:mtccrown: [guns.lol]
336 vurderinger
heize 17. juni kl. 0.25 
rab 17. juni kl. 0.16 
blah blah blah yap in the comments below
shadowluvxtc 17. juni kl. 0.04 
we dont like cheaters, if ur a cheater at least afford a better mic while ur at it brokie. best buy has some headsets that are 50% off :steambored:
shadowluvxtc 17. juni kl. 0.00 
So bad still claiming hax. Plus Id rather ♥♥♥♥ ride than switch/tk and throw a temper tantrum. Autism much? Remind me when you post up that vid so I can watch your embarrassment again :)
Lolzerz 16. juni kl. 23.57 
So bad still claiming hax. Plus Id rather ♥♥♥♥ ride than switch/tk and throw a temper tantrum. Autism much? Remind me when you post up that vid so I can watch your embarrassment again :)
heize 16. juni kl. 23.55 
yeah, you and your stack were using no recoil and having your screen shake like hell. it's a shame you can't toggle it on your own team so you get raped by our shotguns :D