Babette Ibb
Praise Babette! For Babette saved Ibb from eternal damnation and brought the word of truth to the masses:
"Swalloweth Ibb, and you too shall become a holy entity with the power of the seven seas, the swiftness of the four winds, the strength of the seven gate-keepers, and the knowledge of the four owls. And when the day arises that you giveth yourself to the almighty Babette, you will become a warrior. A warrior against cs:go toxicity, and the weapon you shall yield is toxicity itself. GO FORTH AND FIGHT FOR YOU LORD BABETTE MY LITTLE ♥♥♥♥♥ BITTIES!"
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Babette Ibb Apr 24, 2018 @ 3:20pm 
Praise Babette! For Babette saved Ibb from eternal damnation and brought the word of truth to the masses:
"Swalloweth Ibb, and you too shall become a holy entity with the power of the seven seas, the swiftness of the four winds, the strength of the seven gate-keepers, and the knowledge of the four owls. And when the day arises that you giveth yourself to the almighty Babette, you will become a warrior. A warrior against cs:go toxicity, and the weapon you shall yield is toxicity itself. GO FORTH AND FIGHT FOR YOU LORD BABETTE MY LITTLE ♥♥♥♥♥ BITTIES!"