Gavin's Got Coldhands
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Vexipha May 19 @ 1:08pm 
this dude is chill asf. also has some cold hands. :leaCheese:
Dorag May 16 @ 2:25am 
w riz plus rep
Dorag May 16 @ 2:24am 
gavin short hands we love you fun time pla ying toehtger twe played a like scp toghether and he um liek repsected women a lot
AC/5 Enjoyer May 9 @ 7:46am 
+rep bro remembered his promise (we spent like the entire match talking about a gay lesbian game)
sleepyzz ʕ -㉨- ʔ Apr 30 @ 2:41pm 
really chill guy to chat with and have around on lc, would be down to play again :)
Eduard_S_Monke Apr 11 @ 7:25am 
wise blahaj owner