Why do I cheat in TF2? Why not?
Do you refuse to cheat in Team Fortress 2 because you truly believe it to be wrong, or is it a belief others slowly instilled upon you?
Let your imagination define how you approach and obtain satisfaction from playing Team Fortress 2.
Important #SaveTF2 plan info!
There will be no "saving" of TF2. Valve does not, and will not ever care about you. You will continue to complain about TF2. You will continue to play TF2. You will continue to plead for anything to happen. You will continue to play TF2. You will collectively scream into the void as loud as you can on social media. You will continue to play TF2. You will continue to purchase items for TF2. Cheaters will continue to purchase items for TF2. Hackers will continue to run bots that kill everyone, emboldened by your temper tantrums. Cheaters will continue to kill you. You will continue to give bot hosters and cheaters what they want. I will continue to cheat and kill you. And through it all you will continue to play TF2.

If Valve cared about the bots and cheaters they'd have found a way to get rid of them. Whether that's incorporating some oppressive anticheat like Easy or putting in a trust factor system like CSGO. Bots bring in a bit of extra money for Valve with voice/chat, hitman's heatmakers, and occasional noisemaker purchases. They bring in more money than they lose from people quitting. Valve is inactionable on this issue, not incompetent.

Put another way, Valve will ban Tacobot users because they negatively affect the sales of Mann Up. Tickets. They will not seek to stop bot hosters because people continue to play the game and purchase items despite constant bots. Your screaming on social media will accomplish nothing more than invigorating bot hosters to run more bots, which will earn Valve more money, which will decrease the likelihood of them ever "Fixing TF2."

Even if you want to boycott TF2 until a solution is reached, very few others will. It is incredibly unlikely that it would reach a critical mass that could force Valve to bend the knee. If you somehow did, they would probably just shut the game down and say it was due to low performance and issues with bots. But wouldn't that screw them over and jackknife their entire company? What would happen if they shut down TF2? CSGO's markets would be untouched because the game is still getting professional-level support and people are still constantly purchasing cases. The game has not recently been in any danger of shutting down. Valve's main revenue streams in the form of 30% cuts of all title purchases will only minimally be affected. They hold the power to make millions and possibly billions of dollars worth of items completely worthless while pocketing the change, while cutting item, market, snd game server costs. It's not wise to fight a nuclear bomb, and it's also not wise to play Gandhi against it either. You must adapt. Thus your meaningful choices are as follows.

You may cheat.
Cheating can help you fight back against bots. It can be done skillfully or stealthilly, to enable meme playstyles, or to punish even the slightest transgressions of people you believe have crossed you or others. Or perhaps you just want to stomp servers. What you wish to do with cheats is only bound by your imagination, not by user skill.

You may quit.
You may choose to exit the game entirely, leaving behind bittersweet memories. An unfortunate truth is that all good things must eventually end.

You may endure.
Perhaps I am wrong and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe you find cheating morally unforgivable, or do not want to risk many years worth of items with memories and stories attached. I am not in any position to criticize in this regard.

To thine own self be true.
Artwork Showcase
The Fortress moments!
76561198929042069lolxd 17 hours ago 
that's your choice and it's ok.
thengamer88 | #FixTF2 17 hours ago 
at least i don't need cheats to enjoy my old games
PhlØg Mαʂƚҽɾ Jun 9 @ 12:48am 
76561198929042069lolxd Jun 8 @ 10:09pm 
Where yo dad at hoe
-rep very yucky and sad being :3
Pills Here Jun 6 @ 7:50am 
Crazy Demoman