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3 people found this review helpful
1,374.6 hrs on record (1,104.5 hrs at review time)
Team Fortress 2 is one of the games I classify as an "Everybody" game. What I mean by that, is that everybody should be given a chance to play it at least once, whether it be at a friends house, just to try out, or even to play full session.

TF 2 is a free to play multiplayer FPS game. It isn't the stereotypical "shoot everything you see" game though. This game has nine playable classes to choose from. Every one of them has a unique aspect to them. I'm not going to spoil them for you, as a better approach, you should watch the "Meet The Classes" videos to get a better description of them.

Every class also has their individual weaknesses. Whether it be the Sniper and the Spy, or if it would be the medic and the soldier. Though the community isn't really based upon the basics of the game. They're are purchasable items that everybody and you even, will most likely want at some point. The hats. The coats. The accessories that that one person had that you wanted, but he just killed you and went on his way etc.

Resting my case on the items, they're are many styles of gameplay one can take on, making the game have no really OP (Overpowered) people in it. Team Fortress 2 focuses heavily on skill with the individual classes, and while the classes have they're own assortment of community made weapons to choose from, they're is still always something to over-counter it.
Posted April 8, 2021.
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