The Letter
206 valoraciones
Flow Chart Guide (Finished)
Por Rowan Noctis y 1 colaboradores
This guide will help the the player unlock all flowchart options, as well as unlocking all endings.
Chapter 1
Click on the image below to view full size flow chart for chapter 1 depicting every story update, question, affection points, and endings. This guide is NOT spoiler free.

To zoom in: click the image, then click the link above it, then click he image again. This should make the flowchart readable.

Chapter 2
Same instructions as previous image

Chapter 3
Same instructions as previously. Please comment and let me know if there are any errors--the first two were rather simple, but they are getting harder to track the further I go.

Chapter 4
Same instructions as before.

Thank you Relle and Celethang for helping me with errors!

Have any issues or question please comment below

Chapter 5
Same instructions as the previous ones. I had to add a part 2 because the image got too big for Steam. The second one picked up after Rebecca leaves housewarming party.

This one was a real pain in the butt, so if there are any errors please let me know--and thank you both Relle and Celethang for your help with this chapter. I could not have finished it without you two.

Part 1

Part 2

Chapter 6
Finally, the most arduous and grueling chapter is finished--mostly. There are two story updates that I cannot trigger: the first one is Ashton does not confess to Isabella, but Zach is alive yet Rebecca is dead. I have no idea how to make Ashton not confess to Isabella when Rebecca is dead. The second one is when only Zach is left alive, but Isabella is in a coma, and Ashton leaves the bar to grab the letter from Isabella at the hospital. This scene is broken and we have to wait for the Devs to patch it to unlock it.

Edit: The One of the previous story update mentioned above ( Ashton does not confess to Isabella/Zach alive/Rebecca dead ) has been removed from the game completely; however the second one is still not unlockable and we still must wait for a patch.

Edit: Both broken nodes are fixed! Huzzah!

Other than that--everything SHOULD be fine, but as you know this chapter was HUGE, and the chance of an error is high. Please comment below if you notice any errors or issues.

Since the file is so huge, the only way I can share it is through a link. Once you click on the link below, click the "connect with more apps" then choose OR it may appear as "open with" above the image (make sure you have a Google account and you are signed in). In this copy, you can make notes or changes, but they will only appear to you. If you would like your notes or changes to stay for you, then you can make a copy for yourself.
chapter 7
I am finally done! Thank you everyone for all your help and patience during this process! I am thrilled to be done, however, you guessed it, there are still some bugs that cause some story nodes to be broken. I will briefly outline them:

1. This story node is in every single one of Hannah's routes, and it is the one that should trigger when Isabella, Zachary, and Rebecca are dead, AND Ashton dies. Hannah needs to say the line, "How does it feel to die alone?"
2. This one is during the route where Isabella, Zachary, Marianne, and Ashton are alive. The one that is being skipped over is when Hannah is alive and chose to take a break from Luke, but Zachary and Marianne both have low affection for her. This node is when she is punching Luke.
3.This one is during the route where only Marianne is left alive. This one is when Luke turns around to flee from Takako/Hannah dead or possessed and run into the door behind him. This one will say the correct line depending on whether Hannah is alive or not, but will only trigger the story node associated to when Hannah is alive.

This one was also huge, so follow the same instructions as shown in chapter 6.

Thank you again!
107 comentarios
Dustcan 4 JUN a las 19:48 

Huzzah it works.

Thanks for the help, even so long after you helped others.
Nert 4 JUN a las 18:52 
tinyurl dot com /TheLetterSVG should also go there now if that's easier to type
Nert 4 JUN a las 18:50 
You have to put in the address with the /TheLetter/ on the end - this thread for whatever reason deletes all links!
Dustcan 30 MAY a las 23:27 
Looking back in this thread, Princess Hentai's link to Ashton's chapter 6 works. Thanks immensely!

But I still need help for a link to chapter 7's flowchart.
Dustcan 30 MAY a las 23:20 

Got a link? I tried going to that site but couldn't find a page for this game.
Nert 19 MAY a las 10:21 
www manylemons co uk /TheLetter/ has chapter 6 and 7 as an SVG!
Dustcan 18 MAY a las 22:12 
I click on the links to the Chapter 6 and 7 flowcharts but it won't let me zoom in enough. I then download the image but when I do zoom in it's too blurry to make out.

Any help?
Prodigious 17 DIC 2023 a las 21:04 
The flow chart image looks like shit. Can barely read. Unlocking everything is a pain in the ass.
Nert 25 AGO 2023 a las 2:08 
Yep! I think it's the software couldn't handle an image that large as it's just blacked out beyond that part but the missing section is that second image.. I don't have access to the originals used to create them or I'd make SVGs like I did for 6 and 7!
iloveallkindsofanime 24 AGO 2023 a las 15:09 
So in other words, Chapter 5 has a long flowchart that had to be made into two part pictures?