You know what skin color you shouldn't be proud of being? Purple. Cause one time there was this guy who was purple named William Afton and he killed Five Kids. He killed Freddy five bears who when he died tried to hide. He killed Bonnie the bunny who threw hands before he died. He killed Chica the kitchen who like screamed before she died or something. And. And he also kill Foxy the fox pirate roar who is running or something, and there was also Freddy 5 bear but yellow who was... he was yellow. and Willaim afton had this guy he was this guy named Henry Emily who was pink and pink is ok but purple isn't. And Henry emily and this daughter who was like a puppet or something
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Antonious Jan 24 @ 6:54pm 
Der Eisendrache type ♥♥♥♥.:demoticon:
epik_guy Apr 16, 2021 @ 4:43pm 
epic gamingness