Banned from Rocket Ski Racing Forums!!
"LMAO, guess my refund request got through to the dev. lol
I originally asked if there was a windowed mode, this was their answer and my subsequent reply."
6 megjegyzés
MTZIGG 2017. aug. 9., 23:39 
ohhhhhnoooo You hewrt his wittle feelings lol
I had dovetails fishig game do that to me for saying it was stupid to buy DLC fish for a fishing game
sumhavok 2017. aug. 8., 12:29 
abndvr64 2017. aug. 7., 19:54 
Ohhh, so now it is the time to give that game the rating that it deserves. LOL Permanent bad - Badge of honor when dealing with people like that. Hang in there man - We all know you rock!
Eagles Fly  [készítő] 2017. aug. 7., 18:14 
No idea but I'm not losing any sleep over it :lol:
General Lee 2017. aug. 7., 18:13 
wtf. the devs must be snowflakes.
Kaijin 2017. aug. 7., 18:11 
WTF??? :pandastunned: