竈門 炭治郎   Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan
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MariO- 15 Apr 2022 @ 9:28am 
just eat ur pignoys ♥♥♥♥♥♥
poor dogs
MariO- 15 Apr 2022 @ 9:22am 
trash talk and cry
5k play so trash
poor eng
halimaw mag dota 19 Nov 2021 @ 10:02pm 
76561199043751595 16 Agu 2020 @ 3:19pm 
you play like a god 🔥 add me pls
Security check #372 5 Apr 2020 @ 3:05pm 
Good afternoon, dear Steam user!
in connection with the economic crisis in the world, statistics of demand and purchase of game items decreased by 62%
Since the need for items has dropped, our site www.niceskins.store is conducting a prize draw!
Your Steam account won items!
* Hair of the Survivor
* Diabolic Aspect
* Scorching Talon
* Vigil Triumph
* Genuine Kantusa the Script Sword
* Unusual Baby Roshan
* Dark Artistry Cape
* Mace of Aeons
* Gem Pack: Red
* Insatiable Bonesaw
* Soul Diffuser
* Eternal Machine Head
Be sure to use the code "JYV77ZW" by which we check the winner.
Frederica 24 Mar 2020 @ 3:25pm 
嗨!我想为你们所有人Dota 2至宝武器交易我的尊享剑心之遗Dota 2至宝武器。如果您同意请发送给我蒸汽交易报价。交易URL在我的个人资料中
(Hello I want to trade my Exalted Bladeform Legacy Juggernaut Arcana for all your Data 2 loading screens. Send me offer if you agree - trade url in my profile)
"rich" hahahahahahahahaha