United Kingdom (Great Britain)
This is the account where i return every item and give away all my spares as once this is over you won't hear from me again. I plan to appeal my ban, but either way, i am not sure how i am going to deal with things irl.


So these are ALL account i own/have owned i the past. I have never used them to scam or deceive people, nor have i used them to hide my identity or cause mischief. These are just accounts i've made over the years and as you'll be able to see from some of the levels/ game play time, i never really stuck with them. I am a very strange man, with some very bazaar and difficult mental health illnesses. There's no excuse for the action i made on the 06/08/17, (sorry Americans). I am putting everything right that i can. I have lost the one person who meant the world to me, many close friends and overall people i enjoyed spending time with by performing my action. I also promise this is not why i regret doing what i did. I am not a scammer, i will never be a scammer. There are no excuses, no justification. I just hope once i have returned what i owe, and maybe more if i have it. That i can begin to build trust with friends again. If not, i do not blame any of you. I am sorry for the wall of text, and i am far more sorry for the issues i've caused when i was not in a good state of mine. I take full responsibility and will do anything and everything to put it right. Thank you for taking the time to read this. It means a lot.

I will add i will be away for a month or so, not just from these accounts but from Steam completely, gives me time to deal with my irl stuff and mental illnesses a bit more. The plan is to focus on that before coming back to fresh start. I care for the community, even if the Pyro update won't ever come out. :) I wish you all the best especially the people that stuck with me when i was at my worst. Thank you.
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