Free Palestine
Free Palestine
Veganism is the radical notion that it's wrong to torture and kill others for fun.

“Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines that everybody else is saying,... or else you say something which in fact is true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune.”
― Noam Chomsky
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Every anti-vegan argument ever made
"BuT LiOns ThO" aka "it's natural, it's circle of life, food chain, animals eat other animals, humans are omnivores, etc."

Is-ought gap. It has been understood for a few centuries. Might wanna look into it.

"it's PeRsONAL cHOice" aka "don't force your morals on me"

Being a pdf file is a personal choice, don't force your morals on me! Also, maybe don't make normative claims that are self-undermining, could help your case. (And before you respond the way I know you're going to, maybe learn how counter-examples function in logic)

"Plants are alive too!"
And yet no brain, just like you

"CrOp dEAThs tHo"
Good thing the 100 billion farm animals killed and tortured every year eat only air, that way we can avoid crop deaths by eating them.

Where do you think the animals you eat get their protein from? There is, in fact, protein in plants. It's also just as good for muscle synthesis. And eating only plants lowers your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes - the three biggest killers of humans. So don't pretend there are nutritional reasons to eat meat. You're doing it for pleasure, that's it.

If any of these obnoxiously brain-dead arguments even crossed your mind, then there isn't even a scintilla of grey matter left in your head.

Free Palestine Jun 4 @ 3:29am 
[N¹'] Noob helliumbot: ♥♥♥♥♥-your-a-cheater
[N¹'] Noob helliumbot: tf

Im getting kicked and blocked by reputation now l o l
Free Palestine Jun 2 @ 4:25am 
dezeo: i have more hours than you

dezeo Jun 1 @ 9:48pm 
another cheater lfd2 only this one is poor af with his aimbot lol
Free Palestine Jun 1 @ 11:06am 
ham Jun 1 @ 10:03am 
Fighting Man May 31 @ 6:18am 
average closet l4d2 cheater