Call me Daddy
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Gia Hancock Jun 4 @ 1:12am 
wow legend its u? ^^
ISSAI May 23 @ 2:50pm 
siema, dodaj do znaj prosze, mam pytanie
drunk bee May 2 @ 2:56am 
-rep not very sociable

called me a degenerate loser but looking at these profile comments I think hes projecting a bit.....
Domynyk May 2 @ 2:21am 
On NA 163, on EU TOP 100000000000
Spaz Apr 26 @ 5:29pm 
I find it funny how I leave a comment calling you out on your hours and then they instantly drop by almost a full hour. Not trying to put you down or anything, I'm genuinely happy that you are making a positive change in your life. It is kind of funny that my comment would have such a strong effect on you instantly, I mean I guess it makes sense since you look up to me. I at least deserve partial credit for this, you can remember July 6th as the day you turned your life around (or rather I turned your life around lol). You wouldn't know this but in the real world there's no !r, so watch out. Whatever happens, happens. See you at the top, kid.
nVy Apr 26 @ 5:18pm 
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