some reason. Tanks like to mess up your paths with cars. Insted of shooting rocks dodge em.

De_Port (Four Gunmen)
Restarts: 3] Hardest map: csport_c3finale] Easiest map: csport_c1freightterminal
Time: 44 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Mid
Challenge 5/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Players: Me, critter
Downs: 4,7,9,10
Boomer bile: 4/10] Pipebomb 7/10] Molotov: 7:10]
A sexy map for all to play, Counter 4 Dead Source.

Nice spots:

How is a Counter Strike map in l4d2? Pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good. You should try it.
Tips: Map 1 is short as poo. If you have 2 players you can trail the tank In front of the minigun doing loads of damage. A lot of defibs for some reason.

The Coaster (Four Gunmen)
Deaths: 4] Hardest map: l4d2_coaster_2] Easiest map: l4d2_coaster_1
Time: 1 hour 4 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: no] Boomer spawns: Simple
Challenge: 7/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Players: Me, critter
Downs: 9,11,16,20
Boomer bile: 6/10] Pipebomb: 4/10] Molotov: 8/10
A more complex 2 levels of dark carnival, Such joy.

Nice spots:

The coaster is a fun confusing ass map any 4 players will love.
Tips: WHAT EVER YOU DO, DO NOT JUMP ON THE COASTER. You will get lost trust me.
Half the buttons are useless and will spawn hordes on you. the finale can have a tank.

Tank Playground
Deaths: 3] Hardest map: You should know this
Time: 20 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: Mid point
Challenge: 8/10] Boomer biles needed: more like boomer bile useless
Boomer bile: 0/10] Pipebomb: 0/10] Molotov: 3/10
Harder with just me and you know those big boys want me.

Tanks Tanks Tanks why you gotta be in all my maps played.
Tips: Adrenalines are great for juking tanks. Find a path that fits your play style and a secondary path. Commons and spawn for some reason. Tanks like to mess up your paths with cars. Insted of shooting rocks dodge em. This is one player so tanks are closer to you for some reason.

Urban Flight (Four Gunmen)
Restarts: 4] Hardest map: uf3_harbor ] Easiest map: uf1_boulevard
Time: 1 hour 15 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No] Boomer spawns: Annoying
Challenge 8/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Players: Me, critter
Downs: 18,19,20,21
Boomer biles: 6/10] Pipebomb 4/10] Molotov: 9/10]
I didn't get spot pictures sorry. Overall with 4 players this map is hell and fun.
Nice spots:

With a lack of health items this map is becoming far harder then I thought.
Tips: Get 9 cans for the first tank. There isn't alot of rushing you can do. The maze will ♥♥♥♥ with your ideas. In the finale in the red room hang around the wall. Double team with the gas moving.

first map
Restarts: 2] There is only one map.
Time: 5 minutes] Bad tank spawns?: No tanks appeared] Boomer spawns: Very simple
Challenge: 3/10] Boomer biles needed: 0
Boomer bile: 4/10] Pipebomb: 4/10] Molotov: 4/10
Very short and simple map. just like every other first map.

There is only zombies and a few zombies around making this stupid easy. My only death was a faulty mouse mess up.

Best and Easiest gas cans

Dead Center gas cans

The Passing gas cans
Buds that helped
I know I didn't finish this guide, but I promise to make it perfect. Have a bloody time killing and escaping those One-hit vampires. I am offically doing Custom Campaigns

19 comentarios
Muerte 14 ABR 2018 a las 1:00 p. m. 
Where did you get the four gunmen mutation?
Ben 27 DIC 2017 a las 12:38 p. m. 
Aw www, i thought i would get that urban flight part of the guide for christmas.
Dan  [autor] 9 DIC 2017 a las 6:08 p. m. 
Dont think anything of it. Also the finale scares me
Ben 9 DIC 2017 a las 5:57 p. m. 
Oh, sorry.
Dan  [autor] 9 DIC 2017 a las 5:56 p. m. 
It's fairly hard
Ben 9 DIC 2017 a las 3:12 p. m. 
Where dafuq dat mudafakin' urban flight niBBBBBBBBBBBa
Dan  [autor] 24 NOV 2017 a las 4:41 p. m. 
Whats up my guide viewer i'm anncouncing the I'll do doing the Four Gunmen custom mutation by vil and i'm looking for 3 other players
Cap Viny 23 NOV 2017 a las 6:52 p. m. 
Ben 22 NOV 2017 a las 5:46 p. m. 
Make sure to put Urban Flight as your first custom campaign in this guide. It's VERY popular.
Dan  [autor] 21 NOV 2017 a las 5:34 p. m. 
It is too hard choose another one and i'll do it tomarrow