Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

54 ratings
Maximilian's Modular Street Parking
This is my new Street Parking Collection to go along with my Modular Parking Lots Collection. I saw an old Reddit post where someone was searching for non-parallel street parking and I couldn't really find any good ones on the workshop already, so I decided to create some.

To get the most out of these, I suggest using a road anarchy mod in combination with Move It!. I designed these so that they are, in my opinion, the perfect distance away from the road if you use Move It! to overlap one row of the "parks" with the road. I also suggest turning on snapping so they line up perfectly.

In the future, I'll try to come out with some other sizes if I can get it to fit with the other pieces (they'll probably be smaller since hand creating angled parking uses up a lot of the 64 prop limit).

Oh, and these will be found under the "other parks" tab in your "roads" menu - that way they are separate from my parking lots. These should also work for those of you who use LHT.

Decoding the names:
  • #x# = size of asset where the first number is the side facing the road
  • H = handicap spaces
  • R = back-in style parking (for those who wanted it :D)
  • M = mirrored - opposite another asset

Items (19)
Street Parking 4x2
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 M
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 M by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 H
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 H by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 H M
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 H M by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 Right
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 Right by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 Right M
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 Right M by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 Left
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 Left by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 Left M
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 Left M by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 R
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 R by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 R M
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 R M by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 R H
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 R H by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 R H M
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 R H M by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 R Right
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 R Right by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 R Right M
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 R Right M by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 R Left
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 R Left by Maximilian...
Street Parking 4x2 R Left M
Created by Maximilian
Street Parking 4x2 R Left M by Maximilian...
Parking Lines (White)
Created by DeCzaah
Pavement Markings & Line Painting This decal & prop pack is designed as a one stop shop for all your pavement needs. We took a look at what was currently in the workshop and realized there were many diverse parking layouts without a great amount of conform...
Parking Lines Plus
Created by DeCzaah
Pavement Markings, Line Painting, Arrows & Other Decals This pack contains additional assets for the White Parking Lines & Yellow Parking Lines, already available at the workshop. Avanya and BrowncoatTrekky had cool ideas, which had to be done (special tha...
Shopping Center Parking Lot Props
Created by Cristolisto
A pack of props for your parking lots. Great for adding a tad more realism to your shopping center parking lots. Includes: -Shopping Cart Return Prop -Handicap Parking Sign -Two versions of a parking lot light pole Use the More Beautification Mod to place ...